Geoffrey Rush appeal: Daily Telegraph and Nationwide News lose defamation case against actor – live news | Film | The Guardian
News Corp appealed and lost again is this why Morrison was so hard on the Arts?
This has made our day Murdoch hit again.If this doesn’t prove to people that Murdoch writes nothing but garbage and lies. There’s no hope for them.
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The Federal Government’s $250 million ‘rescue’ package for
the Arts industry will provide an average of around $500 for each

Health experts have slammed the United States for hoarding almost all of the world's supply of remdesivir, the only drug licensed so far to treat COVID-19, warning that type of selfish behaviour sets a dangerous precedent for attempts to share scarce treatments amid the pandemic.

Health experts have slammed the United States for hoarding almost all of the world's supply of remdesivir, the only drug licensed so far to treat COVID-19, warning that type of selfish behaviour sets a dangerous precedent for attempts to share scarce treatments amid the pandemic.
The US has the worst outbreak in the world, with 2.6
million reported infected and 127,000 confirmed virus-related deaths,
according to Johns Hopkins University data.
Top US
infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci told senators on Tuesday that
the US outbreak was "going in the wrong direction" and he feared the
country could see 100,000 new infections a day if things didn't improve.
Meanwhile Trump refuses to discuss the issue as it weren't his problem once again. He seems to be swayed on how the political optics impact on him rather than the problem the nation faces.
US criticised for hoarding world's supply of coronavirus drug remdesivir - ABC News
China's rise a risk to security, Defence Minister says
Linda Reynolds will warn China's actions have 'deeply unsettled' the Indo-Pacific region and put Australia's security at risk.
A lifestyle improvement of 1.3billion Chinese is a threat to the security of 25 million Australians the Defence Minister maintains. What was once an economic boon for us has been turned into a threat that needs containment. The LNP aren't going about resolving the problem is it real?
The $270 bill build-up of the Australian defence force over 10 years turns out to be quite imaginary as is their claim No cuts have been made to the ABC when inflation and other factors are taken into account there have been cuts to the ABC and no money is being spent on defence. All simply a game of political optics in the domestic market. Morrison always said he has had no real appetite for foreign policy domestic was his focus.
Advice from the Australia Institute suggested the LNP's approach has been predicated on a false approach that simply doesn't deal with the issue which isn't a choice between China and the US. But how do we act diplomatically and independently of both? Trump certainly isn't someone who can be trusted. One thing can be assured Australia can't rely on the USA for assistance.
Complaining about how China treats it's minorities and has assimilation as a priority in education is hardly a good look coming from a government that does exactly the same and even more harshly. Declaring China spies on us while we did the same to Timor Leste is hardly moral high ground. Particularly when we are currently holding secret trials to imprison those that not just leaked the matter but their defence as well.
The ultra-Right extreme of the LNP is anti-asylum anti- Multiculturalism, ant-Humanities,anti-safe schools, Islamo and Sino phobic and they criticize China in order to distract attention away from themselves for their own pro assimilation policies. 2million of 1.3billion people is not a majority nor is it more than what Peter Dutton expects of Muslims, Africans, and Chinese here. In fact, he'd prefer not to have them here at all if they weren't such a positive political tool. The Uighurs in China aren't as united as the West claims so much so the repetitive use of the term 2 million seems more of a useful generalisation than a real one. Yes China does have issues with its indigenous populations the Uighurs one but it seems we have a greater one with ours
Shareholders helping to shift the dial towards principled profit
John Hewson
When the Government ignores the situation shareholders don't (ODT
"The decision by Australia's biggest polluter, AGL, to link executive bonuses to the achievement of climate goals
is indicative of a growing trend that has seen shareholders act more
like stakeholders and pressure companies to be more socially
responsible. Given the systemic failure of Australia's competition
policy and much of our corporate regulation, this is a necessary and
welcome market response to hold companies to account. But the government
must also now step up to address these failures and ensure markets
operate in a way that benefits everyone." Hewson
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