Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 21/4/21; Murdoch wants Dutton as PM; Derek Chauvin found guilty Trump isn't there to pardon him;




 ‘America living up to the Declaration of Independence’: Verdict a moment of hope for Floyd supporters

‘America living up to the Declaration of Independence’: Verdict a moment of hope for Floyd supporters

Ben Crump, the attorney for George Floyd’s family, said the guilty verdict was a victory for “America’s quest for equal justice under the law”.

Would Trump have "pardoned" him? 

‘A measure of justice’: Harris welcomes Chauvin verdict

‘A measure of justice’: Harris welcomes Chauvin verdict

“A measure of justice isn’t the same as equal justice,” she said. “This verdict brings us a step closer, and the fact is we still have work to do. We still must reform the system.”

 May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'MURDOCH'S sky news THE our backs, Dutton tells AUSTRALIAN Diggers We've got PLAN B 3:40 Peter Dutton is the 'real deal': Murray 1.1K views THE AUSTRALIAN RAISING ALIAN Dutton pulls rank on medal ban BAR hour ago TBEALSTRALI teDuttonwouldbe 3Kviews'


Morrison's standing in the polls is slipping, and Lachlan Murdoch has noticed. Not to worry, seems like there's a Murdoch campaign to boost their long-favoured son, Peter Dutton.
Can I hear the sound of knives being sharpened? #MurdochRoyalCommission



Fake News and Misinformation

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says "we have evidence that woke politics is making the west desperately weak" after New Zealand's Foreign Affairs Minister refused to criticise China on COVID-19's origins or on the treatment of Hong Kong and its activists. "As I’ve said before, New Zealand is selling out Australia – and the west – to keep sweet with the genocidal Chinese dictatorship," he said. "New Zealand figures other democracies can do the fighting. New Zealand can meanwhile sweet talk China and clean up business wise. But it may be worse than that. I think woke culture is also to blame. "New Zealand’s foreign minister is dizzy with her new age earth worship and old nature gods. For her, China is an ally in the fight against global warming, which seems to her far more important than the danger of war. China would be laughing."
It seems Bolt's notion of " we have evidence" is Bolt's opinions nothing much more. Having stolen the term 'woke' he feels he now owns it. He's certainly not offering any "evidence"that all is well with the world of Australia or that if any change is required it means going forwards backwards.
 What Andrew Bolt is saying is he has the facts and "woke politics" that Black Lives Matter from who he stole the term has no hard data that demands any radical change in the way we live. Rather any protest desperately weakens us. Andrew Bolt somehow makes out he's the voice at the tip of the spear standing between us and the disgruntled left who are demanding the overturn of our white western Christian male heterosexuals traditions and hierarchy of privilege deserved, earned, and inherited we have today. Indigenous Australia, Muslims ,Africans and junkies simply want what he has. 
Acceptance of Bolt's opinions is meant to unite us. Strange just how few people listen to or follow him though. Boltsters are in fact non existent or are just a minority within a minority the LNP who see democracy as a danger to their power. Bolt is little more than a back rub and comforter for a minority of aged WASPS in Australia that remember when Catholics were the Muslims of today. His quota of Australian listeners are largely to be found in the rural regions of the country. 40% of which he will lose when Sky's 'free to air' contract with WIN is over in July.
 Andrew Bolt is the one who divides us, denies us, and refuses to allow us to be diverse multicultural secular nation we are. The nation that has fundamental economic problems not cultural ones that weaken us. He isn't a patriot but the very reverse but generally demands we all  live in his assimilated world of beliefs, "alternative facts", but materially divided.  One that needs more and stricter policing, less media like the ABC more administration of all our social and cultural and welfare institutions and less regulation of our economy. 
"We have evidence" is simply a euphemism for "enemies out to get us"

 Global warming is “not a great threat” and trying to stop it almost certainly means “far more pain than gain,” according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “Here’s something else that would make China laugh,” Mr Bolt said. “The global warming religion of elites in the West. Here is the West slashing its emissions at such a huge cost to allegedly save a planet that’s actually doing fine. “We are being played. As is our own prime minister; Scott Morrison is about to join a summit on Thursday of 40 national leaders. “It’s been called by US President Joe Biden to put pressure on the West to cut its emissions even more – no wonder China’s all in favour, and Morrison seems absolutely ready to move to promise to cut Australia’s emissions by more, to eventually – it’s suggested – to net zero.” Mr Bolt spoke with former Resources Minister Matt Canavan about the issue. “I’d love to think we could cut our emissions to net zero and not lose a single job in manufacturing and in mining, or have a single farm go bust,” Mr Canavan said. “But we all know that’s just not realistic.” 

