Tim Wilson LNP/IPA federal MP couldn't give a running fuck about COVID-19 neither the cases nor the deaths concern him rather than how it all seems in the eyes of the public. Now that it's obvious that the Immigration and the Aged-Care sectors both a responsibility of the Federal LNP were the epicenter of the spread and deaths of the virus due to their total mismanagement from Abbott to Morrison. Wilson's complaint is that the process was and is political and somehow has gone easy on Dan Andrews. Wilson's problem however the opposite would seem to be the case if one simply looked at the MSM media front pages. All have deemed Andrews as the politician falsely accused as the one to be accountable (ODT)
"I take the issue with the idea that all the accountability is fine," Mr Wilson said on the ABC's Q+A program on Monday night. "It's not." Wilson
Victorian Liberal MP Tim Wilson has waded into the fight over Daniel Andrews' handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying the state government has not been scrutinised enough over its response to COVID-19.
Mr Wilson said the federal coronavirus committee had met many more times than its Victorian equivalent and was chaired by an opposition politician whereas the Victorian inquiry is headed by a member of the governing party.
Federal Liberal MP swipes Andrews government over pandemic response
Federal officials shielded from Ruby Princess inquiry
Federal officials will be shielded from direct scrutiny at the NSW inquiry into the Ruby Princess cruise ship amid accusations the Morrison government has failed to co-operate with the investigation.The federal decision means the special commission will have to report without being able to question two federal officers who helped clear the ship to disembark 2700 passengers in Sydney in March.
Morrison is doing the TRUMP
"When Scott Morrison gets asked questions about the Ruby Princess, he ducks, weaves and hides because he is scared to face up to his failures or be honest with Australians."

Joel Edgerton's antidote to a 'selfish life': Aussie actor opens up about road to Hollywood
And as to opening himself up to the dreaded public
scrutiny on Australian Story, he says he was "a little bit guarded" at
first but came to wonder, "What am I so afraid of? Like, why am I so
afraid of anybody getting to know me a little bit better?
"And I think that's a bit of a theme in my life as well."
The Prime Minister calls my opinions - which he stupidly
and deceitfully misrepresents - "amoral" and "hideous". In fact, what is
"amoral" and "hideous" are the policies he supports that turned aged
care homes into killing fields and denied the sick a drug that could
save them. My editorial from The Bolt Report.

Joel Edgerton's antidote to a 'selfish life': Aussie actor opens up about road to Hollywood
And as to opening himself up to the dreaded public
scrutiny on Australian Story, he says he was "a little bit guarded" at
first but came to wonder, "What am I so afraid of? Like, why am I so
afraid of anybody getting to know me a little bit better?
"And I think that's a bit of a theme in my life as well."
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