Friday, 10 July 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL,10/7/20; Robert Reich: The Monopolization of America, China; Hidden Debt coming;

 Xi Jinping has managed the political fallout from the Hong Kong protests while strengthening his nationalist narrative at home.
China relations

'No allies of weight': The West should bide its time as friendless China is in trouble

China is starting to pay the exorbitant price for its wolf warrior diplomacy.

Xi is obviously not going to back down over Hong Kong but the cost of escalating commercial conflict is no longer negligible for China. Punitive action against Australia and Canada has been a disaster for Beijing's global credibility. Lashing out at British interests would compound the damage. Each episode accelerates the creation of a containment alliance, soon to be led with much greater statecraft by a multilateral president Biden.
If the democracies bide their time and hold together, China will eventually settle down and accept that it too is a greying status quo nation and perhaps even that its bid for global supremacy is going nowhere.


A 'looming monster' of hidden debt has been growing during coronavirus 

The ABC followed one chain of dominoes, from a single tenant to a small business owner to a commercial landlord and all the way up to the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Federal Government to understand how debt is being deferred during COVID‑19.



So what are Black Lives Matter protesters against? We've so far seen them abuse police, Jews, Christians, the British Commonwealth, the US, the Australian flag, whites and Western statesmen such as Winston Churchill. It strikes me that they're actually - white or black - barbarians in revolt against civilisation. 
3m ago

Wasn't is a week or so ago Bolt swore he didn't call protesters "savages" That the ABC was victimising him? What is the meaning of the term "barbarian" if it's not "Those that aren't like me are savages" Given the numbers of Australians polled who support BLM, Safe Schools, and basic Human Rights and the numbers like Bolt who don't he's the barbarian the unAustralian who the majority ignore because he rises yes but like a souffle without a bang.

BLM is against Police Abuse, Israel, Hypocritical Christians, Colonialism, The Industrial Military Complex, Monarchy, White Racists, and Imperialism and it's inglorious and mythologised past. (ODT)


Which woman do you admire most for integrity, courage and standing true?
1h ago

Read what is happening to hear and you come to realise the team is all ONE and not Bolt's inference that there is one Different from the rest. But then Bolt probably never bothered to read what was being said. There is no "I" in the LNP  TEAM hey Bolt. There is diversity in Democratic Socialism that provides Individuals with support and opportunity to chase their dreams (ODT)


 Bogac Ozdemir, a senior ANZ banker, made a "mistake". He told the truth about the Chinese dictatorship's handing of the coronavirus: "I don’t want to say anything about China because we are all in this mess because of China and I don’t believe anything from there." Guess how the thugs of Beijing reacted. Guess how the weaklings at ANZ reacted.
1h ago
China has donated more medical help to the world than either Australia or America. Lets examine Australia's policy decisions that Bolt is so proud of.

  • the War on Iraq represented the greatest trashing of the supposed “liberal, rules-based order” since the Vietnam War;
  • this government is one of only two countries to oppose a June 2020 U.N. vote condemning Israel’s illegal annexation of one-third of the West Bank;
  • the current government is seeking to dilute the effect of the Paris Climate Agreement by using “carry over credits” from the Kyoto Protocol to avoid reducing real emissions and it is the only country in the world seeking to do so;
  • this government has cut funding to the diplomatic corps from $8.3 billion to $6.7 billion;
  • our governments have illegally spied on our neighbour East Timor in an attempt to block its legitimate aspirations for resource sovereignty;
  • our governments, of both major parties, systematically breach the spirit and letter of the U.N. Refugee Convention and its principles of non-refoulment, the right to seek asylum, the right to a fair trial and the freedom from arbitrary arrest;
  • the current government actively undermined the international campaign to establish a Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;
  • the Australian Defence Force is currently being investigated for 55 separate “incidents” of war crimes in Afghanistan;
  • our government has chosen silence in the face of Indonesia's brutal military suppression of free speech in the occupied territory of West Papua;
  • our government provides opaque military aid and training to some of the region's most notorious regimes, including Myanmar and the Philippines;
  • the line between government and the war industry is growing increasingly blurry, epitomised by former Defence Minister Christopher Pyne’s recruitment to the consulting firm EY to build its military contracts and former Foreign Minister Julie Bishop’s work for the private contractor Palladium;
  • our government permits the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia, an authoritarian government which is responsible for financially and ideologically supporting Salafist and Wahhabist terrorists across the Middle East and for driving the devastating war in Yemen;
  • the current government also permitted the sale of weapons to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sri Lanka and the United Arab Emirates, countries found to be responsible for war crimes and systematic human rights violations;
  • and one of their own, Julian Assange, has been abandoned by his government and is currently in a state of psychological breakdown as he contemplates extradition to the U.S. from a maximum-security London prison.


This says everything about the modern Left and the cancel culture.
7m ago 

 Individuals need to be free and accountable for what they say just as they are in any family even the Bolt household. However given Bolt's behaviours, one might predict they aren't. Bolt withheld facts of his past from his wife and blamed her for it when caught. When held accountable for his speech he cried victim. The format of The Bolt Report denies the very notion of "debate". (ODT)


NPR: "One person has been killed ... after a vehicle barreled... into protesters on a freeway in Seattle... Since nationwide protests erupted in late May, there have been reports of at least 50 vehicle-ramming incidents — many of which were suspected attacks by right-wing extremists targeting Black Lives Matter protesters." But check the mug shot.
17m ago 
This is Bolt's compulsory "phishing excercise" for the News Corp team. There is no "Free Choice" at  News Corp if you work for Murdoch your required to Just Do It!!


