Monday, 30 September 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 30/9/19; LNP and their SECRETS; Much needs changing in an aging nation; Mental Health is just another illness;

O'brien in a top hat is seized as a crowd watches on

How convicts helped turn one of the most unfree places on Earth into a democracy

Not many of us realise this, but by the late 19th century, Australia was known as the social laboratory of the world. And who do we have to thank for that? The convicts.

Immigration Minister David Coleman, right, and Prime Minister Scott Morrison commissioned the review last year.

Asylum seekers

Unreleased report urged 'positive' spin on refugees

Morrison government instructed to create "more positive narrative" to boost their employment prospects.
 The students looking after the residents.

Would you live in a nursing home if you got free rent?

Posted | Updated
A nursing home invites millennials to live on-site for free in an effort to improve the health of residents and reduce the isolation that's faced by many ageing Australians.

You wouldn't ask someone with a broken arm "have you tried not having a broken arm?"

Image result for Images of Fox Public Relations


Fascinating piece by Conrad Black on what outsiders don't understand about Donald Trump:  

 The U.S. Attorney laid four new charges against Black on 15 December 2005, alleging racketeering, obstruction of justice, money laundering, mail fraud, tax evasion and wire fraud.

Andrew Bolt is someone who will always let you know if any person that leans left and makes a public statement has a criminal past. They should never be forgiven or forgotten their trespasses but not so Conrad Black.
Conrad Black was cut from the cloth as Donald Trump, a failed businessman who thought he was on top of the Darwinian jungle too and went to jail for the belief he was untouchable also. Trump pardoned him, so why should anything he has to say about Trump be considered "fascinating" rather than "expected".
Both didn't rise to the surface because they were alpha males or the best the jungle has to offer they came from inherited wealth and simply proved that the system not only makes it hard for those without a start to rise to the top but more importantly it makes it harder for those at the top to slide down.
Trump has proved that because if he'd simply banked his inheritance, he'd be $8 billion richer today which actually makes him a shithouse businessman and a shithouse amoral character who believes in his own publicity. He doesn't need men like Conrad Black to put him on a pedestal. As for Bolt, he pays Bolt's masters to be publicity agents on his behalf and particularly now that he's President. Every 2 years Murdoch's coffers are filled with election advertising, and it's not with Democrat money that's for sure. 
The jungle  Bolt refers to isn't one it's a system a pattern of behaviours and norms that ensures competition has a dampener on it and it's based fundamentally on a Class System that keeps everyone in their place promises a lot but delivers nothing other than a Donald Trump


More fake climate news this month: "Guardian Australia proclaimed in a headline: 'Like nothing we’ve seen: Queensland bushfires tear through rainforest.'" Similar fake news last year: "The ABC reported that Eungella rainforests were reduced to cinders and would take hundreds of years to recover." Why are warmist newspapers addicted to fake news? 
1h ago
 What Trumpster and Murdochian Andrew Bolt calls normal and Fake News farmers in the area certainly don't. They haven't ever experienced The Eungella rain forest burn as excessive as it was, and a few shoots of greenery seen today don't make it a recovery as there is yet again another warning for an excessively dry season with little expectation of rain.
 It wasn't so long ago when Qld farmers were talking of a drought not seen in their lifetime and Andrew Bolt's reply that was bullshit as it was Australia's wettest year. But Bolt happens to be a paid contrarian when it comes to climate events, simply denying over 40 years of accumulated science and people's experience.  He spent almost 20 years telling us the planet was cooling. He's shut up on that score.
Whatever the damage done in 2018, it was extreme, and evidence has shown extreme conditions have and are occurring globally and regularly. Science, statistics, insurance companies, peoples movements, businesses, and investors are all aware of it. The ABC is and has reported it responsibly unlike Bolt whose contrarian purpose is to call everyone liars and declare himself a sage denying facts recognised at all levels and not just in Australia.

Queensland's farmers still reeling from the 2018 bushfire disaster ...

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