- 1) The ABC didn't defame Andrew Bolt; they do what Bolt does on The Bolt Report except better. Allowing multicultural and diverse opinions of Australians to be expressed thus fulfilling their charter
- . 2) Since when do single occurrence comments that occurred 5 years ago represent Andrew Bolt and his opinions shown this week? They weren't amplified on the ABC but clearly demonstrated on Ch 10.s The Final Quarter. More so, since when is Andrew Bolt's personal posturing pleas and begging evidence of his innocence? Let this be a reminder that "poor Andrew Bolt" was heard on an IPA podcast with son James subjecting the entire South Sudanese Community to a public white supremacist tongue lashing, mockery, and laugh in merely for holding a Community Beauty Pageant. According to Bolt, a South Sudanese Beauty Pageant was an oxymoron. What Bolt did to the Sudanese Community racially for their colour and culture alone is what he claims here he never does. He mocked them like a member of the KKK in the same way Adam Goodes was ridiculed in public by Sam Newman, Alan Jones and Eddie Mcguire, shamefully by Andrew Bolt Klansman.
- 3) Bolt doesn't hesitate to broadcast the racial and bigoted claims of others and does so regularly without "correction as host". Milo Yianniaopolous. Laurel Southern, Blair Cotteral, Fraser Anning have all been celebrated deemed victims. So I'm confused about what he means when he says of the ABC "without any correction or right of reply from the host"? This is now not just defamation but "malicious defamation," not least because Langton has in the past admitted that similar claims she made about me were false." Bolt
- 4) Marcia Langton's past opinions seem to be set rigid in the concrete, according to Bolt. Yet his own comic disparagement of the South Sudanese ought not to be treated the same way. "fixed proof of his racism.". "I now insist that: Late Night Live broadcast a public apology and retraction on its next program." Bolt can be regarded as hypocrisy, fake posturing by Bolt. He has no grounds to insist on anything, let alone pretend he's the victim and really a good guy by demanding a donation to his favourite charity. It's such a faux performance like he once did when auctioning his "glittered suit" after what might well have been considered an act of GBH on his part in Carlton. To demand ABC donate $2000 to "his Very Special cause" is Bolt's attempt to crown himself with an undeserved halo.
- 5) If Bolt were serious, he'd sue rather than lamely act as judge and jury in his own fake kangaroo court, trying to whitewash his unwashable reputation which it seems News Corp has no interest in protecting or defending in any court. The real shame, however, is that Murdoch media won't sack him not because Bolt is "a high rating star" but because News Corp made Andrew Bolt what he is today rather than being the self-made man he claims to be. As far back as the '90s, this failed journalist, obit writer, was cast to be a replica down under of what Roger Ailes put together for Murdoch in America as Fox News. The ultra-conservative, racist, white supremacist, misogynist, anti-science and climate change lobbyist and culturally divisive voice he is today. If the term "you are what you do" has any reality, then Bolt is guilty as charged and has no legs or ground to stand on declaring his innocence of Racial bigotry.

" The astonishing hate of one of Melbourne University's Redmond Barry Distinguished Professors. Is this really what the University stands for?"Bolt
Langton knows Bolt is untouchable and well protected just as the Colonials were 200 years ago. Bolt's privilege lies in the confines and power of the even more racist Murdochian world of News Corp. Andrew Bolt won't dare step outside of that world to challenge Langton or the ABC in our Judicial System and can simply be heard squealing as usual from behind Rupert's safety net.
This may be an old Sleeping Giant list, but sending a message to Bolt's advertisers might just be the most effective way to Andrew Bolt change his ways. The second is actually having the government applying the RDA more stringently when complaints are raised. This case deserves to be tested to temper the voices of those other media personalities that Langton sees as racist and very much Bolt like.
Corporate Australia
Brothel owner and alleged money launderer is Crown casino's business partner
Crown Resorts paid a brothel owner and alleged money launderer to lure high rollers to its Australian casinos and then provided them with money to gamble, according to court files and officials that raise further questions about the company's business dealings.Multiple sources with knowledge of Crown’s operations have also confirmed that Asian sex workers have been flown into Australia on private jets organised by Crown “junket” operators.
Crown has partnered with brothel owner Simon Pan to bring high roller customers to gamble at the casino since 2011, according to Victorian County Court documents obtained by The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and 60 Minutes.
XR released a statement in support of the coal train protests, stating that with "Australian coal exports doubling domestic usage, and continued approval of new coal and gas projects despite the IPCC report stressing the need to rapidly move away from fossil fuels, the government has failed us."
READ MORE: Who Are The Climate Protesters Being Arrested In London?
READ MORE: Teen Girl Behind Climate Change Protests Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
At 2am, another person identified as Alice Wicks, 26, clambered onto an Aurizon coal train on the same line.
Wicks posted on the Extinction Rebellion Facebook page that the group is "taking real action against corporations who profit from destroying our planet" and their actions were intended to send a "strong message across Australia and the world that people will stand up and fight for climate justice".

Andrew Bolt's chasing subscriptions with little really to add to this story
26-year-old activist sentenced to pay $61,000 in 'victim compensation ...
XR released a statement in support of the coal train protests, stating that with "Australian coal exports doubling domestic usage, and continued approval of new coal and gas projects despite the IPCC report stressing the need to rapidly move away from fossil fuels, the government has failed us."READ MORE: Who Are The Climate Protesters Being Arrested In London?
READ MORE: Teen Girl Behind Climate Change Protests Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
At 2am, another person identified as Alice Wicks, 26, clambered onto an Aurizon coal train on the same line.
Wicks posted on the Extinction Rebellion Facebook page that the group is "taking real action against corporations who profit from destroying our planet" and their actions were intended to send a "strong message across Australia and the world that people will stand up and fight for climate justice".

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