Friday, 21 June 2019

Fighting Fake News 21/6/19; Fake News Murdoch Media leads the pack; Your being watched bythe state; Aus Labour being totally scammed and powerless; War rather than peace; Renewables would make the world safer;

  1. Victoria's crime rate stable, as police warn community 'hammered' with negative reporting

Victorian police say social media and negative reporting are stoking fears in the community despite the state's crime rate remaining stable over the last 12 months.

Figures released by the Crime Statistics Agency on Thursday show the rate of reported crime has remained unchanged while the number of reported offences has risen by 0.5 per cent.
Over the 12 months, police processed 178,731 offenders — the highest ever recorded — while the total number of victims was the lowest since the records began in 2004.

Sensible discussion in a surveillance state

Sensible discussion in a surveillance state

Peter Dutton says he wants a sensible discussion about new powers to spy on Australians. So let's have one.

Capital and labour  This is a personal view of some of the issues involved

The 7-Eleven scandal highlighted another situation where employees were treated disgustingly with no oversight of how the system was working. This is a continuing problem, especially for overseas students.
Another issue of concern has been the proliferation of labour-hire agencies. It is common practice for mining companies, needing labour for routine site maintenance, to use a labour-hire company.
Those who gain work this way are not always paid superannuation for all hours worked, nor paid for travel time, and their booking can be cancelled at short notice while any criticism will mean they receive no more offers. Naturally, the amount paid by the mining company is not paid in full to the individual engaged by the labour-hire firm.
All of this illustrates only too clearly how a large part of the labour force is totally without any power in the employment area, and those engaged by labour-hire firms are not even eligible to belong to a union.
The dice is now so heavily loaded against labour that capital is laughing all the way to the bank!
And the RBA wonders why wages have flat-lined!

 The big FAKE point Bolt makes as does Graham Lloyd is that Australia is meeting it's targets when it's patently not and Angus Taylor's late report issued showed exactly that. Starting with mocking International efforts and winding up with a lie shows the calibre of Bolt's interview to really delve into the truth of a matter he doesn't believe in at all. 
Transition is slow it seems that's reason Bolt is against it. No mention that Fossil Fuels are no longer the cheapest source of energy, only that they still remain the largest. No mention that the 8% is actually 17% when electricity is taken into account. No mention that the biggest players in the energy industry are all diversifying to renewables and away from Fossil Fuels. No mention that India with 1.3 bill has in 2 years caught up with the rest of the world in renewable power and even Adani is divesting away from his interests in Fossil Fuels.
Every reason Andrew Bolt to not sabre rattle as you and Molan were doing but to put the accelerator on renewable energy, the production of EV's and turning on the gas in this country rather than so much reliance on Fossil Fuels. You laugh at that solution but seem to prefer a violent one instead, sending young Australians to possible war. All the way with LBJ has become do it for  Trump. That is sabre rattling, and you are demanding we join the US when the other 5 Eye Nations aren't. 

Somehow it would be interesting if the ADF brought back conscription how eager would you be to send your sons to war as you seem to be to send the sons of other Australians. You can't even deny that maybe the US is flying a false flag when it comes to Iran. After all, they did it in Vietnam and Iraq and have a history of doing just that, finding excuses for permanent war which has become their business. 
 Anthony Albanese


VIDEO New Labor leader Anthony Albanese is in the wars. He picked the wrong issue in attacking union boss John Setka, faces a Labor mutiny as he toys with blocking tax cuts, and has a Home Affairs spokesman, Kristina Keneally, all over the shop on border policy. My editorial from The Bolt Report.


Mutiny in the ALP that's about as valid a call as the Death Taxes Labor was going to introduce during the election. Fake News yes it is. The CFMEU is not the Parliamentary Labor Party, and it's members aren't all members of the ALP. The division Bolt is implying is not what he's making out to be. Let's face it the Liberal Party showed us what division was all about and did it for 6 years. They have thrown an ex-PM and an ex-leader Fraser and Hewson out of their Party. What makes Bolt believe for one moment the union will stop donating to the ALP Has anybody noticed that Bolt isn't talking to anybody in the ALP that he's talking for them instead?

Liberal Party has had their member steal a million dollars and tried to hush it up so why is Bolt on his high horse trying his darndest to beat this up? He's even defending Sekta. Because he's a propaganda machine for the Liberal Party rather than an information provider for his audience. Yet Sky claims to be Fair and Balanced. No mention by Bolt about the Royal Commission's findings into those crooked Unions he's on about. They were found to be positively lily white. They run the best Super Funds and are less corrupt than any Liberal MP's who are constantly found with their snouts in the expense account trough.
Bolt moves on to tax cuts and actually says the ALP refuses to give them to "half" the Aus population suggesting half earn over $200k now that's fake news less than 10% of the workforce earn that much. Bolt makes out that's "millions" of Australians. Sorry but false again.

As for Bolt's distraction about the Medivac Bill well it's to make out that Dutton has totally gone from being the worst Health Minister to now the worst Immigration one. 100,000 Asylum Seekers arrived by plane last year paid and assisted by the people smugglers. because they can work and pay off their debt in the meantime.
Dutton can't even call them "illegals". Our whole immigration system is 'fucked" and any wonder Dutton was calling for a reduction. It simply amplifies the political pawns he made of those on Manus and Nauru treated as deplorables for the sake of a political argument.  Bolt is blowing smoke in the faces of his audience.

 Fake News sure is. The agnostic Bolt supports the notion of a MIRACLE WIN. There was no such thing unless you consider a media budget X4 times the size of the ALPs backed by Murdoch Media.
If you take into account the ALP actually got more votes then the LNP hardly had a mandate. 
  A quick scan of the results in the table below shows that the ALP got more direct votes that the Liberal Party. In fact, you have to add the Liberal Party, LNP and Nationals (all different political parties when it suits them) together to beat the ALP figure
 Clicking this link will take you to the up to date figures at the time you are reading.
Which actually shows that the ALP got 5% more votes than Morrison and the Liberal Party 760,000 more votes in fact. So much for the MIRACLE
Party 2019 Vote
Liberal Party 3,943,957
Liberal National Party (Queensland) 1,230,442
The Nationals 639,412
Country Liberals (NT) 38,557
Australian Labor Party 4,669,111
The Greens 1,456,890
United Australia Party 483,713
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation 435,037
Animal Justice Party 115,474
Independents 475,399
Informal 822,819
All other political groupings received under 100,000 votes.

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