Thursday, 19 December 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL,19/12/19; Quiz; LNP call this normal weather, Trump claims he's being impeached for normal behaviour; Trump's Landside Poll;

Which Australian politician made Fact Check's debunked claim of the year?

  1. In a year of crippling drought, bushfires, and a bitterly fought federal election campaign, one repeatedly debunked claim stood out among the rest. RMIT ABC Fact Check wraps up the year that was in fact checking.

‘EXTREME HEAT EVENT’: Authorities Warn Of 40C Plus Day And Uncontrollable
via 'Brace Yourself': Firefighters Warn Of Uncontrollable Bushfires Blazes As Temperatures Soar | HuffPost Australia

via HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

 Image result for Bolt with egg on his face


COLUMN The Guardian Australia quoted several paragraphs I wrote and said  I'm a “denier” of facts. Yet it didn't identify one error in the many facts I’d cited about global warming. Nor did its readers. But they did say I’m an “infant”, “lunatic”, “unhinged”, “criminal”, “liar”, “bullshitter”,  “idiot” and “parasite”. Strangely, this won't change my mind. 

We know Bolt won't change his mind that's hardly news!! Bolt has spent weeks upon weeks personally and not very politely abusing in highly personal terms Bruce Pascoe and Greta Thunberg  who we know won't change their minds either. Yet, they don't do what Bolt is now doing crying "poor me". He fails to focus on the issues and facts and like a Trumpster is playing the victim.
As for facts Bolt spent almost half of this Century declaring the planet was cooling "Not Warming". He spent a lot of energy telling us that the Arctic Ice was increasing and he's put a lot of effort into trying to convince us that the bushfires we are experiencing, the drought, and the extreme temperatures and broken records aren't exceptional but are normal.
 Here he is saying" I've never made a single error". I think it's sufficient reason for all the expletives. They are deserved and Bolt complaining about them does make him an infant, a loser and a wanker that ought to behave the way he wants others to treat him. He certainly doesn't lead by example he talks the talk bu doesn't walk the walk.


538 Polls Show Donald Trump Winning In A Landside in 2020

 The popular site for political analysis and polling, 538 is showing Donald Trump is going to have a landside victory in 2020. A vast majority of data reveals the President’s base as being energized as well as woefully inept spellers.
Andrew Canard is an analyst for 538. He’s certain Democrats will fall under the GOP’s geological phenomena known as a landside. “I’ve heard the northern side of the electoral mountain is chilly,” he stated. “Ice forms there and makes things slippery. It’s hard to see any Democrat getting a firm footing in such an environment.”
The polls showing a devastating victory for Republicans are:
  • Suffuk Universtiry
  • Mariss Collage
  • ReelClare Opinion Reserch
  • Harris Pole
FOXNews and its viewers still don’t understand a landside isn’t a landslide. The FOX News poll results point to a stunning win for National Socialist German Workers Party in 2020. Data analysis from FOX reveals Trump will win battleground states like Pennsylvania, Bavaria, and Saxony.

Rank and file Republicans don’t understand why Democrats refuse to understand the awesome power of landsides.
“I don’t get it. Are Dumbocrats smart enough to know when they’re getting owned?” questioned one graduate from Dunning-Kruger University.
GOP lawmakers are telling their constituents it’s just another case of the liberal fake media being liberal and fake. Right-wing leaders are reassuring their fans as long as they stay unreasonably angry everything will work out fine.


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