Fact: Australia hectors China. It's so true and does so on so many hypocritical fronts.
1) Australia's government agencies have been caught out bribing and committing the worst of commercial espionage in dealing with other nations and is ready to accuse China of doing the same.
2) Australia lead the world in the most atrocious human rights affronts an has the gall to hector China for much less.
3) Australia is increasing poverty and restricting freedoms of its citizens where as China is reducing poverty and providing it's citizens with greater human freedoms. Yet Australia has the gall to take the moral high ground.
4) Australia has it's troops in more countries has carried out more invasions of other nations yet sets itself up as being a better nation than China,
5) Australia abandoned the Pacific region and turned to Europe as it's prferred zone of interst under the Abbott government and when the Chinese moved into the space Australia once held China was called the aggressor.
6) Australia sits at the coat tails of American influence and simply refuses to act as an independant nation as NZ does. The LNP government is a do nothing government when it comes to global issues and the betterment of the planet it has increasingly become a vassal of the greatest rogue and immoral nation on the planet Shame Australia Shame. (ODT)
China's foreign ministry has again lashed out at Australia for its decision to ban Chinese telecommunications company Huawei from participating in the rollout of its 5G network and accused Australia of "lecturing other countries".
The admonishment followed former prime minister Tony Abbott's comments in an interview urging Britain to do the same and ban Huawei from participating.
Australia 'blatantly discriminating against Chinese companies': China.
Coalition loses control of the visa system.
It also requires voters to ignore the fact there are around 100,000 people currently in Australia who are either seeking asylum, have been refused asylum but are still in Australia or are on some sort of temporary protection visa. This cohort has been growing at around 2,000 applications per month in recent years.
If the Government tries to use the way it managed the Biloela family as a template for managing the current asylum seeker caseload, the cost will run into the many billions of dollars and take many years — that is assuming the Government ever gets on top of the issue.
The fact that funding for visa processing in the 2019 Budget shows a sharp decline over the next few years tells us the Government has no plans for dealing with the growing asylum seeker caseload and that things will get a lot worse before they get any better.
The Government desperately needs a plan to regain control of the visa system and deal with the rapidly growing asylum seeker caseload fairly, humanely and cost-effectively. Judicious and timely use of ministerial intervention will inevitably be a part of that plan if the Government is to limit the potential costs.
And to those at The Australian arguing this will result in a deluge of boat arrivals, I have two simple questions.
Firstly, when the Howard Government had boat turnback policy in place and resettled hundreds of refugees from Manus and Nauru in Australia and New Zealand in the first half of the 2000s, why didn’t the boats restart then?
Secondly, what alternative strategy would they suggest for dealing with the Government’s loss of control over our borders that doesn’t blow the Home Affairs budget out of the water?

“I certainly hadn’t thought that Andrew Bolt would be a great fit for the ABC,” she said.
‘Knock yourselves out.’
Straight from the IPA
News Corps subs rebellion
Andrew Bolt's not rebelling he's selling subs like a model Murdochian
Rough puff
Andrew Bolt at the ABC? That's not happening, Ita Buttrose says | Weekly Beast | Media | The Guardian
The Prime Minister's race-baiting in defence of Gladys Liu is working. It's inflaming race resentments that are useful to his Government: "Asian Australians who don't look like 'white bread' Aussies are at risk of being tarred as 'spies' who have to prove their loyalty to Australia..., leading Asian-Australian leaders... warn."
Bolt's dutifully performing the tasks that News Corp subs are rebelling against selling subs for the News Corps press. It even allows him to be a hypocrite in the activity. Here he is declaring Morrison is recklessly race-baiting an activity that Bolt has been a zealot at. The Chinese, Africans, Indigenous have all been targets of his at one time or another, and he's now calling Morrison reckless. Bolt's rarely a metronome but pretending to be what he's not is the equivalent of Trump bullshit denials. While his banner isn't fake Bolt is.
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