Monday, 29 July 2019

The fight against Fake News with Real, 29/7/19; I'm a proud white man and saint shot with the slings and arrows of Black Racists; Assange Vs the USA;


Only one of these statements proves Donald Trump is a racist. One: "[Part of Baltimore] is a disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess." Or two: "You would think that you were in a Third World country... We’re talking about a community in which there are hundreds of buildings that are uninhabitable." 
What Bolt conveniently ignores "Pro-publica and The New York Times did an expose on "JK2" — Kushner's real estate company buying up hundreds of thousands of housing units in Baltimore in the last 2 decades, including in Rep. Cummings' district, dontchyaknow. These neighborhoods have been dubbed "Kushnerville," and are known for his company's cruel practices and housing violations unchecked.
Bolt is a whitewash response to Donald Trump's comments when a Black Democrat reported on Trump's detention centres on the Southern Border which the Don said were fine just a little overcrowded. All else was Fake News when Dem Reps "the squad"and media reported they weren't fit for humans, let alone women and children. Thousands of children have been separated from their parents and many lost in the process, one as young as 4 months old. It resulted in the 4 coloured Congresswomen being targeted by Trump at his Nth Carolina rally with the chant  "to go back to their own countries" when in fact they were all were Americans 3 even born in America.
 Bolt loves setting up scenarios without the full context revealed or what lead up to the slurs he let lose on Baltimore and why the things above were said. It appears the Trump family are the slum lords of the city.
In context, they are racist comments as Trump was targeting a Black Congress lawmaker who was entitled to describe the findings reported about the detention centres by a wide and diverse range of 3rd party scrutineers. Trump's attack was simply an unprovoked attack on an African-American oversight committee member doing his job. In context easily construed as racist as all get out. "How dare that black boy be allowed to speak about my centres like that." Unapologetic White Privilege at it's worst.Trump racism debate: 'The rot you smell is a racist POTUS'

"It would be easy to prosecute a case against Trump on policy, but policies are not at the centre of the creature. White supremacy, white nationalism and white patriarchy are.
The core of this man is racist in a way that is so fused to his sense of the world that he is incapable of seeing it as racist. It is instinctual for him to attack people of colour. It is instinctual for him to denigrate the places they live and the countries to which they trace their heritage. (On Sunday, Trump assailed Cummings as racist and accused Democrats of trying to "play the race card"."
Image result for Andrew Bolt

Which of these statements can be construed as Racist and who said them?
"I'm more Indigenous than any Aboriginal younger than me"
" Their Culture is inferior to ours and is to blame"
" A South Sudanese Beauty Pageant Ha Ha what's that?"
"I'm a victim of racism Black Racism."
" Some of my best friends are Aboriginal the "good ones""
" The guards a Don Dale are the real victims here."

Bolt has been stewing for over a week trying to work on a strategy of victimhood without any success


COLUMN Marcia Langton is the most toxic example of Australia’s new habit of screaming “racist” to shut down debates. She is the most toxic of many, in my opinion, because Melbourne University honours her as one of our finest professors. And I know, because I’d criticised Langton’s homophobic abuse of a gay man in a column, and last Thursday I paid for it.

1h link

Bolt is never found sitting across a table actually "debating" anybody. He's an expert however in sermons monologues and self-promoted victimhood trying to accuse other minorities leaders when complaining of being "reverse racists".  In the case of Marcia Langton, a Black Racist. When in fact the term is a false flag for his own white supremacist tirades. 
For three days Andrew Bolt has been on a rampage claiming to be the victim of Professor Marcia Langton for an interview she did on the ABC accusing Andrew Bolt rightfully, of being an example of Australia's media Racism. Langton said nothing new that a multitude of others hadn't mentioned earlier, but they happened to be white.
For over a week, Andrew Bolt has been pointed out to be an example of Australia's more than casual media racist. It began with the showing of the show The Final Quater which brought into relief the shameful behaviour of Andrew Bolt Sam Newman, Eddie McGuire and Alan Jones in their media frenzy against Adam Goodes. It was last Friday, and it took bully boy  Bolt three days to even begin to concoct a reply, and when he did, it was a tepid one at that. "I didn't say that" was his response.
It has been almost a week, and Bolt has gone for Marcia Langton jugular instead to claim his innocence and unjust victimhood. "I didn't do it Sir came to the cry from the bully in the schoolyard it was her"
You can be sure when Andrew Bolt puts together a long blog it's there to obfuscate, confuse distract and deflect from the real issue when merely saying "I'm not a racist" to an audience that has heard him in the past isn't enough. Malicious Defamation, the threat to sue, and the most generous back down are all ploys. The real reason Marcia Langton is Black and Bolt could make out she was really the tool of his enemies the Left-Wing ABC and those that run Melbourne University and have erroneously given her undeserved status.
Andrew Bolt is putting on an operatic Z class performance trying to convince us he's innocent of not providing the full story when attacking Adam Goodes. Claiming he's more Indigenous than he is. Focusing on Cultural pride as an attack on White Australia. Mocking the South Sudanese Beauty Pageant, and simply rattling off his constant "who let them in" slogan whenever the opportunity came up to Black immigrants. Bolt was at the forefront of declaring diverse indigenous cultures as one poverty-ridden one explaining all the dysfunctions attributed to the first nation peoples. He denies their history and supports any policies designed to eradicate language. As far as Bolt is concerned Indigenous culture's only place on the Australian landscape is on tea towels and Marcia Langton has no right to call him racist. (subtext the ungrateful Black Bitch is doing an Adam Goodes)
We are all waiting for Andrew Bolt to sue her the ABC and have Melbourne University take away her accreditation. Test your case in court Bolt does it really hold up?

