Sunday, 8 September 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL;8/9/19; For 6 year theis LNP Government has lied. It doesn't know the truth; Conservatives Blocked Boris; Was Bolt ever more than a paper boy?

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Utter lies: The truth on boat arrivals and border protection

Government policies built on lies and spin, assisted by the media, have resulted in massive policy failure. We have allowed it to happen. The cruelty to the family in Biloela is an inevitable consequence of government deception and complicity by the media. It punishes a family to distract from policy failure and the lies that have accompanied it.
The Coalition has been so mesmerised by its own spin that it has persuaded itself and the media that if it shows any decency to the Tamil family the boats will start again. That nonsense is built on a litany of lies.

Image result for boris johnson

UK Lords Members Block No-Deal Brexit

UK Lords Members Block No-Deal Brexit by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Overnight Thursday, majority House of Lords members voted to require Boris [

It takes a lot to defy common sense on a global scale, all to benefit one industry

Image result for Image of Mordecai Bromberg


Indeed: "[Judge] Mordecai “Mordy” Bromberg...  will decide on Friday if a Tamil family of four will be deported back to Sri Lanka." Before becoming a judge: "He acted as a consultant to the International Labour Organisation and campaigne­d for workers’ rights... [and ran] for preselection to be Labor’s candida­te." And one more thing... 

You would never hear this from Andrew Bolt(ODT)
There is a common thread in Andrew Bolt's efforts to sell Herald Sun subscriptions.
"Don't say anything" because "I can't say anything" "I might get sued". "They're watching me",
 In other words, it's all about Andrew Bolt making out he's the focus of attention of men so much greater and more respected than him. The implication, they might read his boss's rag.
 The question it raises is why anybody would bother to subscribe to bland uninformed gossip? Bolt draws attention our way with the proviso of not being able to say anything. As if shackled by advice coming from higher up News Corp's army of lawyers. If that were the case, wouldn't the articles Bolt is trying to direct to be equally as bland? If so people like Justice Bromberg and Dr Teo don't read them so why should you read vacuous crap that's as interesting as watching paint dry? Rest assured Bromberg and Teo don't subscribe to News Corp so why on earth should you?


On media myth-making: "Each [news story] followed an obvious pattern: with the help of the local community, an anguished family raises funds so their loved one might receive the... 'life-saving' surgery of Charlie Teo...  In June 2011, Toowoomba newspaper The Chronicle...: 'Local generosity saved Peter’s life.' Peter died less than a year later." 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What are the lies ? How about mentioning a few instead of these pathetic hyperbolic attacks.