Thursday, 20 August 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 20/8/20; Scotty leads us to the Promised Land; Where there's no Shame or Blame; Blainey doesn't fail Pascoe;

Scotty from Marketing and the ‘Not my department’ disclaimer

Scott Morrison |
If the buck doesn't stop with him on aged care, border security or pandemics, what is the point of this Prime Minister?

Scott Morrison says all Australians in Liberal-held electorates on a margin of less than 2% can look forward to free vaccinations when they become available, possibly as early as next year. The Prime Minister said while he hoped to eventually provide vaccinations to all Australians, it was important to prioritise those most in need. 

Morrison promises free vaccinations for all Australians living in marginal electorates | The Shovel may contain: text that says 'RonniSalt @RonniSalt But you see, the problem with this announcement is one the media won't be giving acres of headlines to. Vaccines in Australia are already free to eligible people. It's right there under the National Immunisation Program set up in 1997. He's announcing a program we already have Australian Gevernment Department Resources WhatisNIP? Program( important? Immunisation Program w bye aimsto number Australia. spage Luse_NiPservices provide? policies useNiPservices?'

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'RonniSalt @RonniSalt Apart from re-announcing a program that's existed since 1997, Scott Morrison also gets to deflect from his aged care crisis. You can see his staff workshopping it in front of their whiteboards: "What's big enough to get that aged care problem off the front page? "A vaccine!!" POLITICS Scott Morrison expects a successful coronavirus vaccine would be mandatory in Australia Posed ag updated ago'



Bruce Pascoe, author of the best-seller Dark Emu, is promoted to schools by the ABC as an "Aboriginal" author, teaching that Aborigines were actually farmers, living in "houses" in "towns" of more than "1000 people", with animal "pens. But Australia's greatest historian, Professor Geoffrey Blainey, says there is no evidence for his claims. Watch.
6m ago 
 Andrew Bolt has no credibility or arguments of his own so he turns to Blainey who built his career on white man's history and white man's definition of "evidence. Pascoe didn't say Aborigines were "only" farmers but were "also" who lived in large communities and evidence exists they practised what white men call "farming techniques".
"No evidence" however for Bolt and Blainey simply that there is 40,000 years of no written evidence, 200 years of destruction of language guaranteed evidence isn't as readily available as they demand but hard evidence has been found. But then, there is no definitive evidence that Blainey or Bolt are right other than "in their opinion" and their criteria of proof.
As for teaching history in schools as an immutable fact rather than controversial realities would have the Dutch teaching their children for 40 years post WW2 that they saved rather than persecuted Jews. If that was the case then teaching history would be reduced to an exercise in training rather than learning and that then is an ideological demand. Even Blainey wouldn't dare fail Pascoe on that level only disagree with him. Something Bolt doesn't do. However, he failed to complete his first year at Adelaide University has done very little to research Pascoe and calls in others to attempt to do what he can't. Bolt fails Pascoe Blainey doesn't. (ODT)


COLUMN Geoffrey Blainey, Australia’s greatest historian, is just as astonished as I am by the Bruce Pascoe scandal. Why has the fake history of this “Aboriginal” writer been repeatedly promoted on the ABC and in schools, even winning a NSW Premier’s literary award? 

It's all been said above. Bolt has pet hates and when he's working to rule and lost for anything current to say he drags is pet topics out Bruce being an example. Blainey is a historian but a very poor social scientist and a racist to boot. Social cohesian to Blainey was threatened by "too many Asians allowed into the is country".
 neither side is saying what the other side claims it is saying. John Howard and Geoffrey Blainey are not seeking to whitewash Australian history, just as Don Watson and Manning Clark were not seeking to denigrate Australian achievement. The argument is not about content-it is about emphasis. It is not so much concerned with the nature of history as it is with the use of history. As a people, we are trying to come to terms with the fact that 'Australian' history is no longer written purely from the perspective of the majority.
In a spirit of reconciliation, some Aboriginal leaders such as Noel Pearson have also sought to find common ground by emphasising 'the complexity of the past' and the value of some transplanted colonial institutions such as (perhaps somewhat pointedly) the common law.

Andrew Bolt is certainly unlike Stan Grant, for instance, a protagonist for a white man's history of Australia. To say he's he's not seeking to whitewash Australian history is being in denial of what it is he is saying and to think Blainey isn't a Europhile and an Assimilationist is to view his past through some very apologist glasses.
 Andrew Bolt simply refuses the fact that Australian history today isn't immutable and any effort in rewriting it is base on the fact and need that it's clearly a history of once-powerful Colonials and a minorities effort to hold onto something they believe they once had and deserved. It's a celebration of power rather than a want to search for any better understanding of the past.  (ODT)


COLUMN The last straw was police warning I couldn’t even drive my arthritic dog to his leash-free park, less than a kilometre from my home. Even more than the ban on leaving Australia, this ban on giving your dog a lift showed a dangerous shift. This was one of many new virus bans that are simply meant to make life easier for police and our politicians.
7m ago

Bolt seems to have ignored the fact that when this unintended issue was pointed out it was immediately changed and what he's describing doesn't exist. Mordy Bromberg was right Bolt's simply a lazy writer loose with his facts who says " I always admit when I was wrong". When were the many occasions we have seen that happen?

Bolt has constantly told us this virus isn't a danger to people under 40 has he talked or will he talk to the 30-year-old doctor that spent days on a ventilator and will he tell him that?

 Why is their a photo of Bolt and his only friends accompanying this photo which is so posed unlike the natural one showing him at the tennis? The man is a very lonely egoist. Go drive your dog, Mr Bolt, you're free to But apologise for your kneejerk stupidity.

Andrew Bolt at the men's final of the Australian Open tennis competition in February.

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