by Cody Fenwick | September 28, 2019 - 7:14am | permalink
This yet another of Trump's confidants and Lawyers the others are in jail waiting for the pardons promised but will never come (ODT)
Even if you ignore the fact that he had to quickly cancel plans to appear at a Kremlin-sponsored conference on Friday, Rudy Giuliani is having an objectively terrible day.
All week, Giuliani has been frantically trying to clear himself of any accusations of wrongdoing in the unfolding Ukraine scandal. The matter exploded this week and triggered a reinvigorated push for impeachment focused on Giluani and President Donald Trump’s combined efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, as documented in a White House phone call memo. Separately, Giuliani has been quite open about his efforts on Trump’s behalf, admitting that he has been “meddling” in an investigation to promote his client’s interests.
» article continues...Even if you ignore the fact that he had to quickly cancel plans to appear at a Kremlin-sponsored conference on Friday, Rudy Giuliani is having an objectively terrible day.
All week, Giuliani has been frantically trying to clear himself of any accusations of wrongdoing in the unfolding Ukraine scandal. The matter exploded this week and triggered a reinvigorated push for impeachment focused on Giluani and President Donald Trump’s combined efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, as documented in a White House phone call memo. Separately, Giuliani has been quite open about his efforts on Trump’s behalf, admitting that he has been “meddling” in an investigation to promote his client’s interests.
Over the last two and a half years, Trump has shown himself willing to trample any aspect of our democracy that gets in his way – attacking the media, using the presidency for personal profit, packing the federal courts, verbally attacking judges, blasting the head of the Federal Reserve, spending money in ways Congress did not authorize, and subverting the separation of powers.
He believes he’s invincible. He’s now daring our entire constitutional and political system to stop him.
by P.M. Carpenter | September 28, 2019 - 7:07am | permalink
Speaking of the mad, mad, mad world of conservative media, and returning, for moment to Jeremy Peters' NY Times article, this bit of frenzied lunacy is noted:
"[Mr. Hannity's radio show begins each day] with an announcer declaring that he is 'Fighting the Trump-hating liberal media one day at a time.'"
But get this, from Vanity Fair's Gabriel Sherman: Yesterday, "Sean Hannity told friends the whistle-blower’s allegations are 'really bad,' a person briefed on Hannity’s conversations told me."
Not uncommon for Murdoch Media
How the Herald Sun turned on its own after the George Pell scoop
Lucie Morris-Marr, the first journalist to reveal that Victoria police were investigating George Pell over allegations of child abuse, has detailed in her new book what she endured at the Herald Sun after breaking the story on the tabloid’s front page.In Fallen: the inside story of the secret trial and conviction of Cardinal George Pell, Morris-Marr says elation over her scoop quickly turned sour, and she ended up suffering from severe stress after attacks from Pell and her colleague Andrew Bolt.
“My suspicion that News Corp was doing a U-turn seemed to be confirmed by Monday morning when Andrew Bolt described my scoop as a ‘witch hunt’ and a ‘smear’,” she wrote.
Morris-Marr went on to report on the Pell trial for CNN and the New Daily and, when her book was published last week, it went to the number one spot in the true-crime bestsellers on Amazon.
“My suspicion that News Corp was doing a U-turn seemed to be confirmed by Monday morning when Andrew Bolt described my scoop as a ‘witch hunt’ and a ‘smear’,” she wrote.
Morris-Marr went on to report on the Pell trial for CNN and the New Daily and, when her book was published last week, it went to the number one spot in the true-crime bestsellers on Amazon.
PICK THE WORST No wonder children are crying in the streets, terrified that global warming will kill them. Here are 15 adults responsible for spreading warming catastrophism with their wild exaggerations and reckless attention-seeking. Read - and pick the most dangerous of all. (Plus: 11 cool facts to calm down your sobbing child.)
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