Thursday, 6 August 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 6/8/20; Tick Tock; Lnp Arrogance;


 The Age putting wind in the sails of the LNP's stupid criticisms of the governments 5-hour late response to substantial questions answered. Does the Age really suggest the Victorian government act as a puppet on the string to every question asked of it or is it simply putting wind in the sails of an extremely weak and ineffective opposition that would be better off assisting Andrews in dealing with this serious 2nd wave?(ODT)

'Arrogant' Mikakos refuses to answer questions as Lib MP posts crude attack

 Fake News


COLUMN So this is how democracy ends. With a medical certificate from a Chief Health Officer declaring parliament a health hazard. Victoria once boasted people prepared to die for democracy at the Eureka Stockade. Now it’s overrun with cowards, and led by an authoritarian Premier who had the Legislative Assembly shut this week on medical advice.
31m ago 
This coming from a social distancer is a bit rich particularly one who avoids being too critical of Scott Morrison doing the same. Trump is such a predictable animal in a life that currently isn't yesterday he was bleating that COVID-19 never killed anyone under 40 as he was doing it the disease killed a 30-year-old. He keeps avoiding the long term complications found to be a result of catching the illness and treating is as if it were little more than a new seasonal flu why? Because it fits his infantile arguments that bounce and zig-zag all over the place'.
Morrison and Dutton are left alone only Andrews is the target of Bolt's political scattergun. Dutton ducks blame saying Border Force doesn't make health decisions yet we know they have denied detainees hospital treatment when needed. They make plenty of immigration decisions based on health ignoring doctors reports and requests. Yet I can't see or hear any News Corp opinionator questioning Dutton's statement.
Andrews worked within a Private System a Capitalist System that has failed all of us. Now the supporters of that very system aren't criticizing it but Dan Andrews. It's not Andrews that needs changing it's the underregulated system whose focus is on profit before what's required to achieve the required outcome.
Any comparison as to where Covid-19 cases and deaths occurred it's without argument they have been contracted and occurred in the Private and not the public domain. In private aged-care hospitals not public. In the private and not any of the public services. Now those calling to privatise and de-regularise more and more are demanding the reverse of and blaming Dan Andrews for not being socialist enough. What hypocrites these 'free market' advocates they are.


COLUMN Victoria’s new record of 725 new infections on Wednesday is more evidence that forcing people to wear masks and stay home doesn’t work for long. It is two weeks since all Melburnians were forced to wear face masks. It is nearly a month since its five million people were ordered to stay in their homes. If these were magic bullets, they missed.
35m ago 
Is Andrew Bolt echoing Dan Andrews? It would seem so! It's why Andrews has "toughened " the restrictions to grade 4. Far, far heavier fines and far more enforcement of rules than grade 3. However, Andrews needed to shut down irresponsible opinionators like Andrew Bolt who are broadcasting a message to the public  " don't listen to Andrews" "listen to me". Bolt's telling us the SS Victoria is sinking on one hand and fuck the captain on the other. The advice from Bolt is it's every man for themselves. He's even been yelling "forget the women and children they can swim".

On what basis we don't know because he doesn't have any experts standing shoulder to shoulder with him as he blurts his message out from behind a desk and all those symbols so unlike Dan Andrews. Following the bouncing ball Bolt doesn't speak off the cuff answer any questions just reads his autocue which he then repeats in his columns. The conclusion it's more the work of his production crew his scriptwriters who unlike Dan change from day to day as does their message. 
So yes let's correct the above banner for Bolt. Victoria's 'tough policies didn't work' that's what Dan said not what Bolt. That they 'don't work' well we won't know for another 2+ weeks will we. However, 6 weeks of pain the outcome Bolt claims he's all for will be far better than 6 months.

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