(1) That whites are victims of discrimination
 Today, this sentiment survives as the myth that affirmative action, for instance, constitutes “reverse racism.”

(2) That Bolt's rights are being abrogated
a right to preserve our white heritage and culture and give that to our children. Nobody has the right to deny that from us. And that is the attempt that's being done today.”
(3) that they are stigmatised if they express "pride.”
 “Blacks are taught to love their history, while whites are being taught to hate their own.”
 White supremacists and separatists alike imply that they are just another ethnic group with similar needs.”
(4) That they are psychologically affected through the loss of self-esteem, It's essential to paint yourself as a victim, according to the sociological theory of "the dramatisation of injury and innocence.” In other words, you’re just a blameless bystander; your attackers are everywhere, and they wish you harm.
(5) that the end product of all of this is the elimination of "the white race."
White supremacists fear the white “race” will be “eliminated” through intermarriage, immigration, and low birth rates among whites. “It has gotten to the point of not being a matter of ‘white, Caucasian' supremacy but rather survival.”
UPDATE, By the way,
it's Bolt's 30th Wedding Anniversary. He only then has been saying he felt Australian for 25 years. It took him 35 years to stop saying he was Dutch and felt Dutch. This is his admission being raised by a mother who never liked it here. So are we to believe Bolt when he now says he's Australian? His hate and attitude for real Australians say otherwise. He has a dual passport. Dreams of retirement in the Socialist  Multicultural Netherlands and never really holidays here. He's not a genuine Australian, is he?
Not particularly Australian at all
"Australia’s swimming team must be short of mirrors. The rest of the country, too, given Shayna Jack has tested positive for drugs.  See, this news comes just after one of those famous explosions of Aussie Aussie Aussie wah wah wah — that unpleasant mix of xenophobia and self-pity."Bolt Isn't that "pride" even in these circumstances where Bolt's first reaction is drag Australia down to his worst and uglier level? Bolt really doesn't feel Australian, does he?


Julian Assange brandishes a 2016 UN report that found he was being detained unlawfully.

US wants to 'make an example' of Assange in jail, UN expert claims

The US has rejected a UN Rapporteur's claim that the 'unrestrained public mobbing' of Julian Assange amounted to intense psychological torture.
Trump wouldn't have won the Presidency without Assange. He thanked and mentioned him 160 times. But having won Trump in typical Trump style says he doesn't know him and wants him in an American jail. It shows the character of Donald Trump, a real swamp creature. That shames himself and his country ready to operate outside any American jurisdiction or respect for his own Constitution and the Fourth Estate.


ABC host Annabel Crabb to me on the ABC, 2009, defending global warming scare-mongering penguins: "I mean, you know, the stuff you post on your blog, you know, a new study from the East University of Bumcrack about, you know, penguins still being alive."  And Crikey cheered. Yet a decade later, what do the facts show?  
Bolt laughs at Annabel Crabb for something she said once in 2009. But remind yourself of, the close to 20 years, when Andrew Bolt always told us the planet was cooling. He only stopped that what, some 2 years ago. He rarely mentions Roy Spencer anymore, does he? Andrew Bolt has a PhD from the University of Bumcrack. 


Aren't "97 per cent of scientists" supposed to back the scare?: "90 scientists from Italy signed a joint petition to end the fake climate alarmism promoted by the United Nations... The petition reads, 'The anthropic origin of global warming is an unproven hypothesis, deduced only from some climate models.'"  
Bolt applied Maths 97% is a fake stat because 90 scientists signed a petition. The 97% figure was the conclusion reached after a review of 15,000 Climate Science papers were studied. How are we to make any sense of Andrew Bolt's pathetic attempt at mathImage result for Andrew Bolt

Andrew Bolt loves talking in Abstract terms and Emmissions comparisons between China and Australia is just one example. Let's assume Bolt's figures are correct a generous offer on my part given Bolt's track record of accepting stats selectively to support his arguments. Talking Australia/China is really in the abstract s reality is 25 mill people vs 1.3 billion. Bolt is incenced that China emits x24 times the emissions Australia does and we should reduce ours as a consequence suggesting a rationale for his angry do nothing logic. Well doing the math that actually still translates to the fact that each and every Australian emits twice the Greenhouse emissions of a Chinaman 100% more and Bolt refuses to see that as a reason for Climate action on a world cooperative basis. China he admits acted and reduced it's out put over a 4 year period and effort that fails to impress him. Not a very considerate or generous man is our Bolt. It's just everyone for themselves suck up to those at the top.

 Image result for Andrew Bolt


Something sinister is afoot, and I suspect it's largely coming from the Left and our immigration intake: "The Executive Council of Australian Jewry recorded a 59 per cent increase in anti-Semitic incidents last year, and anecdotal evidence suggests there may be a rise in graffiti attacks this year."
The only thing sinister here is Bolt's using a report from the "Executive Council of Australian Jewery" to claim as the independent and fully researched fact of a rise of anti-Semitism. Bolt personal opinion. Bolt's personal opinion, however, is far more pointed and bigoted saying it's due to our 1) "immigration" intake and 2) the left. 
Even the Council doesn't go that far, and it's funded by the State of Israel. Has it ever been known to report anti- Semitism is falling? Has Israel ever been known to support reports other than the Anti- Semitic ones recently to encourage Jews home? The majority of Australian Jews currently are of the left and increasingly against Israel.
 The Left has been the natural political home of the Jews since WW2. So this new Executive Council must reflect the rise of a minority Right-Wing of Jews in the community. The fact is the anti-Semitism isn't what Bolt makes it out to be at all. It's the increasing rise of Jews themselves around the world turning their backs on the Right-Wing Apartheid State of Israel that no longer is the voice of the diaspora of global Jewery.

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