Andrew Bolt the anti multiculturalist seems to think.
Australia is what it is or did the film die in a Multicultural Nation? (ODT)
The Australian Dream is a film that's ahead of its time in many ways, but, like Goodes, while its heart is in the right place, the nation did not rise to meet it.
The ticket sales prove the film's point.
The ABC never gives the real answer to its question: "Why have local audiences abandoned Adam Goodes and The Australian Dream?" In fact, rather than admit the film failed because few Australians buy its much-touted premise that footy crowds are racists, the ABC claims the failure is just more proof: "The ticket sales prove the film's point." Andrew Bolt
Andrew Bolt has spent an excessive amount of time repeating himself on the subject, years in fact why? Basically, Bolt has been proved to be a bully not the bully being bullied. He is a racist but not one who's a subject of reverse racism. Bolt's never been the victim of racism and nor is Cameron Smith. Bolt falsely accused and attacked Adam Goodes on racial grounds and for his actions but Bolt left out the full context of what occurred,what was said and done. What really occurred at the time was twisted and manipulated for the sole purpose of pretending he had a case against Goodes's Black Racism. The fact that Bolt has been obsessed with this for such a long time shows he seems guilty, unconvinced and still believes he hasn't convinved us that he hasn't a case to answer while Adam Goodes does. But Adam is relaxed in his own skin and isn't as flustered as Bolt still is today. Watch Bolt try on the equivalence argument again this time with Cameron Smith and prove he's an idiot.
Bolt's effort to claim equivalence with Smith and Goodes booed falls short of what actually occurred and the difference between the two events. They aren't the same. It's yet another attempt by Bolt to play the misunderstood victim. How often can he keep repeatedly do it and fail?
The film, Australian Dream, didn't fail! Australia is a multicultural country, so one wouldn't expect a high attendance to a low budget production like this to have a large turnout of differing cultures. Bolt, however, proves he's gloating, racist, idiot, and as thick as a plank who represents a bogan minority within Australia. They are condensed to some extent in an AFL crowd and ready to lead the stadium in booing like a Mexican wave. Nobody suggested that "all "AFL football supporters were a part of that white supremacist body that Bolt encourages and enables. However, you will find them there and active. Find them leading the Australian racist chorus Bolt tries to excuse and fails.
Bolt's effort to claim equivalence with Smith and Goodes booed falls short of what actually occurred and the difference between the two events. They aren't the same. It's yet another attempt by Bolt to play the misunderstood victim. How often can he keep repeatedly do it and fail?
The film, Australian Dream, didn't fail! Australia is a multicultural country, so one wouldn't expect a high attendance to a low budget production like this to have a large turnout of differing cultures. Bolt, however, proves he's gloating, racist, idiot, and as thick as a plank who represents a bogan minority within Australia. They are condensed to some extent in an AFL crowd and ready to lead the stadium in booing like a Mexican wave. Nobody suggested that "all "AFL football supporters were a part of that white supremacist body that Bolt encourages and enables. However, you will find them there and active. Find them leading the Australian racist chorus Bolt tries to excuse and fails.
Australian audiences haven't abandoned Adam Goodes they just happen to be part of a multicultural audience diluted and less unattentive to the plight of indigenous Australians. They might be considered part of the casual racism Goodes said exists. Simply part of the internalised casual racism that Australia has taken on board and normalised these past 200 years. Are Australians sympathetic to the racism indigenous Australians suffer evidenced on every social metric yes! Do they support Andrew Bolt who blames Indigenous cultures for their plight, no! 85% of Australians recommend recognition of Australia's First Nations want the racism in our Constitution gone. They, unlike Bolt, are for voice given to Indigenous Australia from the bottom up and not just top-down.
"ticket sales prove the point of the film" it's true they do, but it's what you'd expect in a multicultural country. That response isn't what you'd expect from bigots like Bolt who seem to believe it's proved a point for them when it hasn't.
If booing Adam Goodes proved Australians are racists, what does this
booing of Cameron Smith prove? That he’s actually Aboriginal,
too? That’s the problem with the media playing the race card so often.
It runs out of trumps.
Why have local audiences abandoned Adam Goodes and The Australian Dream? - Analysis & Opinion - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Our country's political decline isn't being helped by the mainstream media.
Over the past few years, we've seen our Government go from bad to worse while news and mainstream media fuel the fire.
When it comes to independent media, now more than ever in our history is the time to get behind and support their work as it is clear that the oligarchs running the MSM are only batting for their own interests and agendas. The rise of social media is a threat to these powers, so it's now time for all of us who see what is happening in our country and the world to support independent media that gives voice to the truths that the MSM suppresses and ignores.
What better time than now to make an enormous shift and let advertisers at MSM media outlets like News Corp Sky and 2GB and CH9 their products and services are unwanted as long as they align themselves with these persuaders and purveyors of FAKE NEWS and INFORMATION
The reef report is in and ocean scientists are fearful
If anything, we have been underestimating both the rates of climate change and their global impacts.
Leaders slowly come to grips with a different economy
The beginning of economic wisdom is to understand that the advanced economies – including ours – have stopped working the way they used to.
And Treasurer Josh Frydenberg gave a speech on Australia’s productivity challenge, which offered the Morrison government’s first acknowledgement that maybe not everything in Australia’s economic garden is rosy.
And Treasurer Josh Frydenberg gave a speech on Australia’s productivity challenge, which offered the Morrison government’s first acknowledgement that maybe not everything in Australia’s economic garden is rosy.
Our politicians have shown themselves too small for this task
The idea of Australia isn’t big enough - but it can be enlarged. The Uluru Statement from the Heart asks us to imagine: a bigger nation. A nation freed from the curse of terra nullius: that can finally place the First Peoples of this land at the heart of Australia’s founding document.
Our politicians have shown themselves too small for this task. The generosity of the Uluru Statement has been shrunk to the politically possible. It is a debating point. Now, we fill the ABC studios with empty words that take us nowhere.
Our politicians have shown themselves too small for this task. The generosity of the Uluru Statement has been shrunk to the politically possible. It is a debating point. Now, we fill the ABC studios with empty words that take us nowhere.
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