Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 18/8/20; Payday lenders and other leeches that don't belong;

Consumer groups want them shut down, but payday lender hits back at 'leeches of society'

People feeling financial strain from the coronavirus recession may be tempted by the lure of payday loans, with potentially disastrous consequences, warn consumer law and financial counselling groups.

Another form of Societal Leech is actually leaving by the look on his face life weighs heavy

Andrew Bolt at the men's final of the Australian Open tennis competition in February.

City life

Andrew Bolt 'leaving the madhouse of Melbourne'

The conservative commentator and Sky News presenter is moving to the Victorian countryside

Should we be surprised that Bolt is social distancing himself even more from this city which he's been complaining about most of his public career pining for the day he'd retire on a barge in Amsterdam and be a real writer. Amsterdam is a city twice as crowded,  far more multicultural, and much more socialist than Melbourne. A city we call home, the world calls the most livable but Bolt insults calling it a 'madhouse/ and a boiler-room of left-wingers.

The ego-centric Bolt lost his spot at 2GB and attempted in his "I'll show them manner"  to set up a weekly podcast of his own which failed miserably. His blog has been reduced to a compulsory phishing exercise for subscriptions by the shrinking Murdoch media. The fact that Bolt has in recent months been working to rule hasn't been missed. His significant lack of interest showed him just be going through the motions finishing reading the autocue on Thursdays and generally not sighted until the following Monday. It became a regular routine despite the fact major news of interest was occurring over his three days off.

Bolt no longer has the patronage he once had when Tony Abbott was central to Australian politics. Social media has stripped opinionators of their fake outrage and political voices. They no longer are the powerhouse of PR as witnessed when Abbott lost Warringah The idea of a country studio seems as far fetched and unrealistic as his weekly podcast once was. The reality is that Australia is social distancing itself from Andrew Bolt as will News Corp and Sky a logical conclusion to what has been largely a lacklustre Roger Ailes made a career mimicking Fox News America Downunder with no real positive legacy to speak of. Pissing off to the country to hide isn't going to save him he might get some gig spots however with the IPA. The power elite of Australia have certainly forgotten why it was he once worked for them. 

Why don't I like Andrew Bolt because he's a fake. 4-5 years ago I came across this blog purporting to be a place of free speech. It was his blog to which I added my comments to find it was a totally moderated site where the speech was certainly not free. It was simply selling a product and not even a service telling me how popular he was. It was almost religious in fervour.

Andrew Bolt presented himself as a civilised man whose passions were opera art and literature. and above all honesty. But then so did the Nazis. They say you can get the gist of a man when he relaxes and lets his guard is down. Well, I heard Bolt on his son Jame's IPA podcast some years back when and where the 'real Bolt' showed himself. Pity, it wasn't to the wider Australia. Peter Jame's partner and cohost anchor mentioned he'd been to Dandenong to the South Sudanese Community beauty pageant. Well, you never heard those three racists white men get their rocks off on air at their idea of such an event You could hear the clicking of the jackboots of these self-proclaimed civilised racists.



How to scare the young into agreeing to crushing virus bans. First, don't tell them exactly what did kill some of the dead. Second, let's not talk about two possible cures. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
5m ago 
Andrew Bolt publicly told Steve Price that after 30 years "he knows how to play the tricks of the game" in the same breath saying "why wouldn't people think I wasn't" sincere"? When it comes to 'the stolen generations' Bolt insists only the official documentation counts and there is no primary evidence for any "stolen generation' in the record. 
In the case of COVID-19 no such strict evidence is to throw doubt on death by or with COVID-19 even when it's stipulated in the death certificates that the virus was the cause. If a person contracts the virus and happens to have another illness then our fake Dr Bolt can legitimately say it was "with" and not "from" the virus. It's a gameplay taken from tobacco companies to try to cast doubt that smoking was in many cases not the cause of cancer and only accompanied it.

It's currently being used in the case of George Floyd who it's suggested died of  a fentanyl overdose and not cardiac arrest due to suffocation by a cop. Casting doubt by playing with words is as  Bolt bragged to Steve Price a 'trick of the trade'. Saying due diligence was done in researching facts to just use a play on words with only a sincere expression, a suit and desk to accompany it and the warning "your scaring the kids" hardly amounts to sincerity or the search for truth.

As for the evidence of two possible cures withheld discovered by Bolt's research of Google is yet another grifters gameplay. Bolt's evidence isn't weighed up researched or studied or even peer-reviewed. It's selected to cast doubt on those making decisions. Two 'possible' cures are put forward not two cures fit for purpose. Waving a wand could have been one because as Trump said "what have you got to lose"? However if one looks at the actual research and it's history to date Hydroxychloroquine use has been declared not the best or safest course of action but a drug not fit for purpose by the FDA the experts who simply get in the way of Bolt's politics. 
Politics not good enough for Dr Bolt and in true Trump form is getting things back to normal as fast as possible.  The terms "possible cures" and"there's nothing to lose"  trivialises the illness. When there's research that suggests otherwise and how serious it is Bolt needs to cast doubt to ignore health experts.
Bolt's provided absolutely no evidence to prove the truth of his arguments frightening children dying with or from COVID or the two possible cures that in his mind might work it doesn't even matter to him whether they do or not he's paid to influence and divide the community and force politicians to act on party lines rather than facts. What matters is creating an air of uncertainty? The uncertainty that any approach taken today is wrong if it affects the economy and in particular partisan interests. We have seen Bolt flip flop yelling government over or under reach on different days contradicting himself along the way. He's here to sell papers and gain attention after all he's selling fake product news not the truth.

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