Sunday, 21 July 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real,21/7/19; Lady Liberty, The War of Independance and their values denied; Politics is has simply become the Roger Ailes show for ratings forget the values;

Image result for Images of Andrew Bolt with spear

It's interesting but not surprising what drags Andrew Bolt to the keyboard on a Sunday morning given he knocks off on Friday and generally is not heard from until Monday, his ego. How dare Sarah Martin suggest he only has an average audience of 30k. However, she can't be all that wrong because Bolt's peak has been 50k and that's not "the average". Bolt makes no effort to correct her with any facts, does he?
He's had 8 weeks plus off in six months which suggests that alone would have had some minus effect on his average as the election month a positive. His lack of offering actual figures is "telling insight into the kind of thinking that drives Andrew Bolt: to make broad generalisations, not just about another journalist but a whole organisation The Guardian.
Self- interest is what dragged Bolt to the keyboard not even the "Final Quarter" could where he and Sam Newman featured so heavily. They showed us the not so casual racism that exists in Australia on screen. Bolt lost that battle at the time some 4 years ago when he tried to raise the issue of Black Racism. However, as in most battles, the loser and racists aren't always the most damaged.
In Bolt's case, Murdoch Media didn't sack their convicted Racial vilifier, nor did I see them openly defending him either as they are doing vigorously for Trump at the moment. What is satisfying to point out is Andrew Bolt's media space has shrunk somewhat in 2019. His efforts to show 2GB just how great an audience he had flopped when his podcast generated no interest after they dropped him from the Steve Price line up.
Any falsehoods and prejudices seem to be Bolt's and after last Friday night showing of the "Final Quarter" with Waleed Aly of all people who Bolt has racially slurred regularly. Let's hope Australia gives Bolt the justice he deserves and lets him know he's as welcome as a fart in a crowded bus.


Every reason Australia shouldn't have been so oil dependant and still shouldn't be. We need a shift and a fast one to EVs powered by renewables as the rest of the world is. But the parties that Andrew Bolt supports have their foot on the brakes when the rest of the country supports what the LNP, IPA and Mining Lobby don't. They'd prefer the Molan option military engagement. The worst nightmare is Murdoch's men Boris, Scott and Don take Rupert's advice and start a war with Iran. That won't provide us with oil nor would a war with Venezuela. However, it would raise the stocks of Genie Oil Murdoch's investment in the illegally occupied territories of Syria by Israel in the Golan heights. (ODT)

What's new here is Trump learnt these tactics from Kim Jong-Un. Wake up America you're a Democracy, not a fascist State and the women Trumpsters now attack should remind you of just that and why you fought a War of Independance.  The chants of Racists and Fascist aren't the sounds of Patriots but the very opposite those wanting to create a new colony of the USA. Trump is appealing to the Racists in his opposition given he believes he has 94% support among Republicans. Yes he's calling Racism American Patriotism as calling for action. Don't doubt it. (ODT)

Trump returned to a familiar pattern: ignite a firestorm, backtrack, then strongly reaffirm his original, inflammatory position.

Even by Trump’s standards, the campaign rally offered an extraordinary tableau for American politics: a president drinking in a crowd’s cries to expel a congresswoman from the country who’s his critic and a woman of colour.

It was also the latest demonstration of how Trump’s verbal cannonades are capable of dominating the news. Democrats had hoped the spotlight Thursday would be on House passage of legislation to boost the minimum wage for the first time in a decade.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar have never made the comments the president claims they have.


Racism Is an Impeachable Offense

Two disturbing images show how depressing our political debate has become 

A rapid and alarming deterioration in the US political debate comes at a time when our own political leaders have gone into something of a hibernation, writes Laura Tingle

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