Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 1/7/20; Humour , A Rat comes to the Cheese;

Second Half Of 2020 Won’t Be As Good As First Half, God Warns

“Wait until you see the plague of blood-sucking emus. Also the Queen gets cancelled”

 My Student Comes Home | The Smirking Chimp


These 10 postcodes are back in Stage 3 coronavirus lockdown. Here’s what that means




Jessie Stephens of Mamamia announces she's lived in a bubble: "Up until this weekend, I was blissfully unaware that a debate still existed around the Stolen Generations." Someone so ignorant of all the failed test cases and failed attempts to name even 10 children stolen just for being black should not then try to school others in history.
1h ago 
 Jessie Stephens wrote about Andrew Bolt and Andrew Bolt took the bait. Egocentrics  are drawn to anything about themselves like rats are to cheese.

 What Jessie Stephens actually wrote in her article Bolt doesn't even begin to mention

How to have a conversation with someone who says the Stolen Generations didn't happen.

"As I was describing who he was, I included the sentence: Bolt denies there was ever a Stolen Generation (to be clear, there was)." Something Andrew Bolt conveniently forgets to mention. But somebody wrote about "him" and that for an egocentric is like cheese to a rat.
" In Western Australia the Aborigines Act 1905 removed any legal guardianship of Aboriginal parents. This meant that all Aboriginal children were wards of the state, legally allowed to be 'relocated' without permission. "
"Under the Northern Territory Aboriginals Act 1910, the Chief Protector of Aborigines was appointed the "legal guardian of every Aboriginal and every half-caste [now a derogatory term] child up to the age of 18 years." This meant the 'Chief Protector' had total control of Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory."

Dr. Cecil Cook, who was appointed the Chief Protector in 1927 said: "Everything necessary [must be done] to convert the half-caste into a white citizen".
Similar policies existed in most states across the country. In 1915, New South Wales instituted the Aborigines Protection Amending Act which gave the board the authority to remove Aboriginal children "without having to establish in court that they were neglected." continue


Pull your head in, Lionetti. What kind of a tin-pot autocracy are you trying to create in your town?: "Mr Lionetti has banned the editor of the Great Southern Weekender from his pub... This is inconvenient for editor Ian Beeck...  Beeck is also not welcome at any business in Albany owned by the Lionetti family, and there are a few of those."
6m ago 
Very strange coming from a prick who'd never let hundreds of people no thousands of people come into his place of business, his study.  A person who heavily moderated his comment box. I wonder whether he will declare his home study which he showed photos of  as his place of work when selling his home or lie about it? You see it has capital gains tax implications which Bolt might try to hide given he's been caught out lying so many times before. He works from x2 residential locations.Does that mean both are equipped with studies?


Terry McCrann says there's a bright side to the Victorian Government's inexcusable failure to properly quarantine the sick: "In essence, Victoria is ‘road-testing’ at the sharp end the process of coming out of the lockdowns... how big a spike in infections do you get and can they be quickly identified, controlled and indeed subdued?"
1h ago 
These two idiots were supporters of "herd immunity" and the Swedish model not so long ago telling us how it would save the economy and do little harm to public health. Now, look at them gloating and wading about in their own shit. What lesson can be learned? The 24/7 news cycle allows room for idiots like Bolt to say whatever they want. It's why Trump is the feckless idiot  he is who is allowed to get away with anything as the news as long as it's sensational. He then simply moves on and what he writes and broadcasts becomes another form of muzak for the mind. On the whole valueless but a smokescreen for any REAL NEWS which also occupies the same space.  Space that within 24 hours filled by something else and is forgotten.

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