Friday, 14 August 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 14/8/20; Victoria has a LEADER; Australians will be forced to pay again; Social Democracy is our only way out;

The Bulletin

So obvious he was such a great counterweight for Dan he should be kept so the job gets done. Dan has enough on his plate without someone else trying to skew the facts.(ODT)

It seems O'brien hasn't impressed those that elected him Leader . And this story appearing in the Fin Review just says it all . He is finished . Rupert has hung him out to dry . A massive failure of Leadership on his behalf they will say . They will attempt to make him the scapegoat for their abysmal policy vacuum and immoral attacks on Dan Andrews . The Vic Libs have not had a real "Leader" for decades, and don't look like finding one among their current crop .

The Victorian Opposition has been unable to capitalise on the Melbourne quarantine debacle, triggering great internal angst, writes Aaron Patrick.

Leaving Australians behind (ODT)

 Low wage growth confirmed (again) – critics say plans are needed - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Why is it when the hard yards are required it's the normal Australians that are required to do the work to save the country. The banks get saved the stockmarket rebounds but it's the mom and pops of Australia that have to pay. Those big houses built were never meant for single families but shared housing for three families working casually on call 7 days a week.(ODT)

via COVID-19 demands a social democratic response, not a neoliberal disaster


What A Wonderful WorldFake News



Before anyone trusts Ray Hadley's moralising attacks on me or others, know what you're dealing with. He has reportedly settled a bullying claim from a former producer after handing over a "substantial financial sum". 
34m ago 
Two arseholes chest bumping in the schoolyard Bolt won't do anything if he has to pay. News Corp certainly won't back him. We know what we are dealing with listening to Andrew Bolt who takes pleasure in attacking the personalities of young women like Greta but he's rather more cautious when it comes to Hadley just pounding his chest like some alpha ape.
Hadley and Bolt have a history and Bolt is coming out bruised. He's been called "soft on paedophiles" with Hadley being quite direct. Bolt's response feigned pain of an opinionator for over 30 years. Threatening legal action Bolt's shadowboxing referring to a case that really has nothing to do with him why? Because Hadley was hitting Bolt and landing real punches. 

“You bloody well are. You are soft on paedophiles. And the only reason you’ve made an apology is because you’ve been targeted by various social media groups for your creepy behaviour.
“That poor boy shouldn’t have been penning that letter. he shouldn’t have been subjected to that on Sky News on Tuesday night and I hope there’s been a lesson well learned here by Mr Bolt.” Hadley


Philosopher Peter Singer on Victoria's crippling lockdown: "It’s been done on the basis of relatively unsure evidence, both about the costs and the benefits... We should take into account the years of lives lost, not just number of deaths. That it’s less tragic for a 90-year-old to die than a 30-year-old seems clear to me."
1h ago 
So Peter Singer a Philosophical ethicist is now who Bolt stands behind when a few days ago he denied that he was saying what Singer posits.
In the audio from last week (below), Hadley produces some figures about how many people die from the common flu every year: it’s between 350,000 and 600,000 worldwide. But that’s out of around a Billion cases. And that’s with a vaccine to limit the death rate.

By comparison, so far, the world’s recorded only almost 13 Million (but rapidly rising) cases of Covid-19. Yet, we have almost 600,000 deaths already. So, once we get to a Billion cases, without an effective vaccine, the death rate would be in World War II proportions.

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“I think Bolt, like a lot of very conservative people - Donald Trump included and the president of Brazil -  keep saying it's no more than the common flu.”
In the audio from last week (below), Hadley produces some figures about how many people die from the common flu every year: it’s between 350,000 and 600,000 worldwide. But that’s out of around a Billion cases. And that’s with a vaccine to limit the death rate.

By comparison, so far, the world’s recorded only almost 13 Million (but rapidly rising) cases of Covid-19. Yet, we have almost 600,000 deaths already. So, once we get to a Billion cases, without an effective vaccine, the death rate would be in World War II proportions.
“How people can actually call it a flu is quite beyond me,” says Hadley “What Bolt and Alan and other conservative commentators’ view is, is that the economy is more important than human life and that's not something that I agree with. and that the you know that he made a remark in his column today that it’s only old people die. If it was my grandfather. my grandmother or my great grandfather, great grandmother… I'm not going to cheapen their lives by dismissing it as just old people dying. I think it's really uncharitable and I think it's undignified. It's cruel.”

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The Andrews Government threatened to jail  bosses whose workers died of coronavirus. So who in the government itself should now be jailed? My editorial from The Bolt Report.
1h ago 
Well You can start with Scott Morrison who finally said sorry today. His excuse "there is nothing guaranteed in a pandemic"  That's as much as the excuse Bolt used when it became obvious the LNP had made greater mistakes than they were admitting to Bolt Trumpster apology was politicians on and all made mistakes, I aged-care the LNP from Abbott to Morrison made criminally reckless ones.


The Western Australian Government is behaving like a robber baron - changing the law to avoid paying Clive Palmer compensation for unlawfully stopping his mine. Incredible. Hear it from Palmer himself, on The Bolt Report.
1h ago 
This isn't about Palmer and McGowan it's about the Bolt Report desperate for an audience


Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says a man in his 20s has died from the coronavirus. This lets him claim the virus "does not discriminate", so don't attack him for his wide-spread bans and not focussing more on protecting the old. But  after questioning on the youngest fatality, Andrews admitted the cause of death wasn't clear.
1h ago 
So Andrew Bolt is now writing death certificates encouraged by American right wingers who claim George Floyd died of Fentanyl and not cardiac arrest due to suffocation by a cop. A man in his 30s also died last week but Bolt kept silent on that last week. Was that clear case of a Covid death or did he ignore it as it was inconvenient for him? As he's been insisting the young aren't casualties of the virus.  Other news reports have no problem announcing the 20-year-olds death was due to COVID. Bolt's been convicted in the past of being loose with his facts and he proves it time and again.


COLUMN Victoria – even after 410 new infections on Wednesday and 21 more deaths – proves there is no need to panic about this coronavirus. What the growing list of scandals shows it that just doing the basics - and doing them well - could spare us many of the deaths. And a lot of these bans. 
Bolt's back over each one day underreach the next Open the economy to self-regulation one day to greater State control the next. Any wonder he's being attacked from pillar to post by his own industry. he's totally irresponsible broadcaster encouraging individuals to do what they want.

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