Yet all Scott Morrison wants to do is attack workers & their unions.
ASX to drop, Wall St sinks as US-China tariffs impact manufacturers
All the way with Donald J
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Australian shares are headed for a moderate drop ahead of today's GDP figures, which may reveal that Australia's economic growth has virtually ground to a halt.
How White Nationalists Are Inspired by the Bosnia Genocide
Why those against multiculturalism and for an Ethno-State inspire the worst of humanity and hate. Right -wingpromotors of disinformation and fake news are triggers for domestic terror. They cried "Who let them in" in Bosnia too. (ODT)
When Yugoslavia began to violently be carved into competing ethnic-states, there remained many people, including Serbs, Croats, Muslims, and Slovenes, who refused to go along with the new sectarian reality. Some of them, in fact, continued to call themselves Yugoslavs: citizens of a multicultural society that would soon cease to exist. What many who remembered the time before the war will tell you is that they never imagined that such a thing could happen in their country. Yugoslavia was a modern country that, by most appearances, had left the past behind. In 1984, the city of Sarajevo was the home of the Winter Olympics. Less than a decade later, it was under the worst military siege Europe had witnessed since Stalingrad.
During the final years of Yugoslavia, when the system was beginning to crack, nationalist leaders kept insisting against all evidence that things would be better than ever if the people would only let them push their rightwing agenda through. Even with a demagogic and incompetent leader, the United States is still likely more resilient than Yugoslavia was at any point in its history. But the xenophobia, hubris, and ignorance being loudly trumpeted in the United States strikes a familiar note to people like Djurić. It’s what happened to his society, after all, right before it collapsed.
“When you put so much effort into building a glorious narrative built on lies and half-truths, at some point you run out of new stories to feed it with,” Djurić said. Outside the windows, the evening light in Belgrade began to darken. “Then you go back to war.”

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