Monday, 19 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 19/4/21; Ordinary Australians are made to pay; Philip can't save the LNP from embarrassment; Sky is falling in.




Millions face income tax hit as end to offset looms

Analysis shows people earning less than $126,000 a year face a tax hike from next financial year

They certainly wish Philip was on the front page for another week


Morrison and the

Media Mourns End Of Prince Philip Stories

“It was a news event cut tragically short" 

Sky News searches for free-to-air future for Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones

Sky News searches for free-to-air future for Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones

Sky News boss Paul Whittaker is trying to find a free-to-air future for his news channel.

Sky News Australia is trying to strike a deal to keep programs such as The Bolt Report, Jones and Co and Paul Murray Live on free-to-air television as it nears the end of its agreement with broadcaster WIN Corp.

 Meanwhile, Sky News’ current partner, WIN, is unlikely to agree to a new deal because of a new arrangement with Nine that will come into effect in the middle of the year. Sky News declined to comment.

 Sky News has been able to expand its audience rapidly through regional WIN TV over the past three years but not because of it's talent.

 Here is  an oxymoron if ever there was one " The Future of News- Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones"and Paul Murray. Whittaker Sky's CEO has to be the laziest unimaginative boss in Murdoch's global stable. Andrew Bolt has been a ratings failure since being thrown off 2GB. His podcasts have been trashed by an inexpensive program delivered from a shed by Van Badham and Ben Davison. A truly David and Goliath feat.

 His TV program has been waved goodbye to by regional broadcaster WIN and the Herald Sun print part of News Corp is bleeding money. Yet what does lazy Whittaker do but the unimaginative and tries to wheel Bolt, Jones and the others out like  Egyptian mummies to another location to try to save the day on even more "free to air" space. 

Give Bolt a megaphone and a fruit box and see the attention he gets in the Sorrento/ Portsea shopping strip. Not one Lazarus or mummy her here but a bevy who are certainly not the fire starters to save SKY. Yes, finally the SKY is falling in after 8 years of telling us it was. Whittaker in this case is Chicken Little and the Sky is imploding. In the past Free to Air cranked Bolt's ratings up by almost 40% without him actually having to do anything a "free ride". He's no Sky Rocket that's for sure.


Russian Dissident Alexei Navalny Could Be Days From Death In Prison

100 Days Later The Lincoln Project

It’s been 100 days since a mob of extremists stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to block the certification of President Biden’s victory and overthrow our government at the urging of Donald Trump and his Big Lie. This week, host Reed Galen is joined by fellow Lincoln Project Co-Founders Steve Schmidt & Rick Wilson, as well as Lincoln Project Senior Advisor Stuart Stevens to discuss the aftermath of the insurrection and the importance of never forgetting the events of January 6, 2021. Plus, a look-ahead to the 2022 midterm elections.


 Exiting the endless staircase of LNP sending us to war agent orange war crimes and hell and the ALP returning the troops back to "normality"


People have ‘chosen to ignore’ the issue of veteran suicides

People have ‘chosen to ignore’ the issue of veteran suicides

  Australian Defence Association Executive Director Neil James says people have “chosen to ignore” the issue of veteran suicides, with one key reason being that so few Australians now have “any personal experience of military service”. His comments come after Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced plans for a Royal Commission into veteran suicides in order to address the mental toll deployment takes on Australian soldiers. “This has been a serious problem for some time,” Mr James told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “People have chosen to ignore it, there are many varied reasons for it”. “But one of the key ones is so few Australians now have any personal experience of military service - even in their extended family, they don’t understand the problem and the veterans come back to a national community that doesn’t understand what they’ve been through.” 

The lack of attention to vet suicide isn't due to any public outcry or choice. It's due to the lack of attention care and leadership of governments. Governments that simply focus on issues that will attract votes rather than problems. Vietnam and successive losses thereafter weren't wars governments wanted remembered. The mental health issues they caused were ignored for years. As has indigenous deaths in custody domestic violence and gambling.

Scott Morrison has shown he's failing badly on all these counts and has been desperately in need of an issue to distract us and make him look good. He needs an issue, the assistance of the media to bring to the forefront of our minds and ANZAC DAY and vets is it. Andrew Bolt the white nationalist is just the person to do that. Recently back from holiday and need of a subject what better than making the PM appear to have empathy. However, Andrew Bolt didn't choose the topic it was prepared for him to read on his first day back.

 ‘Nothing more than class warfare’: Byron Bay locals object to Netflix reality series

‘Nothing more than class warfare’: Byron Bay locals object to Netflix reality series

  Objections from Byron Bay locals to the filming of a new Netflix reality series ‘Byron Baes’ is “nothing more than class warfare,” according to the IPA’s Bella D’Abrera. The reality show, about social media influencers in Byron Bay, has been met by a petition signed by more than 6,000 people who don’t want it to be filmed in the town. “Australia’s meant to be a classless society, but the elite have colonised Byron Bay,” Ms D’Abrera told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “They now inhabit Byron Bay and they don’t want the great unwashed flooding the streets of Byron Bay”. “Really this is nothing more than elite nimbyism, that’s all this is.” 

It's interesting isn't it a Right-Wing think tank like the IPA sounding as if they are Donald Trump. Anti-elitist and establishment but working class heroes. Australia was never "meant" to be a "classless society". It was meant to only "seem" one. Where are these IPA commentators from? We were never a "classless society". If we were there'd be no Toorak, Portsea or Sorrento, Palm Beach, Double Bay or Vaucluse there'd be social housing in all those suburbs.

Byron Bay was once the social welfare Capital of Australia. A place where the rich and poor youth of the 60s and 70s went to turn on, tune in , drop out and surf for a while. A place for a gap year. But like everywhere areas once discovered by the young, the unemployed and alternative life stylers it would inevitably become gentrified developed and taken over by the wealthier arrivals. There was "no class war". There may have been a progressively multicultural change? But no war, rather it's called the progressive march of capitalism over time. The evolution of rising prices displaced the poor who simply can't afford to live there any longer. 6000 people simply don't want an accelerated change of lifestyles commercialized by Netflix. They don't want Byron's "charm" destroyed any more than it has already been  with the road in and out totally gridlocked and an unreality reality show promoting it.

The IPA really doesn't care about individual peoples lifestyles it's a cartel and a government influencer,  It's a lobbyist's for established corporations, and industries the real elite as opposed to the cultural and diverse one in Byron. There is no class war to be found there. Nor would there be one if the program was proposed for Sorrento, Portsea, or Lorne. They're simply people who have invested in a cultural lifestyle and don't wan't it rapidly changed. There is no class divide in Byron maybe a curiosity as there is the Kardashians to commercialise.

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