Explanations being put forward for the explosion of 2019 include:
huge economic inequality;
far too many going into poverty;
a very small, very rich minority getting richer;
no jobs, especially for the young;
no money, with a great and real worry about going hungry; and
very poor government services, especially meagre education and negligent health care — the costs of “small government”.
Fear of climate change is banging on the door in many parts, where rivers are threatening to go dry, or drought driving extra numbers into overcrowded cities. The cities themselves can be contributors, getting less liveable. Ten of the 14 capitals listed here have over five million inhabitants, headed by Lima with 32.5 million, Jakarta with 9.6 million, Cairo with 9.5 million and Teheran with 8.7 million.
'We’re fed up and we will not obey you': Rebellion strikes cities across the world
Australia has been turned by Racism in Politics since 2000. It started with Howard's cry of Children Overboard and the Tampa and has ended with Abbott/Dutton/News Corp's "Who let them in" (ODT)
Syed Shah's children were so traumatised after being threatened on a train they have not been on public transport since. (Supplied: Syed Shah)
Syed Shah's experience with a stranger on a Brisbane train left his children so scared they have not been on public transport since.
Mr Shah said the man tried to grab one of his children and threatened to throw them off the train.
"He went into my little children's faces (aged from five to 10) and said he would love to kill them all," he said."The kids got scared and started crying.
"I cannot forget that journey for my entire life as I was sitting helplessly and watching him abuse myself, my wife and my children."
Of the 147 verified online incidents, Facebook slurs were the most common (63 per cent).
More than a third of the abusive online posts were reported to the register by non-Muslims, often men.
The report also found a clear connection between
Children called 'sl***y terrorists' and attacked for being Muslim
A study finds while the volume of Islamophobic attacks in Australia remains relatively stable, where it is taking place has changed and perpetrators are becoming more brazen.
- Researchers have found women wearing headscarves are at most risk of Islamophobic abuse
- Islamophobic attacks requiring hospitalisation rose 3 per cent in recent years
- The presence of children did not deter Islamophobic abuse, but intensified the hatred in some cases
'Shocking': MPs from across politics defend China critics Hastie and Paterson
Greens leader Richard Di Natale has criticised Beijing's decision to bar the Liberal MPs from visiting on a study tour.
Are these really "our politicians" the ones we want who have supported the detention of "asylum-seekers" children included? The banning of Australian children in Syria of returning home. Refusing any third party compassionate assistance, Australia has been at the forefront of promoting human rights atrocities approving the unrequested invasion and bombing of other nations. Increasing the security surveillance of ordinary Australians and lauding the hard diplomacy of the USA in Latin America, Africa and elsewhere. China, on the other hand, has increased the freedoms of ordinary Chinese in ways these two politicians want to be reduced. They have used China as a whipping post for their own private political attention and this is an example of just that. Both along with Tim Wilson are little more than poster boys for the IPA. 'Merciless' assault: Leaked documents reveal China's brutal detention regime
bombshell leak of internal Chinese Communist Party documents has
exposed in unprecedented detail China's crackdown against Muslim
minority groups.
This coming from a country that screams and justifying treating Assylum Seekers as "illegals" and criminals. Advocates that Africans and Muslims don't belong whose media run article's that read like propaganda documents rather than reasoned inquiry. Currently, China has a higher global reputation than either America or Australia.
Stolen Children is our history of re-education, Death in custody programs practised since settlement. China has in fact saved 1.3 billion people from starvation and has raised their living standards in less than 70 years Capitalism is currently reducing the living standards for the bulk of it's citizens but not by sharing.
How Trumpster is Andrew Bolt? He can't live work or spend a day, without attacking the ABC and here he is flipping the coin again for attention sake claiming he's their victim. The man gets invitations to do shows on the ABC, and he claims they spurn him why? Ego, self-promotion, it's always primarily about Bolt then it's about promoting the ultra-conservative ideas of the IPA, and it's friends. Lastly, it's about mapping the course of least effort, the easiest and shortest road called work.
Here is Bolt claiming the role of the Conservative Caped Crusader the face of the spear of his tribe who he calls gutless, silent conservatives too frightened to speak up against Aunty. Bolt is shouldering that Walter Mitty task and thinks he's stepping up where others won't. The imaginary self-sacrifice this prick endures is a comic.
"He quotes the facts that the ABC leaves out" He does too, and generally they are totally irrelevant facts out of context and unrelated to the conversation being held. Bolt searches for tidbits of irrelevant facts globally to cobble together as if they have relevance to the topic at hand. When trends, patterns and rates of global warming are being discussed, Andrew Bolt will whip in a single event that occurred in 1968 and claim it disproves a much larger pattern being discussed one that's been developing over 50 years. Remember how he selected 1998 as proof the planet was cooling and he claimed it's been doing so for the past 20 years. Well he's walked away from that chestnut as if it never occurred, didn't he?
COLUMN Bruce Pascoe says he's Aboriginal. He's written a book that claims Aborigines were sophisticated farmers until the wicked white man came. Our cultural elite love it, showering him with prizes and positions, and the ABC will now present a documentary starring him and his theory. But how much of what Pascoe says is actually true?
Whack-a-Mole Bolt hasn't won a prize or accolade for anything in his life. Other than the false ones on the sleeves of books he claims to have written. These books are little more than a collection of previous articles he's written compiled and sold as new and formative ideas. Bolt's had book sleeves claim he's a foremost global expert on Climate Change can you believe that?
Here he's doing what he's known for attacking people and not their ideas or what they have to say. It's just playing the man so Trumpian in style and method when you have nothing to say. This approach had him convicted of racial vilification once, and he continues to walk that fine line with News Corp lawyers advising him.
Pascoe, on the other hand, has researched what he's written and has archeological evidence to prove what he says is fact in Victoria. Bolt-on, the other hand, has researched nothing and spends his energies disparaging others simply because they are recognised. Waleed Aly and his wife, Dr Susan Carland, are regulars that had Bolt dribbling from his mouth.
Bolt even attacked his ex-fiance because she reacted to the lies he'd told about her to make himself seem more interesting than he really is. When she threatened to sue him, he pulled his head in like the grub he is.
Pascoe's claims aren't made about "all " Aborigines but that they consist of diverse cultures and Terra Nullis a fiction. Pascoe's findings have a solid basis in fact just as the new discoveries of white man's abhorrent colonial treatment of them. It's far easier to generalise about that White treatment of Indigenous Australians and be accurate than pretend to know Indigenous history from Bolt's white, racist perspective.
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