Saturday, 8 August 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL,8/8/20; Covid Strengthens Ruling Class Grip on the U.S. CEO Pay; People on the Dole;




  1. You may never have heard of him, but Andrew Barkla was Australia's highest-paid CEO in 2019

    With a pay cheque of almost $38 million, IDP Education's Andrew Barkla earned about 420 times the average full-time wage.
     The Star newspaper of Canada reported that at least 80 per cent of the students who had failed to demonstrate the standard language proficiency were from India and had taken their IELTS tests at centres in India managed by Australia-based IDP Education.
    This is, however, not the first time that inconsistencies have been found in the way test is conducted at centres in India.
    Earlier SBS Punjabi had come across at least two 'operators' based in India who were openly promising the desired IELTS score in exchange of money.


    IELTS score for sale in India; SBS Punjabi investigates


    Why IDP Education Limited's (ASX:IEL) CEO Pay Matters To You › news › why-idp-education-limi...

    Dec 4, 2019 - Andrew Barkla has been the CEO of IDP Education Limited (ASX:IEL) since 2015. First, this article will compare CEO...
    Its increased 1652% times since this report was written??? We know Universities around the world have been hit hard by COVID-19 yet this CEO seems to be Teflon. 

    Many people have the attitude that anyone who really wants a job can find one.


    People on the dole don't want a job? Don't believe it

    There’s growing evidence that paying decent rates of unemployment benefit doesn’t discourage people from taking jobs.
    • by Ross Gittins

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