Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Monday, 22 July 2019
Fighting Fake News with Real,22/7/19; Andrew Bolt claims victimhood; Adam Goodes is however a Real Australian of the Year; Foxtel, Sky News, and more;
8m Why don't you test your accusations in court, Andrew Bolt and stop playing the victim? We can still hear the echoes of all you said ringing in our ears. I do believe Adam Goodes has a case of vilification. He stood in person in front of the crowds and offered his complaints his love and his pride to the public, and you, along with the booing crowds, expressed Australia's pride in Racism. Like the stadium that cheered on Trump on in Carolina in his attack on the 4 coloured Congresswomen. Now, like Trump, who ought to have a criminal case of incitement against him, you too are denying any part in your racist attacks on Adam Goodes. The difference Goodes stands for "equality" and points out the hypocrisy of our nation's racism. Whereas you, Trump and Murdoch's media are examples of it. Only too ready to slap the black man who complains and shines a light on it down. "Who let them in" "Laughing at Sudanese Beauty Pageants" "Go back where you came from" "send them back" "The poverty of Aboriginal Culture" "Good Aborigines and Bad" " I'm more Indigenous than any Aborigine younger than me" is the sound of Andrew Bolt" who is now claiming as always white victimhood. Adam Goodes is an Australian of the Year and what are the chances you will ever be recognised as one. Waleed Aly did win the Logies, and we have seen your obsession to tear the Muslim down. They aren't obsessed by you, Andrew Bolt, but what you represent Racism and Ethnocentrism that's not so casual it's dressed in a suit and punches down. It's presented as an informed comment as if Black Racism is Australia's problem, not White. Test the defamation you claim to be the victim of in our courts see if News Corp's lawyers will back you. If they don't crowdfund it but test it. Cherry-picking what you once wrote in the context of everything you did shows otherwise. Hiding in the shadows os Melbourne and calling it shyness tells another story. Bet he finds some Indigenous person to agree with him for his show the token spokesperson who knows their place and doesn't get booed because they know their place. He used to have Warren Mundine doing that he will now approach another "coconut" to talk the talk. It won't be Stan Grant, Pat Dodgson, Noel Pearson or Marcia Langton. Nor will it be Eddy Betz or Rioli who Bolt promotes as "good Blacks. However whoever Bolt turns to will be the exception who tows the Bolt line not the spokesperson for the majority of Indigenous 3% Australians, not the disadvantaged majority on every social statistic that Bolt blames on their culture.
White men in suits demanding apologies batting on the same side Rupert Murdoch's or should it be Roger Ailes's team.
The US President stepped up his attacks on four Democratic congresswomen who have criticised his policies, calling on them to apologise as he himself faced charges of racism.
Can you believe it! Bolt even takes up Trump's line that Goodes's defenders can never be real Australians"Why are so many supporters of Adam Goodes so desperate to despise Australia and its people?" The documentary wasn't angry; it showed Bolt and Newman's anger; it certainly didn't show their "let's sit and talk about it attitudes." In fact, it was a slapdown.We witnessed the reverse of what Bolt is suggesting and McGuire got the message that Bolt refuses to consider.
No Goodes didn't "blame " the 13year old girl at all and publicly stated that. He did say her socialisation reflected a social-psychology handed down over the generations that accepted racism as the natural order of things.We heard Andrew Bolt on an IPA podcast mocking the South Sudanese community for daring to have a community Beauty Pageant. The natural face of acceptable racism was a 13-year-old girl, and Goodes showed that. Guess what she apologised because she doesn't agree with Andrew Bolt and admitted her mistake thinking what she did was "normal".Andrew Bolt makes out he was a "party" to the conversation she had with Adam, and he wasn't how arrogant is that.
Believe me, Bolt is looking for sympathy he's a turd trying to polish itself.Just as a turd has no hands, Bolt hasn't an argument for doing it. He's quite happy to see 13year old Aboriginal kids incarcerated mistreated and abused in Don Dale and our Youth Justice System and argues more should be removed from the families But an Aboriginal teaching a white girl a lesson that's cause for a lynching of the blackfella.
Andrew Bolt was the media man that was going to teach that blackfella a lesson. I wonder what would have happened if one of Goodes's white teammates had pointed her out instead of Adam what Bolt's take on the matter would have been?
Bolt rode his version and his opinion of Goodes for years, and now he's doing a Trump "Why are so many supporters of Adam Goodes so desperate to despise Australia and its people? SorryBolt below are some facts where Newscorp leads the ladder and not only in Australia. Foxtel is losing subscribers Murdoch Press is bleeding but when you own 66% of the press there is no diversity and even less when a government has promised Murdoch they can get rid of it. https://10play.com.au/theproject/episodes/2019/the-project-final-quarter-extra-time/tpv190718kglzp Compare Bolt with Waleed Aly. Bolt approves of Immigration by merit as Dutton and Trump do. how do we then judge these two as representing Australia on strictly merit? Is Bolt a success as a first generation does he bring Australian values forward ones that we wish to see ourselves as or does Waleed Aly. Tick the boxes.
Which organisations are the primary generators of destructive falsehoods in Australia? Here, IA’s trusty Facebook friends have been helpful once again. The groups nominated most frequently by readers include:
News Corp;
commercial radio and television newsrooms;
the Institute of Public Affairs;
the Liberal Party;
the National Party;
public relations consultants used by the above parties;
big business peak bodies;
the big four banks and some other finance corporations;
mining and forestry corporations and industry groups;
Dave Gordon says he threatens to quit Foxtel every six months when his contact comes to an end. When he recently attempted to cut the cord, he got his package down to $55.
When errors are made, the Greens admit them, unlike Andrew Bolt, who never says sorry for anything and is legally protected by News Corp's legal team. So much so that apologies have been made but not publicly and often settled with an agreed-to non-disclosure. Even a fly on the wall doesn't get to know the errors Bolt has had to apologise for.
However, that's beside the point. The fact that errors have been made in the placement of wind farms doesn't in any way suggest Australia has been "vandalised" by the principle of renewable energy. Bolt 's blowing non-renewable wind that really isn't producing any positive energy just a fart.
Apparently, Folau walks on water as far as the agnostic Bolt is concerned. Scientologists can play for the NRL as long as they abide by their contracts. One who continually tediously reminds us he's a doubter. A Christian who broke away from being a believer in God. Is there such a thing? He ought not to be such a griever if requested not to proselytise in his workplace or in public under his contract. As for QANTAS, it's doing what News Corp doesn't let it's consumers know all are welcome and Bolt is free not to use them. If I were on a QANTAS flight and found myself sitting next to Andrew Bolt, I'd ask to be moved. Andrew Bolt has never really dared trailed himself in the "free market." since the '80s. If Folau were a Muslim expressing strong beliefs as does Anthony Mundine where would Bolt stand?
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