Thursday, 1 August 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real; 1/8/19 Bolt's desperate to maintain the myth of merit for his own sake. Women can't be trusted with birth control;

Adam Goodes has made Andrew Bolt Internationaly Famous tonight in the International Film Festival. Will Andrew Bolt be nominated for a genuine offensive Racist award at last tonight? He's been overlooked for such a long time.

" That’s not just because it shows she’s as vacuous and vain as she is arrogant."
Bolt's hatred of Markle is the same as his hatred of Jassmin Abdel Magied "fright bats" anybody he perceives as being an ungrateful traitor to the elite and blowing up his and their myth of merit. Markle is the very opposite of Andrew Bolt, the sycophant dish licker of inherited privilege disguised as merit. It's because his career has been solely based on supporting the very unreal myths the Duchess an American realises no longer really count for anything in the 21rst Century. The woman's a realist and Harry her husband supports her realism. Whereas fakes like Bolt, ass-lickers and camp followers identities depend on the scraps of who and not what they know. To accept Markle's truth is to deny his own Walter Mitty existence.
Simply put Bolt is a millionaire working for billionaires who after retirement will be shown the servants backdoor to their lives.
 He knows it, and it's why he dreams of retirement in another country and not Australia. His need for anonymity and the creation of a new fantasy a must.  He loves the myth of a Duchess but hates Megan Markle's realism, her honesty because it shows him up to be the fake, vacuous, vain, arrogant dick he is all of which Bolt now is projecting here.

Bolt's taken his argument straight from the American Right-Wing  Christian ultra- Conservative handbook. The State and law ought to be better placed to control birth, breeding and women and Property Rights.
 It seems Bolt's adopted a more Communist approach to childbirth one counter to his usual individualist trope.
As usual, Bolt has no respect for Secularism Science, Medicine or the 3000-year-old Hippocratic Oath that has served us well. Braggart Bolt, who respects tradition has flipped and believes women and their doctors aren't in the best position to make judgements on them or their babies health and well being.

What Bolt ignores as does Trump to bolster their argument is the state of the child's health at the time of decision making in fact Bolt makes ou the child could be and probably would be in a state of good health. "Why is a Liberal co-sponsoring such a bill? Have they no respect for the life of a child just days from birth?" Bolt
Bolt's massive demand on politicians gives absolutely no consideration to the moral gravity involved in the Oath Doctors swear to practice. He regards the oath politicians make is of a higher standard. We saw the history of lies Abbott told, and he was held up as Bolt's example of best moral practice, and it's importance.

There's also evidence that Melbourne had a cold night what does that has to do with the Global Warming of a Planet. There's evidence that a person in Melbourne was 4' 6" guess Bolt will now extrapolate and say Australians are shrinking as well as the planet cooling. He's worn that argument out it seems. All this is to distract from the fact that the Arctic is on fire Greenland is melting, Glaciers are vanishing and floods when they have occurred more intense. Sydney has for years seen increased erosion and insurance premiums rise, but it seems Bolt knows better. Making noise right or wrong is of no matter as long as it fits his conclusions which change ever so regularly. The Planet it seems is no longer cooling I wonder when that changed for Bolt?

Bolt does what Bolt always does when he has no argument. He becomes a zealot and attacks the person for the devil within them. Adam Goodes didn't do what Bolt is doing to this16 year old, and Bolt even refuses to accept the science behind it. His faith is being abandoned by the world's financiers, and corporations and Australia's biggest have joined them. Greta will age and be recognised for her message Bolt will be forgotten, and his message mocked throughout history for the delays it caused.
What is amazing is just how uninfluential Bolt has been given his voluminous media presence over 75% of Australians don't believe a word he is saying despite the fact he gets more media time than do scientists.

Rhinehart certainly had a lot of influence on her children, didn't she? Guess she influenced the morals of Barnaby Joyce though.

(L-R): Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage, NSW One Nation politician Mark Latham and former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott will be appearing at Australia’s first Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Sydney in August.


What is left out by Bolt and Trump is that they are trying to get yet another Breitbart spokesperson into the country under the radar? How many is that, that arrive, take money, and don't pay their bills? We know what Nigel Farage had to say he was Kassem's sock puppet at one time. Is Australia really just a stopover for money and free advertising in quid pro quo arrangement with Sky? What has Bolt promised this yet again alternative career bigot Bannon called his man in the EU? Milo, Laurel so many you can't even remember their names are maggots celebrated on the Bolt Report.
He now has another Breitbart ultra- Conservative showman to support ripping us off. "CPAC is sponsored by a number of conservative groups including the Institute of Public Affairs think tank, Liberty Works and a conservative campaign group, Advance Australia."
CPAC is sponsored by a number of conservative groups including the Institute of Public Affairs think tank, Liberty Works and a conservative campaign group, Advance Australia.
 The IPA did not respond to questions about how much it had contributed to the event, and Cooper said he did not want to “talk specifics” about the deal.
“They share the vision,” Cooper said of the IPA’s involvement.


Our schools and our ABC, our national broadcaster, are colluding in coaching Aboriginal children to despise our history and our national anthem: "Indigenous students at a Can­berra school have screened controversial [ABC] footage of popular Aboriginal rapper Adam Briggs denouncing the Australian ­national anthem and declaring 'the song sucks'."

If our history is fake, then it needs to be corrected, but Bolt is in fear of that. He has a personal investment in phony history. The Dutch went from WW2 heroes in their own self-made post-war narrative to become Jew killing liars when their actual past was corrected by Israel. 
Bolt hides his family's place in that story, merely pretending it was before his time. It remains unspoken, and I bet not taught in schools. Nevertheless, he has a sinister non-spoken of history and a connection to the dark side he won't reveal. 
The ABC provides all Australians with a platform that's not moderated the way Bolt's is to represent one voice only. 

And not mentioned here is Trump's Son -in -Law is a Slumlord of an area known as Kushnerville. Strange that Bolt doesn't say that.

 Bolt's constantly attacked women calling them "frightbats", liars and everything under the sun while denying any of his fellow conservatives do in parliament. Anything women in the LNP say is purely alleged. Bolt's done the same in his personal life and found to be a liar when push came to shove. In fact, he publicly apologised.
But not in the case of George Pell; Rather than "due process" being allowed to take its course however, claims and allegations are better judged by Andrew Bolt himself than any Australian courtroom. 
Remember, when Andrew Bolt was self-promoting himself using his past fiancee as an object of support for his lies? He called her a liar with his privileged and loud media voice along with all manner of things until threatened with defamation. Who turned out to be the liar then? Andrew Bolt himself making up feeble excuses about how he was protecting his wife, not himself he apologised and admitted to the truth which seemed to be connected to his hip pocket. 
Here he is calling "for '" due process for the males in the LNP while he has spent a year rejecting it in the case of Pell and others he favours or opposes who he believes would be more appropriately judged by vigilantes and opinions. A courtesy not given him when Australia's judicial due process found him a deliberate vilifier and liar.

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