ABC managing director rejects Scott Morrison's claim broadcaster's funding 'increasing every year'
Why Morrison is talking bullshit
The ABC costs the commonwealth half as much as it
did in the mid-1990s, managing director David Anderson has said, in a
rejection of the prime minister’s claim that ABC funding is increasing
every year.
“In 2018/19, expenditure on the ABC
represented around 0.2% of all commonwealth government spending,”
Anderson told the National Press Club. “In the mid-1990s the level was
around 0.4% – twice as much proportionally as today.”
Anderson said that despite receiving less funding the ABC was doing more across more platforms than ever before.
Governments should regulate monopolies but the ABC isn't one it's a publicly owned statuary body not determined or regulated by the government but is independent of it. This government went to an election guaranteeing "NO CUTS TO THE ABC" and lied. A lie that need it to be accountable for and a lie that continues to be maintained by Scott Morrison. (ODT)
Governments should regulate monopolies but the ABC isn't one it's a publicly owned statuary body not determined or regulated by the government but is independent of it. This government went to an election guaranteeing "NO CUTS TO THE ABC" and lied. A lie that need it to be accountable for and a lie that continues to be maintained by Scott Morrison. (ODT)

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