Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 28/8/19; Our new Police State and Media point the bone at China; Bolt's New Racism; Bolt flipping and accusing Miley Cyrus of what he does;

The children of refugee families had job prospects about equal to the Australian average, Deloitte reported.


Lifting refugee intake would boost economy by $5 billion a year: Deloitte

The findings suggest even those migrants who arrive with limited English skills or recognised qualifications will benefit the country economically over time


The work of a media clown

The Australian government has passed its own set of repressive laws that allows them to charge Australians under the guise of National Security for revealing that our government is breaking International laws. It has allowed this government to secretly charge and bring to trial a whistleblower and his lawyer without the Australian public knowing what's actually going on. Witness K1 and Bernard Corolaery have been persecuted and silenced these past six years for revealing even more shamefull illegal events that took place in 2004. The LNP has excercised newly passed laws  to exact revenge and bring Australia closer to being a police state. It's doing the same to journalists and public servants who dare reveal illegal activities or thought to have revealed any activities deemed not in the public interest. ASIS, ASIO, and the AFP have been given the right to raid the offices and homes of Australian in a show of power should any other citizen reveal what the government is up to. Not in the Public Interest has become the central tenet of the Abbott/Turnbull/ Morrison  LNP  coalition.

Bolt calls out the New Racism yet again as he did against Adam Goodes. "if you call me racist, your a racist" is the defence no attack on Adut AKech ."If you call me a vilifier your a vilifier" was Bolt's claim against Judge MorecaiBromberg when he was found to have broken our RDA laws. If your coloured and complain you will get no support from Bolt who will play the race card.
All Bolt is doing is trying to trivialise race as Trump is trying to trivialise the meaning of News by calling real news fake. 
Real racism is historical, behavioural a social trend, and habit embedded in what we regard as usual and it is passed down and taught to generation after generation so much, so it becomes a perceived right, an entitlement of one race over another. Andrew Bolt has practised and defended real racism for as long as I can remember, and he applied it openly against Adam Goodes. In his defence pulled out the fake race card when Adam revealed Bolt's inherent bullying truth.
Bolt is doing the same now to Adut as he did to Goodes. He did it to Yassmin Abdul -Magied as he's been doing to coloured South Sudanese women laughing at them for having a Beauty Pageant. When yells "who let them in" it's against people of colour and different religions and amplifies what they do as an exception rather than the norm.
If Indigenous Australians complain about the colonial foot they have had on their necks for 200 years Bolt plays the New Racecard, the fake race card. It's the Bully's gambit that if the victim complains flip the card and call him a bully. It's childish, schoolyard but effective and has been so for years. "if you call me racist your the racist."
However, it backfired on Andrew Bolt when he called his ex-fiancee a liar in the media because she complained that Bolt was making malicious use of her in an article he'd written to boost himself.  Andrew Bolt yelled he was the "victim" "I'm the victim" thinking he was safe. But she didn't vanish. When she threatened to test his defamation of her in court Bolt buckled.  I fact he ought to be tested in court more frequently. Truth and justice would be more readily revealed


"This is a public trashing of Hemsworth, from which Cyrus earns not just cheap applause but a lot of cash.
The fact that she's an artist does not excuse the fact that this is very cruel and trashy behaviour. But what does the mob care?" Andrew Bolt

 This coming from Andrew Bolt media star is as hypocritical and farcical as it gets. Bolt told the world he once worked as a Minder to a Belly Dancer to boost a cool image in the eyes of his readers, so he thought. She was actually his fiancee, and he was more her kept unemployed lap dog, her poodle.  She was a teacher and with a second talent and Bolt with nothing to do followed her about dutifully. His depiction of her, however, was offensive, and she let the world know by complaining and revealing the true circumstances of their relationship.
 The all-powerful media man Andrew Bolt thought it would be easy to just call her a liar and thought he had it in the bag saying she was never her fiancee and a range of other offensive things. Yes, Bolt had the media power, and he was being paid for his opinions in which she became the liar in his lament that he was the victim of "fake news". 
When push came to shove, and it was to be tested in court under our Defamation rules it was Andrew Bolt who folded faster than a cheap Poker Hand claiming he was lying for his wife's and family's sake which the world didn't believe for a second. Here he is attacking Miley Cyrus for doing what seems like Bolt did for public attention. He claims she's the vengeful woman trashing Liam for cheap applause when Liam bad-mouthed her and brought divorce proceedings against her. Is this Bolt's defence of Liam Hemsworth a  pathetic simile of his own once bullshit claims to victimhood? Another attempt to hide his past and present misogyny it certainly seems so.

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