Thursday, 25 July 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real, 25/7/19; The usual twisted mind of Andrew Bolt; Chatming and intelligent Boris; Advising the CEO of BHP to cut and Run; A Liar in the UK proves Pell's innocence;

Boris Johnson, the new Prime Minister, wasted no time in pulling his team together.

Brexiteer 'dream team' takes power as new PM Boris Johnson purges unbelievers

More than half of Theresa May’s Cabinet were summarily dismissed to the backbenches as one political commentator said Johnson was 'bringing the Brexit gang back together'.
 Boris Johnson has purged Brexit unbelievers from his new government in what shocked observers believe is one of the biggest Cabinet reshuffles in the UK’s political history that didn't follow an election.
There's typical Bolt for you, to be voted leader of your Party, not by the country takes "Intelligence and Charm". Well, we've seen Bolt's character judgements in the past and what "Intelligence and Charm" mean to him. Tony Abbott and Donald Trump, the role models. Trump immediately declared it was a win for him because Boris was a clone of himself. The big difference being, however, is Johnson didn't really win. Theresa May lost the confidence of a divided party, and Boris has inherited the poison chalice that not many put their hats in the ring for.
All Bolt is doing in this interview is repeating what he's heard from Alex Campbell, and every other commentator has said this past week. Bolt has just joined the conga line but verbally pushing the others aside to make out he's far smarter than them. He shames himself and his profession. There is nothing new to be seen or heard here. In fact, Bolt repeats what his interviewee is saying and tries to make out its original Bolt. He's sooo bad!!

 If I thought I was wiping out humans and making whole species extinct, I’d quit. So why doesn’t Andrew Mackenzie?Bolt
Bolt is revealing to us who he really is. A person that faced with hard decisions" cuts and runs."
I’d be devastated to be part of a business I thought was far deadlier than a cigarette company. I’d quit in shame. So why hasn’t Mackenzie? Bolt
We saw him quit his failed podcast, We saw him cut and run from his stoush with Miranda. We've seen him try to cut and run from his stoush with Adam Goodes. Whenever cornered he's like Trump trying to say he didn't say the things he did. Like "the earth has been cooling" "the seas aren't rising" and that Trump was a klutz. Andrew Bolt is a Boris Johnson of the media class trying to please the people he thinks are the most important, but he's not as funny.
Andrew Mackenzie is a leader of the SS BHP, and he's not about to abandon ship but rather steer it in a corrected direction having a good reason for the science and facts given him. A leader that might inspire others to follow like the many who already are.


 This is what Andrew Bolt calls a "massive fail". Is he for real? Mueller has appeared before the Congressional committee denying everything Trump has said about his report. The difference is the noise Trump is making denying what Mueller is testifying to about his own report. Trump is telling Mueller what his conclusions were. If that's not a propaganda bomb, what is. Fox News is leading Trump's panicked defense just look at the flood of tweets being made. The basic truth however is that 52% of Americans still believe Trump is a crook and this appearance by Mueller hasn't changed that 3% are yet to decide.
As for the warning to the Jewish Left the backbone of Judaism in Australia aone can be assured Andrew Bolt has nothing to really offer other than a space filler for his ultra boring show.

Here are the key times when his comments contradicted statements that Trump has made about the report and the topics it addressed:
 Trump went on a tweetskrieg of 40 tweets today  as if he had to make the world's mind up. A world incapable because they might not all watch Fox and discove.

1)The Russia probe wasn’t a “witch hunt.”

2)Russian election interference was not a “hoax.”

3)Russia meddled in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign was happy with it.

4)The Mueller report did not find “no obstruction.”

5)The Mueller report didn’t give Trump “total exoneration.”

6)Trump’s answers to written questions from Mueller’s team were “generally” untruthful.

7)Mueller did not interview with Trump for the FBI director’s post.

8)Trump’s praise of WikiLeaks’ publishing hacked emails was “problematic.”

 'I'm Fucked,' And Other Damning Revelations From The Mueller Report

Trump cited WikiLeaks 160 times in the final month of the 2016 campaign as he attacked Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton – even though he knew that the Clinton campaign emails WikiLeaks was disseminating had been stolen by Russian intelligence.

 Trump cited WikiLeaks 160 times in the final month of the 2016 campaign as he attacked Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton – even though he knew that the Clinton campaign emails WikiLeaks was disseminating had been stolen by Russian intelligence.

Bolt's calling Pell the "innocent victim" of two lying boys who he is suggesting ought to be arrested. A Cockroach flapped its wings somewhere on the other side of the planet, and according to Bolt, it proves Pell's innocent. 
The process of Australian justice should be abandoned when it comes to high-status elite persons easily accused targets of the lesser privileged. Bolt never questions the result of the due process of justice if it is handed down, but he certainly doesn't declare it fair or equal when it's pointed at the elite and privileged. There is very much a double standard in Bolt's approach to our legal system.
He never really decried the injustice done to Indigenous kids in Don Dale did he? He's rather silent on wage theft, but he indeed spent time telling us John  Sekta was guilty before the court delivered its decision. Banks and Insurance companies somehow deserve immunity from punishment that ordinary Australians don't. 
Basically, for all Bolt's bruh ha he believes George Pell deserved better treatment Because thinks the privileged are more the victims of an unjust system than the reverse. Carl Beech in the UK is selected as his proof. Any wonder he never really debates these issue but rants about them at arm's length.

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