Tax negotiations jeopardised as Dutton angers crossbench
Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has put a 'cordial relationship' at risk with his eagerness to repeal refugee transfers.
Senator Griff said the government’s rhetoric was “all about creating fear” and that Mr Dutton’s claim about more arrivals was an “outright lie” because the law only applied to asylum seekers already on Manus Island and Nauru.
“Anyone else who goes to Manus or anywhere else is not covered by this bill,” he said.
“Anyone else who goes to Manus or anywhere else is not covered by this bill,” he said.
“At this stage, the minister is effectively spinning misinformation. The law is not a mechanism to open the floodgates to Australia.”
He seems to ignore the 100,000 that came by plane last year and how his concern for asylum seekers drowning is ignored by encouraging boats to go from Africa to South America. Dutton's "floodgates" are 32 people transported here due to the Medevac Bill (ODT)
'He's seriously just gone and made up a number again'
Medical transfer requests from 50 refugees and asylum seekers are being reviewed by support organisations ahead of a final referral to the government, activists say, disputing Peter Dutton's claim that 250 cases are in the queue.
Mr Dutton's claim that "two doctors from Nimbin" could bring offshore detainees to Australia ignores the process set up by refugee and asylum-seeker support groups. He's a total farce as a responsible Minister.
"These statements have never been true, and now there is ample evidence on the public record that shows Mr Dutton is not speaking in facts, but scaremongering."
Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg's greatest lie the Australian Economy has been managed well (ODT)
And now for the good news… the economy is awful.
The Australian stock market has been on a tear after taking a thumping late last year, notching up one of the strongest performances in the world. And things will only get better as the global economic news gets worse, writes Ian Verrender.
Global debt now stands at more than $US250 trillion ($360 trillion), more than three times it's level 20 years ago, much of it backed by property.
Having painted themselves into a corner by issuing so much debt and printing so much cash, central banks, including our own Reserve Bank, are now so frightened about the potentially catastrophic impact of a downturn in either stock or property markets, that they are prepared to do almost anything to avoid it.
Market values must be maintained.
It's a great strategy for anyone who owns a home or has a share portfolio. For those who don't, it's a recipe for disaster — or at the very least a widening of inequality and the wealth gap.
Andrew Bolt continues to bullshit about the safety of Nuclear Power but:
Fukushima's Three Nuclear Meltdowns Are "Under Control" — That's a Lie
Major newspapers largely leave a new report of sexual assault by Trump off their front pages
The next day, several major newspapers failed to report the story on their front pages, even though it is horrific, detailed, and extremely similar to the accounts of numerous other women. It also echoes comments Trump has made in the past, saying in 2005, “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
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