Systemic Cultural Division as applied by Trump and Fox Corp along with Economic Myth building that is the focus of Trump's Rallies.

Teleprompter Trump meets Twitter Trump as the President responds to shootings
"In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy," the President said, reading from a script that scrolled on a teleprompter in front of him. He added, "Now is the time to set destructive partisanship aside - so destructive - and find the courage to answer hatred with unity, devotion and love."He was playing Golf
That unifying message stood in stark contrast to more than 2½ years of name-calling, demonising minorities and inflaming racial animus, much of it carried out on Twitter. Just two hours before his White House speech, Trump tweeted an attack on the "Fake News" media for contributing to a culture of "anger and rage." And in another set of tweets, the President suggested pairing "strong background checks" with "desperately needed immigration reform" - then dropped the matter entirely during his speech.
In a statement posted to his Twitter and Facebook accounts, Obama warned that such language has been at the root of most human tragedy, from slavery to the Holocaust to Rwandan genocide.
"If you laid that speech next to videos of his rallies, it's mind-boggling," said David Axelrod, a senior adviser Obama. "He said what you'd want the president to say. The problem is that in real life, he's a provocateur, not a healer, and his whole political project depends on those provocations. And so how long will it be before he returns to 'Twitter Trump' stirring the pot? How long before the next rally when he uses the dehumanising language that he decried in his remarks today?"
On Monday morning, Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley, a Democrat, said she had not received a call from the President, but had heard he was planning a visit for Wednesday."And, you know," she added, "he might be going to Toledo."
Commonsense Gun Control, the U.S. Army Way
While strict, U.S. Army weapons storage regulations are clear, easily understood, efficiently implemented, multi-layered and enforceable. The U.S. Army is a standard-bearer of safe firearm policy. Ironic, isn’t it, that conservative gun rights advocates tend to be reflexively pro-military but would never agree to the application of any of that same military’s gun-safety standards? Consider it, hypocrisy of the highest order.Since Ch9 took over Fairfax Media, The Age seems to be mimicking News Corp. News Corp and Sky have been at the forefront of a racist disparagement of Adam Goodes Australian of the Year and champion AFL player merely because he spoke up and told Australia how he was made to feel as an indigenous Australian. The outcry, denials and claims of reverse racism were alarming and came from a small but extremely powerful part of the MSM. Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones, Sam Newman lead the abuse of Goodes but have got more than they expected in return. Bolt now like Trump desperately bellowing the standard bully's denial and claiming to be the victim but has gained little traction.
The Age has now turned and is doing much the same as Trump and Bolt excercising their right to be culturally racist too singling out Ben Simmons in much the same way despite the negative reputation that Crown Casino has had recently and their corporate denial of everything. What did Ben Simmons do? He described how he was made to feel in the hands of Crown Security. How dare he! They are major advertisers with Ch9.
"Australian NBA All-Star Ben Simmons was travelling in Victoria on a promotional trip when he posted a video after he was allegedly denied entry to a gambling area at Crown casino.
But tourism body Visit Victoria said the trip to Crown was not part of its deal with Simmons to promote the state to a global audience."
Let's be clear here Simmons
1) was not directing his complaint to either Melbourne as a city or Victoria as a State.
2) Crown Casino has done more to downgrade Melbourne's and Victoria's reputation than anything Simmons has been accused of doing.
3) This seems more of an advertorial by Ch9 in protecting the reputation of a heavy advertiser which has been accused of money laundering and other criminal associations. This article could well be described for what it is. Fake news and propaganda to whitewash a corporate ally and blackwash Simmons for describing his and his groups experience.
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