Bolt is in denial doing a Trump. Nothing original here and playing Whack-a-Mole with a 13 -teen- year old and Fake News with the ABC and all about his victimhood, how Trump.
Bolt's real reason for his blog himself and Adam Goodes
"The falseness of that analogy is obvious. Or should be to someone reasonably intelligent and without an axe to grind." Bolt
Bolt makes out he's very much "the victim". It's the typical of bullies when caught out and not exceptional. The ageist, racist bullies that we've heard a lot from recently particularly on Fox News, Sky News, News Corp all coincidently owned by Rupert Murdoch Fossil Fuel magnate and beloved by Trump, Johnson and Morrison his chosen politicians. His media mammoth readily calling everything else Fake if not onside.
" The 13-year-old girl I defended did not ask to be part of any debate. No one was making an icon of her for some controversial cause."(Bolt ). Bolt, however, instantly made an icon of her and edited out the full context to particularise his racist rush at Goodes. It's all now come back on him in the films recently produced and shown in public.
" Greta Thunberg, however, is 16, and an eager participant in public debate. For two years she has been hailed as a great guru of global warming and has addressed, upon invitation," Bolt
Bolt has been maligning Greta Thunberg since she was 14. Attacking her honesty, her Aspergers as if they were central to his arguments on Climate. He made up what Goodes didn't do, but Bolt said he did and what Andrew Bolt he said he'd never do. Her "message" apparently justifies the nature Bolt's disparagement for the past two years. Did we hear Goodes doing the same no! He said it wasn't the 13-year-old girl's fault she wasn't to blame. Very different and far less callous than our blogger Bolt
"Moreover, she and her mother have themselves revealed her astonishing suite of mental issues - selective mutism, depression, anxiety, Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder." Bolt So it's their fault and allows Bolt to use it in his arguments.
According to the Bolt Adam Goodes deserved the booing incited by the racist media but now denies any correlation or analogy in his personal attack on the 14-year-old, now 16 "Thunberg has been touted as a public guru who must be believed. I disagreed. Those now screaming that doing so was cruel should never have tried to exploit her in the first place. They are cowards, hiding behind a troubled girl to delegitimise criticism of their apocalyptic nonsense." Bolt Who really is the "blithering idiot"? Whose argument is not about the science he simply brushes off as "apocalyptic nonsense" and the belief it's all based on a 16-year-old guru? Yes, Thunberg is a flag, but she's not a false one without foundation. Bolt has focused on the flag rather than the foundation it sits on, which makes him the "blithering idiot" and fake.
"False: I don't think "man-made global warming is a load of nonsense". And what is this "99 per cent" survey that Barry refers to?"Andrew Bolt
No how many times have we heard Andrew Bolt, Agnostic, declare warming to be a "religious cult" not a Science? Apart from Christianity, but not all Christianity, only Capitalism which he doesn't really specify, all cults are" a load of nonsense". So by merely calling "warming science" a "cult" Bolt figures, his tautology is proof.
Ergo Paul Barry has hit the nail on the head and struck a raw nerve, the circular argument which Bolt puts forward as logic is just a load of factless nonsense.
Secondly, Bolt isn't a sceptic, but the Scientific method is, and Andrew Bolt employs none. Even the few real scientists that study Climate Science and have had their doubts in the research over the years have moved on. The few that represent the 1% which Bolt is demanding Barry point to are continually changing and aren't, however, doubters they once were. Bolt has shown his inflexibility for the past 2 decades.
So Bolt's letter to Jon Faine isn't Andrew Bolt defining "himself" It's someone who can't except the ongoing transition of ideas over time that's been occurring for the past 40 years to the models of man's involvement in Climate Change. That change which Bolt calls a"slight" is far more critical than Bolt and deniers give credit, and that globally all the significant Institutions from Science Economics Politics and Finance are coming to the ever-increasing conclusion it's Andrew Bolt whose the "blithering idiot" not Paul Barry, Jon Faine or the ABC.
No matter how much Bolt now tries to shift his position " To sum up: is the pain of global warming schemes really worth the gain in slowing global warming?That's the real argument. Bolt, one needs to be reminded, said the planet had been cooling since 1998 is merely adhering to a then fixed religious deniers cult that still exists today. To them, there was an economic conspiracy driving warming science. Politicians supported by Murdoch like Tony Abbott knew more than science and needed a uniform global front for their political denial and Murdoch was the answer. Andrew Bolt in Australia can't be seen calling Donald Trump a "blithering idiot" in the US or Boris in the UK. So the ABC, the head of BHP, the banks, our universities, the Pope, all are being called "blithering idiots." by the Murdochians.
'I will always speak up': Simmons' Crown statement
Australian basketballer claimed he was denied entry to Crown casino on Monday night due to racial profiling
Nobody seems to understand just how you feel and that's what Adam Goodes was trying to get across when he was slammed by Andrew Bolt.
'Not welcome': Trump plans visit to Texas, Ohio, as two more die in El Paso
US Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, who represents El Paso, said that Trump was "not welcome" in El Paso if he came to visit because of his inflammatory rhetoric about Latinos and immigrants.
"Words have consequences. The president has made my community and my people the enemy," said Escobar on MSNBC's Morning Joe.
"He has told the country that we are people to be feared, people to be hated."
She added that Hispanic people "have been dehumanised by the president and his enablers" and that this was "one of the lowest points in American history."
Trump has said Americans "must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy" and blamed the internet and violent video games for fostering violence.Opinion
Mass shooting
Trump may be uniquely unwilling to curtail racist acts of violence
He wrings his hands in 280-character tweets, but here's why he doesn't do much else about racist acts of violence
There will be a robust debate over the coming days about the role Trump played in the shooting in El Paso and the way his rhetoric reflects and bolsters the rhetoric of overtly racist groups and individuals. At a minimum, though, Trump's willingness to coexist with racists, his belief that attacking nonwhites and immigrants as dangers to the country benefits him politically, and his indifference to amending the nation's laws on gun ownership make him uniquely incapable or unwilling to do anything about racist acts of violence besides to wring his hands in 280-character bursts on Twitter.

The grassroots group Never Again Action has organized events across the country in recent weeks—from New Jersey to Washington, D.C. to Chicago—to protest against the Trump administration's immigration policies and how agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Patrol treat asylum-seekers and other migrants, particularly those who enter the country at the Southern border.

Jewish Protesters Arrested at LA Office of Private Prison Company That Runs ICE 'Concentration Camps'
Trump accused "the Squad" of " hate crime" will he do the same to all those other Americans who oppose him?
Jewish activists were arrested Monday for protesting at the Los Angeles office of the GEO Group, a private prison company that runs federal migrant detention facilities decried by critics as "concentration camps."The grassroots group Never Again Action has organized events across the country in recent weeks—from New Jersey to Washington, D.C. to Chicago—to protest against the Trump administration's immigration policies and how agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Patrol treat asylum-seekers and other migrants, particularly those who enter the country at the Southern border.
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