Barbara Heineback was press officer to the wife of Democrat President Jimmy Carter and an advisor to Democrat President Bill Clinton. But she warns: Donald Trump is being destroyed by vested interests in Washington and Black Lives Matter is a menace. Watch.
17m ago 

 Bolt has simply brought Gerrard Henderson's article in the Australian on the 6/6/20 to our screens and applying the narrowest interpretations by conservatives to the extreme aspects of protests in the US and Australia. It shows just why Bolt is so slack and uses the work of others to make out the production ideas are his. We are no strangers to these right-wing tropes and methods.

There's Bolt generalising from yet another individual once a Democrat maybe who was close to Jimmy Carter's wife and an adviser to Bill Clinton but who lives in Australia. All she commands now is Bolt's admiration what more we can only guess it's certainly nothing she has done here but only what she says. She certainly isn't speaking for black Americans and yes they too are divided but not to the extent that she represents the voice of the majority. Bolt would have Ben Carson on if he could and make out that he to was representative of the black majority. In fact the black majority are to Bolt what they are to Trump criminals and deplorable who have no right to be angry just jailed or shot..

 Bolt doesn't say who the "vested" interests are out to destroy Trump. The 70% when polled maintain he's taken the country in the wrong direction and yes they are pissed off. His job approval ratings are the worst they have been and his favorability even worse and those stats aren't the media they are American people. Printing them is it appears a sign to get Trump. Trump has helped destroy and pervert the press's credibility and integrity single-handedly since taking office. Journalists hate him Murdoch Sinclair OANN and Breitbart for that as they have become propagandists and not information and news providers. They hate him as much as Bolt hated Mordecai Bromberg who judged and found him guilty of being "dumb" according to the law.

Andrew Bolt was once a Trump hater who without explanation turned to be his defender now why? He believed Trump was a buffoon along with the majority of Murdoch press employees at the time until they turned and simply became Trump's 'camp followers' for a shekel. They changed! Trump didn't! His niece a clinical psychologist has been clear on that diagnosis. In fact, Donald Trump has got worse with fact check pointing to the 20,000 lies he's told since taking office.

 What has to be the biggest turn around is Bolt jumping the gutter and have us believe he is a genuine Trump supporter now and should be paid respect and given a chance. Bolt certainly isn't someone Trump would want to share a whiskey with unless paid. What's not to hate? 


Could the U.S. really be this crazy? Could it really elect Joe Biden as president when even a former White House doctor warns he seems senile, and when China has never seemed such a grave threat? Watch these clips - and this debate on The Bolt Report.
23m ago 
There's a lot of name calling going on here. Bolt failes to mention Mary Trump was a doctor and her diagnosis was that he was a Narcissist. Yet he points to an unnamed Dr Who says in his opinion Biden seems senile. That's Bolt for you sharp as a tack


The Morrison Government has warned Australians travelling to China and Hong Kong that they could be arrested arbitrarily as spies. Fact is, China is angry with Australia sticking up again for Hong Kong and it has a dirty history of taking hostages as punishment. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
23m ago 
Talking about "dirty" histories it was Morrison that was our Immigration Minister that jailed asylum seekers for 7 years and more and coined the term " On the water matters" to avoid telling Australians what he was doing.  Today it's the "Canberra Bubble" he brushes questions away with as if that's a reason for Australia not to know.


COLUMN Daniel Andrews is fighting for his political life. If only he’d been better at fighting for the lives of Victorians. The Victorian Premier’s bungling of the coronavirus strategy has been more than matched by his arrogance as he dodges the blame. And having paid for his complacency, we're now paying for his panic.
36m ago 
Simply put Donald Trump where Bolt has put Daniel Andrews name and Americans where he put Victorian and read it. It then makes sense but not the way Andrew Bolt has presented it?


COLUMN Everywhere I look, it seems savages are tearing down our civilisation. Take Dean Fletcher. He’s the self-proclaimed anarchist who broke into the Prime Minister’s back yard last January and filmed himself saying he’d “shit in the pool” and ask the PM to admit our  "capitalised democracy" is a "scam". He's just one of a new barbarian army.  
39m ago 
Bolt's found yet another person to single out for poor language skill. Look below at Bolt's spelling then try to read what it he's saying and you will find you can at least understand Dean Fletcher. You can't understand the professional being paid below.


It sounded great: 150 intellectuals,  almost all from the Left, sign a letter denouncing the cancel culture. But everything about this - the weaselly etter itself, the signatories who then cancelled each other, and the vilification of everyone involved - tells us just how toxic that cancel culture is, and how it's poisoned the Left.
1h ago 
Cancel Culture is something Bolt's been practising for the past 20 or more years. He helped "cancel" Yassmin, claimed credit for William Colvin, Mike Carlton and Martin Hirst none of which was true. Climate Change, Marriage Equality, Muslims among some advocates have heard his efforts. He even tried to cancel Devina Devine but fell on his face and was cancelled himself by 2GB when bought by Ch9. Historically the power of cancelling and disappearing culture has generally been from the top down not by the bottom up. As I said Bolt hasn't a clue what he's talking about.

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