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Australian Unions
From Abbott to Morrison the most secretive Government Australia has had.(ODT)
Greens senator Peter Whish-Wilson says companies involved should lose jobkeeper eligibility, branding it ‘corporate welfare’
While government support payments are a matter of public record in the US and New Zealand, Australia does not publicly disclose jobkeeper payments.
Last month, in the run-up to reporting season, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission warned companies that they should “prominently disclose” details of government support, including jobkeeper, in their financial statements.
Shareholders trousering big dividend payments include Nick Scali managing director Anthony Scali, who will collect about $2.5m, and 1300 Smiles founder Daryl Holmes, who is to receive a $1.8m payout – the same amount the company received in jobkeeper.
The treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, did not answer Guardian Australia’s questions about the issue. “The eligibility criteria for jobkeeper is clear,” he said.
Peter Morgan, a former fund manager at Perpetual who is now an independent investor, said jobkeeper was supposed to keep employees in their jobs but there was “obviously money going out the door on a short-term basis, not only to reward shareholders but in a couple of cases there are principals who are clearly quite well-off”.

Last month, in the run-up to reporting season, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission warned companies that they should “prominently disclose” details of government support, including jobkeeper, in their financial statements.
Shareholders trousering big dividend payments include Nick Scali managing director Anthony Scali, who will collect about $2.5m, and 1300 Smiles founder Daryl Holmes, who is to receive a $1.8m payout – the same amount the company received in jobkeeper.
The treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, did not answer Guardian Australia’s questions about the issue. “The eligibility criteria for jobkeeper is clear,” he said.
Peter Morgan, a former fund manager at Perpetual who is now an independent investor, said jobkeeper was supposed to keep employees in their jobs but there was “obviously money going out the door on a short-term basis, not only to reward shareholders but in a couple of cases there are principals who are clearly quite well-off”.

Creepy Man Wants To Spy On Citizens
But stop you spying on him.
David Shoebridge
Poor Greta Thunberg. What does this goddess of global warming do when
the world starts worrying about the coronavirus instead? Last Friday,
on the day Tasmania recorded its coldest temperature in history,
Thunberg tweeted instead about the “exceptional rainfall” in Mumbai —
the heaviest rain in that Indian city in 47 years. Er, rain is bad?
Now New Zealand is fighting a new outbreak. It shows we
can't hide forever, and must learn to live with this virus and give
people the right to take their chances. How about - for instance -
dropping this authoritarian ban on travelling overseas? My editorial
from The Bolt Report.
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