Fox News is pushing white nationalism because the Murdochs want it to | Media Matters for America
Proof that a Privatised Fourth Estate is by the very nature of it's Business Model for Profit Elitist Conservative and drifting towards Fascism.
A New York Times Magazine investigation found that in recent years, the Murdochs’ media empire has been “instrumental in amplifying the nativist revolt that was reshaping governments not just in the United States but also across the planet,” with their outlets fueling xenophobia and ethnonationalism to achieve political aims in the U.S., the United Kingdom, and Australia.As prime-time hosts, Carlson and Ingraham turned their shows into clearinghouses for white supremacist talking points about an “invasion” of migrants, screeds about the systematic “replacement” of white Americans by people of colour through immigration, and dire warnings that if something wasn’t done soon, the nation would be imperilled.
short, Rupert thrust two of the network’s most anti-immigrant
personalities into its biggest spotlight, and they’ve performed as
expected, moving the network closer to Lachlan’s reported goal
of solidifying the family’s empire as “an unabashedly nationalist,
far-right and hugely profitable political propaganda machine.”
And now there’s a national debate over how Fox’s inflammatory programming was echoed in a white supremacist terrorist’s manifesto -- one that has triggered not an internal reflection at the network, but a circling of the wagons. Earlier this week, Carlson delivered another defensive rant on his show, asserting
that the idea that white supremacy is a problem in America is a “hoax”
and a “conspiracy theory used to divide the country.” The Murdochs stayed silent.
they actual nationalists who truly agree with Carlson and Ingraham that
an invading force of minorities is putting the nation at risk? Or are
they simply motivated by instrumentalism, happy to have their employees
make those arguments because it bolsters their influence over right-wing
governments which then support policies that bolster their own economic
In the end, it
hardly matters: Fox has spent the last few years diving ever deeper into
a cesspool, and there’s no sign the network plans to change course.
Detention centre maltreatment revealed while Home Affairs avoids charges
Despite a revelation of maltreatment in detention centres, it was revealed that Home Affairs avoided charges over a death.
Costello received an email from Comcare on 6 August 2019. It was headed
'Unofficial', acknowledging that no charges were laid in the Khazaei
matter:'After assessing the Coroner's Report into the death of Mr Khazaei and considering the application of ... the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act), it did not appear to Comcare than an offence had been committed against the WHS Act.'Max Costello told IA:
"How could anyone familiar with the legislation, after reading the coroner's report, not find any WHS Act offence?"

Conservative Christians running foreign policy are scary - » The Australian Independent Media Network
Just Cloning Around (OTD)
Much has been written about Andrew Hastie’s idiotic comments this week comparing the rise of China to that of Nazi Germany. Having James Patterson come out in support just added to the Nazi theme with his unnerving likeness to the stereotypical Hitler Youth image.
Tony thinks Jesus is still top dog, backed up by the military might of the English-speaking Judeo-Christian Western world crusaders.
Scott Morrison’s foray into the matter was not helpful when he relegated China to “customer” status.
And they wonder why our relationship with China is at an “all-time low”.
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