Six years ago, he shocked the world when he leaked a trove of secret documents about how the United States had built a massive surveillance apparatus to collect every single phone call, text message and email, and pry into the private lives of every person on Earth.
Edward Snowden: Private Contractors Play Key Role in U.S. Intelligence’s “Creeping Authoritarianism” | Democracy Now! -Audio
Trump’s Buddy Chris Collins Just Resigned From Congress
Collins had used information gleaned from his position as a board member at a pharmaceutical company to alert his son, and close associates of a failed test for a new company drug before news of it became public. Federal investigators said this information prompted Collins’ family and friends to sell their shares in the company and save over $768,000 in losses.
Dan Spinelli
The most fabulous piece of social engineering in modern history took a billion people from starvation feudal oppression and saved their lives in just 70 years. Meanwhile, Capitalism in the same period has widened the wealth, income and opportunity gaps like never before. While China is improving health housing education and social mobility for its citizens, the West is destroying it for theirs. Andrew Bolt in the meantime claims at what price? At what purpose basic and universal dignity.
Under the guise of freedom, Australians have in 70 years become the world's biggest per-capita polluters and are carrying the world's second greatest burden of personal debt on their shoulders. Meanwhile, the Chinese are accumulating savings leaving China as students and tourists in numbers never seen before while we are working increasing hours increasing productivity but not keeping up with the cost of living. The Chinese are sharing the profits of their increased production, while less than 10% of Australians are benefiting from theirs. What's more, the ownership of once accumulated past profits is shrinking in the West.
During the past 70 years, the Western military presence has expanded like never before. While China displays an army and military, it has only 1 base outside of its borders. The West and in particular, the US has 800 and has made it a major part of its economy. Even Australia has an unwanted presence in more countries and wants to grow as an arms exporter.
China is investing in the world while we can be seen to have been doing the opposite. Timor Leste is our model of secret generosity. Greed which Andrew Bolt of course lauds or creates myths about to disguise the reality of our corrupt government actions. No matter Bolt's narratives the fact, when examined, shows China to be a modern miracle of social engineering while Australia is following Trump's model of ever-increasing militarised decay its dream of Democracy and a peoples state fast becoming a historical myth.
China is investing in the world while we can be seen to have been doing the opposite. Timor Leste is our model of secret generosity. Greed which Andrew Bolt of course lauds or creates myths about to disguise the reality of our corrupt government actions. No matter Bolt's narratives the fact, when examined, shows China to be a modern miracle of social engineering while Australia is following Trump's model of ever-increasing militarised decay its dream of Democracy and a peoples state fast becoming a historical myth.
Australia helped to start two years of fake news about Donald Trump colluding with Russia. Now Trump wants Australia to explain how and why. So what's the problem with the Morrison Government agreeing to help him understand just what happened when Alexander Downer met George Papadopoulos? My editorial from The Bolt Report.
30m ago
Trump has also said he doesn't care if there was any Russian collusion. In fact, he doesn't care if there is any in 2020. What he wants is other countries to involve themselves in the 2020 elections only if they support him. Bolt, head up his ass, as usual, asks what's wrong with that?
What's wrong, it's totally against America's constitution for a president to invite other nations to interfere in its domestic politics. It's why it's illegal for a president to hide the phone calls he makes from Congress. The problem for Morrison is he's not agreeing to help America but has agreed to help Trump. The agreement with Morrison may have been on a lesser scale compared with the conversation with Ukraine's PM asking to dig up, no manufacture dirt on a political opponent, but the intent was the same why else were the transcripts of both conversations so tightly hidden? So what's the problem with saying they were criminal and unconstitutional is the real question?
What's wrong, it's totally against America's constitution for a president to invite other nations to interfere in its domestic politics. It's why it's illegal for a president to hide the phone calls he makes from Congress. The problem for Morrison is he's not agreeing to help America but has agreed to help Trump. The agreement with Morrison may have been on a lesser scale compared with the conversation with Ukraine's PM asking to dig up, no manufacture dirt on a political opponent, but the intent was the same why else were the transcripts of both conversations so tightly hidden? So what's the problem with saying they were criminal and unconstitutional is the real question?
VIDEO This is what it's come to: three masked Antifa activists in Canada blocking, threatening and screaming abuse at an old woman in a walker. Activists are dangerous when they give themselves a licence to bully. It means that the more they bully even the helpless, the more virtuous they feel. Watch, as Daisy Cousens and I discuss.
