Sunday, 15 December 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 15/12/19; Australia your being Ripped Off; Little Britain; What will happen to the AUS flag Tony?

The Morrison Government have handed nearly $1 billion worth of government contracts to companies that paid zero tax.

 The latest figures by the Australian Tax Office show that the policy of "voluntary compliance" is failing to pull big corporations into line:

Boris Johnson waves outside 10 Downing Street earlier this year.Image result for The Union Jack

Aside from Tony Abbott, who will want to cling to 'Little Britain'?

Surely another vote on Scottish independence is on the cards (PF)
Along with a push for a united Ireland. What will happen to the Australian flag when the Union Jack is gone Tony? (ODT)


The Supreme Court Handed Trump Another Temporary Win In His Effort To Hide Financial Records

After Trump lost in lower courts, the Supreme Court is stepping in to hear his appeal in three major cases.
American courts are like the courts in India  1) Overworked 2) corrupt 3) Wealth can delay hearings for a life-time. 4) In thecase of the US GOP stacked. How much have lawyers earned just for delaying Trump's court cases all the way to the SCOTUS and how much time is wasted? (ODT)

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