Friday, 26 July 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real, 26/7/19; The truth not heard; The Power of Goodes stronger than Bolt's; Trump and Trumpster Incompetance; Paris is Burning;

 The front row of Australian race relations … - » The Australian Independent Media Network

How can you distil the raw meat of a conversation? Not all of the following words were said, some were implied, but they are certainly all of the words of the story and of the message that I heard, and they get down to the nub of it all … those with the muskets didn’t listen to us then, they shot and they poisoned and they killed us as they grabbed our land, and they still aren’t listening to us now, and they still carry their musket of suppression with pride.

Goodes story to go global as NBA star Ben Simmons jumps on board

NBA star Ben Simmons has become an executive producer of The Australian Dream, a new documentary on Adam Goodes and racism in Australia.
The Power of Goodes is stronger than the White Supremecists and Racist Klansmen who occupy our media-scape

The doctored seal (left) had a two-headed eagle clutching a set of golf clubs, unlike the proper presidential seal (right).


How Trump ended up with a presidential seal doctored to include a Russian symbol

The image almost resembles the official seal of the president, but a closer examination reveals two hilarious alterations

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