25m ago
What a manufactured narrative we have here from which Andre Bolt continues to draw his wild generalisations and fantasised conclusions. Myths drawn from yet another manufactured photo opportunity the facts of which are really totally unknown. Remember Portland it wasn't an "old lady" back then that was the centre of Bolt's bullshit it was a heroic "bullied" photographer that Bolt and Cousens were all over like a rash footage they spread bullshit about. That reporter turned out to be a "fake" yes , a "fake" for which Bolt has never apologised. Andrew Bolt's Sky News draws such easy and mythical generalisations that ANTIFA, protesters are "bullies". Meanwhile, the right shoot to kill when protesting their hate and antipathies and their activities have seen a massive increase in 2019 in the number dead at their events.
Yes, they are more secretive but fucking more demonstrative and damaging too. They bring death with them. Guess the bullying is over once those being bullied are dead, so Bolt really doesn't bother amplifying their dirty deeds, does he? Israel is a state that sponsors death and has done a lot of it this year. Mass shooters feel enabled by the likes of the Andrew Bolt commentariat and that commentariat, in turn, feels emboldened by the chase for ratings and profit showing they are the loudest and highest-paid voices in the market of commodified opinion. They enable the right-wing bombers killers to come out in the daylight and play, and they feed off each other, while our governments allow them to sell their murderous encouragement.
Their voices have a two-edged purpose not to just enable right-wing violence which has exploded around the world and grown 278% in America alone in 2019, but they want to encourage and embolden push back from those they target to abuse like ANTIFA Muslims etc. The Bolt's of this world want to recruit violence, and the state allows them to do it and get away with it in the name of "free speech". However, they don't do the same for everyone.
There are 44 Australian children, and their mothers in a Syrian refugee camp that are being punished for mistakes made maybe that were no fault of their own back then and still aren't now and Andrew Bolt celebrates their punishment by Peter Dutton as they are extremely "dangerous".Who are the bullies here?
There are 44 Australian children, and their mothers in a Syrian refugee camp that are being punished for mistakes made maybe that were no fault of their own back then and still aren't now and Andrew Bolt celebrates their punishment by Peter Dutton as they are extremely "dangerous".Who are the bullies here?
CLIMATE PANIC This warmist hysteria is astonishing. Now sustainability coach Michael Mobbs is fleeing Sydney because he says global warming could soon destroy our civilisation: "My guess is water, energy, food, the seasons and economies will collapse in the next three to five years.” He should read my "11 Cool Facts on Warming to Calm Your Sobbing Child."
12m ago
Two men facing what science has told us is occurring neither able to change the facts only how they react to them. Bolt's in total denial of the science in a way that he's in denial of science altogether and not just climate science.
Nevertheless, he is obsessed with those that aren't deniers but are listeners. They, on the other hand, aren't obsessed with him. Bolt is the isolationist of the two. A man with few friends who hides from the public has found his Bolt hole to speak outside of the city a safe place where he doesn't need to socialise or talk to anyone. Mobbs is the very reverse, an educated and erudite man unlike Andrew Bolt who facing scientific fact has decided, it's better for his peace of mind, to get out of town, and he's quite happy to talk about his reasons for it and even the doubts he has. Something you rarely if ever hear Bolt reveal.
Bolt the bogan simply laughs and calls Mobbs an idiot offers no rational argument simply calls him a fool and disparages him. Who pray tell is the hysteric, the loudmouth who refuses to listen to anyone but himself? It's the person who runs an hour talk show that only invites people that agree with him on his show the anchor ready to cut people off should they for a moment disagree with him. Someone like Mobbs, however, is prepared to sit on panels like the Drum listening to and debating people with opposite views to his and still remain civilised. Unlike Bolt, he doesn't belittle them from a distance even if they are only 16.
Nevertheless, he is obsessed with those that aren't deniers but are listeners. They, on the other hand, aren't obsessed with him. Bolt is the isolationist of the two. A man with few friends who hides from the public has found his Bolt hole to speak outside of the city a safe place where he doesn't need to socialise or talk to anyone. Mobbs is the very reverse, an educated and erudite man unlike Andrew Bolt who facing scientific fact has decided, it's better for his peace of mind, to get out of town, and he's quite happy to talk about his reasons for it and even the doubts he has. Something you rarely if ever hear Bolt reveal.
Bolt the bogan simply laughs and calls Mobbs an idiot offers no rational argument simply calls him a fool and disparages him. Who pray tell is the hysteric, the loudmouth who refuses to listen to anyone but himself? It's the person who runs an hour talk show that only invites people that agree with him on his show the anchor ready to cut people off should they for a moment disagree with him. Someone like Mobbs, however, is prepared to sit on panels like the Drum listening to and debating people with opposite views to his and still remain civilised. Unlike Bolt, he doesn't belittle them from a distance even if they are only 16.
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