Attorney General Christian Porter breaches law over three years, claims it was a mistake
General Christian Porter failed to disclose his use of controversial
National Security Information (NSI) orders in criminal proceedings,
blaming an “administrative oversight”.
Coronavirus pandemic
Let the virus run but protect the vulnerable? This is how it is done
Let’s have a look at what it would take to try to protect those who need protecting.
Some journalists and politicians have been saying that we just need to
let the virus run and only worry about protecting the elderly or
vulnerable. Given that would mean a lot more community infections –
limited, it is hoped, to those at lower risk of death or severe
infection – let’s look at what it would take to try to protect those who
need protecting
There are also many Australians with heart problems, cancers, kidney failure, or weakened immune systems. And roughly one in five of the population is over the age of 70. All these people and anyone in regular contact with them would need to isolate from the rest of society.
This suggestion to protect the vulnerable is very easy to say, but the specifics are a lot more challenging. In fact, they are impossible. We cannot just live with this virus like this and not expect disasters on a scale that would make our current situation look mild.
In a reply to Andrew Bolt's strategy call from the bleachers, Associate Professor Patrick Charles is a Melbourne-based infectious disease physician explains why it's impossible and why opinionators can readily stand on a fruit box and spout them but to sell them as advice criminally irresponsible as they incite reckless public action. As far back as March Italian doctors warned that Covid-19 is not a virus that only effects the elderly which Andrew Bolt is still broadcasting in August 2020.(ODT)
Relative to what we were expecting, the recession isn’t as bad as feared
Ross Gittins
A significantly different message to the scaremongering Andrew Bolt and Terry McCrann were putting out.
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