Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Fighting Fake News, 25/6/19; Bolt and the O'Reilly factor ... none; 70% of Australians are in favour of Marriage Equality; The Hypocrites here claim to be Australians;

Bill O'Reilly Ventures Out Of Exile For A Racist Rant

Bill O'Reilly Ventures Out Of Exile For A Racist Rant

Andrew Bolt's role model turned out to be the real deal, and it wasn't just the job. Bolt's the real deal too, but he grew into it over 30 plus years. What he didn't learn was to be able to convince people that he wasn't fake and just doing his job badly. (ODT)


Yes, Bolt's modelled himself on Bill O'Reilly who also shows his racist credentials. Bolt talks of children and excessive compassion and we have seen over time of what it is he thinks of them if they are migrants, refugees, coloured, not Christian, from a different culture, indigenous, fundamentally not like him or his kids. Differences in any one or more combinations spell danger for Andrew Bolt. A danger, a paranoia to blow out of proportion scaremonger about particularly if any one of these goes off the rails. 

Indigenous Australian children were shown compassion by people like Bolt once which he'd like practised more. They were removed in their thousands from their families because people like Bolt said it was for their betterment. Have you noticed Bolt rarely asks who actually benefited, the outcome no but he will readily tell you it was good?  He will point out that not enough was done because 66% of Indigenous Australians remain unassimilated culture-bound and irresponsible, and he points to Adam Goodes as proof.

 Do you ever hear Bolt talk about the systemic lockout these kids and their families experienced.? The minute a European refugee got off a boat, banks were there to offer them loans jobs and various other forms of assistance that would lock them into the system of financial debt called betterment and capital gains. Indigenous Australians were locked out; they didn't get equal pay, bank loans for a house and education. Bolt's lazy answer blame them.

We have seen just how Indigenous Australia's first refugees have been locked out of the system for 100s of years generation after generation and Bolt blames their culture and themselves for their personal history of irresponsibility. Even convicts having served their time were welcomed into Australian society.  Bolt never speaks of his responsibility to ensure the inclusiveness by merit. Yes, he mythologises about it but avoids the reality because it's more who you know and not what and more manageable if you're white. Many of the refugees that come here are better educated, better skilled speak more languages and far better experienced than Bolt and his children. Yet, while he too was the son of economic refugees less excluded from opportunity as are indigenous Australians even today he has the ignorance to sing "who let them in" of others simply because "they aren't like us". He' does it and  his greatest shame he's prepared to do it to individuals cases of children to further generalise and avoid the more pressing questions of our responsibility

There has been more violence and death caused by criminals who are white Christian and wear in suits like Bolt that have caused economic terror on a mass scale and continue to do on industrial levels who have gone unchecked. Yet Bolt points out 4 very different people and amplifies them to generalise negatively to communities they might or might not have ever been a part of. He tears down those that actually have succeeded Yassmin Abdel Magied Waleed Aly have all felt his spite. There are people like Ita's Buttrose's nephew, drug dealer. Loan sharks who prey on the poor. Whole industries that have killed people through criminal actions that have gone unprosecuted. Many more dangerous people who look like Andrew Bolt than they do some 60 Australian orphans that are a danger to Australis. In fact, Andrew Bolt has assisted in grooming some like the Christchurch mass shooter, and we let him continue to get away with it.



Malcolm Turnbull's fast-shrinking friendship group will shrink again once Bishop reads this: "Peter Dutton [said] Mr Turnbull offered him the role of deputy Liberal leader in favour of Julie Bishop [during Dutton's leadership challenge]. 'I said to him, given what had just taken place, that wasn’t credible and it wasn’t his to gift either.'”  

1h Link


How believable is this "Dutton said".... Reported here by Andrew Bolt.

Phishing for subs. Nobody has to attack Bolt; he does it all himself. Remember he also said he'd vacation in Chernobyl and lunch on fish caught off Chernobyl. That's Bolt science for you just blowing wind about a bucket list of things he wouldn't do. Like holiday in Australia. Barry obviously hit a nerve.
The nerve being, what Andrew Bolt didn't point out that the costs of Nuclear energy are totally overpriced, and the very opposite of what Bolt argues for energy. Yes, a Bently does get people from A to be but at what cost?
Barry's botched attack on Credlin wasn't that botched when you consider Adani is divesting away from coal in India and is one of the country's biggest investors in renewables. Nor did Credlin mention India is spending 50:50 on renewables and coal and has in 2 years raised its energy output via renewables to the almost the largest in the world and at the same time reduced the costs to less than coal. Nothing mentioned about this by Credlin's Adani advertorial. It was all spin no information by Sky as per "what do you expect"?

Israel Folau's controversial appeal for financial assistance for his legal fight against Rugby Australia has been shut down by GoFundMe Australia.

Christian Lobby throws $100k into new Folau fund

The Australian Christian Lobby will kick off the relaunch of Israel Folau's crowd-sourced fighting fund as soon as today to the tune of $100k so they say.
The ACL is big on the talk but weak when it comes to the walk pledging 3% of Folau's fighting fund and trying to grab a huge chunk of the political publicity for itself in return. Even worse is Andrew Bolt throwing zip into the fund and trying to grab the publicity and ratings for himself. 
Sky and News Corp sell themselves to advertisers based on those ratings. How much revenue does one think Bolt's 160,000 a week National audience brings Sky in terms of $$? What does it cost to produce his little show for 4 nights? It hardly seems worth the effort flogging Australia as a Christian Nation given the paltry sum he and the ACL have put in to fund Folau and the marriage equality vote was a commanding 70+% yes.
One fact seems to be overlooked; however, Folau might be a Christian and anti-gay but not all Christians or Christian organisations are. It seems another case of the tail trying to wag the dog.

