Thursday, 24 December 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 24/12/20; Totally Fake News to Polish and boost a Turd for Xmas;


 Cannot accept his electoral loss: US President Donald Trump.

 Typical Trump he comes in and wrecks what exists. When shit hits the fan and reality bites and the news cycle has died down he returns and repairs his damage done with fanfare claiming that change as progress and  using every bit of media to announce his genius. Yes,he did it with imported steel raising tariffs to 25% when that began to hurt America's construction industry he dropped them again "fixing" the issue and the pain. 

 Now Trump is playing exactly the same game with the new relief package. Trump announced months ago relief payments were to be CUT wrecking the policy in place of $1200 by a 50% reduction to $600. Instead of drawing up a new Bill it would be part of an existing one which included many other things. So Step1 he stopped the $1200 contribution and promised the cheques would be in the mail immediately. They weren't! That Bill was only passed 2-3 days ago. The Trump promise was all bullshit.

 Now he's declaring he alone read 5000 pages of that newly passed Bill and discovered all these other things with what was meant to be a stand alone relief Bill. Yes, it was all bullshit and stage one in the Trump grift.  Stage 2 Oh that relief of $600 for heavens sake is too small. Yet, it was the amount Trump declared it was to be months ago. As for those other items in that Bill they were a total surprise to him declaring that it was always intended to be a stand alone Relief Bill so it was now all wrong so he was going to veto and Fix it. How Trump typical so many lies machine gunning out of his mouth at once.

In  true grifters style he's now offering a $2000  relief package and dropping all the other Foriegn Aid items from the Bill instead McConnell & Pelosi had simply got it wrong and a new Bill drawn up. No cheques in the mail. This announcement was to be a Trump triumph & media ploy and noise making him a hero of the day when he'd literally did sweet FA. The GOP has since convinced him to walk back on that $2000 to $1800 and shift the foreign aid over to pay for the increase. Trump's media declaring him peoples hero and polishing the turd. What had he really done? NOTHING

Trump pushes for changes to COVID stimulus bill, bigger payments

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