But I simply want to make the point that I don’t remember most of the free speech warriors who are telling us that Israel Folau has a right to tweet whatever he wants because of his religious beliefs were strangely silent when McIntyre was sacked.

 Scott McIntyre, Lest We, Forget... - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Remember Yassmin

Image result for Andrew Bolts image


GoFundMe has banned a fundraising page for Israel Folau, sacked for quoting the Bible's teaching on gays. It says "we do not tolerate the promotion of discrimination or exclusion", yet discriminates against and excludes this Christian. More hypocrisy: GoFundMe allows fundraising for an Islamic Centre. Has it seen Islam's preaching on gays? 


On the one hand religious bodies (ie Catholic Church) are petitioning for the right to 'hire and fire' those they deem 'unfit to employ' and yet are up in arms when Rugby Australia 'appear' to be doing the same thing? 
Andrew Bolt has spent a lot of energy helping remove people from their jobs Yassmin Abdel- Magied for one What is a Hypocrite who can't admit to his own Hypocrisy? Andrew Bolt shows himself to be one of the biggest of those in his purported defence of Folau under his right to free speech. I can't recall him defending Yassmin that way, can you? Bolt calls himself Australian and climbs on his very un-Aussie moral high horse showing yet again his distaste for this country.
 He's just returned from holidaying in the Socialist Netherlands where his arguments in favour of the ACL Folau and Mosques would be simply laughed at for their hypocrisy. Australia is a diverse, multicultural and tolerant Nation. Bolt's and the ACL minority might capture the soundbites but not the spirit of the majority. The fact that they don't make them hypocrites maintaining they are the voice and spirit of the majority.
 Firstly Folou's action on social media was really "trolling" and went against his contract with the NRL. Secondly, he openly vilified a minority and defended his vilification of gays in the community on religious grounds. When"The sciences of biology, anthropology, zoology and human psychology all confirm that same-sex orientation is fixed, natural, healthy, occurs throughout nature, is confined to a discrete percentage of the population and poses no threat to anyone. Simultaneously, the religious disciplines of biblical scholarship, linguistics, theology, church history and pastoral studies are guiding a parallel reformation within the religious communities."
Filou isn't the victim here, in fact, he's the voice of systemic oppression against gays that's been employed for centuries but never more so than in a society that disallowed same gender sex and marriage of gays because it endangered the structure inheritance and  property laws that provided for the maintenance of class and wealth in society.
But the greater hypocrisy is Bolt's suggesting an equivalence between raising money to build a Mosque, Folau's $3mill funding of his case against the NRL, but more so Go Fund Me's recognition of a difference between the two that Bolt tries to demands doesn't exist. The building of a Mosque isn't an act of vilification Folau's is and Andrew Bolt's declaring him a victim of some left movement is an act of denial that extreme Christianity like Folau's is, in fact, an act of ultra-conservative oppression of others when the fact is not all Christianity is."Churches which now accept same-sex marriage include the United and Anglican Churches of Canada, the Episcopal Church in the USA, the Uniting Church in Australia, the Anglican Church in New Zealand, the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, the Church of England, the Church of Denmark, The Church of Iceland, The Church of Sweden, the Scottish Episcopal Church and most Lutheran, United and Reformed Protestant churches in the UK, Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland and Italy.
Liberal Jewish communities celebrate same-sex unions in many places, as do some Buddhist and Hindu communities. Dialogue is continuing within Islam.". (ODT)
 Israel Folau and the anti-gay lobby kicking against the breeze

All the laughter in the world generally comes from hypocrites and Bolt is one of the biggest. The fact is now evident that this is less of a religious event than a political one. The ACL wouldn't hesitate to fire someone for disagreeing with them Folau church would claim the right to kick someone out who disagreed with their beliefs. Yet they claim Israel has been persecuted. All the Ho Ho-ing by Bolt doesn't prove he's right or anything GoFundMe's is wrong. 70% of Australia still voted for Marriage Equality that doesn't mean that 30 % voted against it or that the ACL really donated anything to the cause. I'm sure Bolt shared the cost as he has done by "investing" in Coal and so many other things he says he champions.
The man on Manus that set himself alight will not be treated as mentally ill but charged instead with attempted suicide guess that's under the advice of the Australian Homeland Minister. Isn't that somehow a thought crime he's being charged for? Where is Bolt jumping to defend him? It seems Dutton's compassion is showing.
 Peter FitzSimons

The people have spoken, and now Folau should listen.


Peter FitzSimons
"As a company, we are absolutely committed to the fight for equality for LGBTIQ+ people and fostering an environment of inclusivity. While we welcome GoFundMes engaging in diverse civil debate, we do not tolerate the promotion of discrimination or exclusion."
Sacked Wallaby might have to dip into his own pocket to fund a legal appeal - or Alan Jones might have to help. Andrew Bolt certainly won't help

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