 Andrew Bolt a fish that believes it can swim not just upstream but up Niagra Falls and all the others will follow him. He calls the 97% agreement of rationalists, climate scientists the planet's experts a 'religion'. Rather than an exacting methodology which over  the past 50 years of rational data collection, testing, peer reviewed examination and refining year in year discovery. While Andrew Bolt only  offers up the same evidence he's been churning to for the past 20 years as if it's proof the rest of scientific discovery is wrong or at least less reliable.

The world's nations are all in step again since Trump has gone and Australia's LNP stands alone. The planet's and our nations industries are doing the same uniting and investing in the transition to reduce emissions. The LNP however refuses to help what private enterprise is doing but claiming they are progressive.

  Andrew Bolt's working for an old man who makes his fortune out of the politics of division and hopes to score big with Genie Oil so long as the transition away from fossil fuels is slowed. Yes Murdoch is the biggest media contrarian and influencer in the western world when it comes to denying the urgency of climate change but even he has become an echo from the past. The WMO has just released it report on global warming and the past 6 years have been the hottest on record and the extreme weather conditions the worst yet the planet's CO2 emissions keep rising. Australia is the stand alone nation that doesn't give a shit.


 ASPI Foreign Policy expert Michael Shoebridge says Russia’s growing military presence in Ukraine is something the world must be “paying much more attention to” – as Russia continues to establish both significant ground and naval forces in the region. “Russia has continued to mass more troops on the Ukrainian border – there are over 100,000 Russian troops there now – that’s more troops than they massed when they invaded Ukraine back in 2014," he said. “They’re bringing 15 small ships from their Caspian flotilla into the Black Sea and ships from their Black Sea fleet – they’ll have about 50 warships in the Black Sea and they’ve closed part of it to other states’ naval assets including the Ukrainians. “You’ve got to think, why now? I think there are a number of reasons and they’re not all just about Ukraine.” Mr Shoebridge said a possible reason would be the Russians are testing the “new president” Joe Biden and asserting “Russian power” in the region. “I think they’re wanting to test the new US president. They’re also wanting to use this moment to say, ‘don’t forget about Russian power’,” he said. 

Donald Trump modeled himself on and made Putin he was and still is his greatest asset. Trump in 4 years weakened America and strengthened the world's dictators so much so we are now witnessing the outcome of his 4 years as President. Biden has to unite America and prove to the likes of Putin that there are more than just one nation that he needs to deal with when it comes to the Ukraine. The UK, EU, will need to show Putin he hasn't the world on a string. 

Fear is Bolt's tool of trade and he generates and broadcasts it daily.

 Sky News host Andrew Bolt says it seems Russia, as well as China and Iran, have all “now figured” that the leader of the free world is “just too weak” to stop them – as Russia increases military presence without consistent opposition from Joe Biden. The remarks come as Russian troops have reportedly amassed 150,000 troops on the border with Ukraine and increased their naval presence in the Black Sea. “It's like Russia, and China by the way and Iran, have all now figured that new US president Joe Biden is just too weak to stop them - and so far it seems he is,” he said. “Biden did order two US warships to the Black Sea to warn off Russia from Ukraine - but changed his mind when Russia got angry and pulled them back.” 
A nation doesn't just become weak over night it be comes weakened over time and that was Trump's time and with the help of the Republicans. It only took 4 years their cartel to take control and weaken America. The Russians were on the border with the Ukraine as far back as 2013 Iran was at bay and China and America were coexisting under Obama. However they consolidated in anger when Trump their greatest ally became President. Even Nth Korea was laughing.
Bolt never mentions the fact that the US military is bigger than Russia, China and Iran combined. They have x10 the military hardware. The world wont stand by and just watch. America with Biden has allies that's without the UK and EU. Mind you Australia is less staunch and a little more reluctant. So the numbers suggest the opposite of Bolt's prediction that under Biden it is too weak. Yes, it was weakened by Trump but the Americans are deployed and armed nearer to Moscow than Putin is to the US.

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says he wonders whether the jury for Derek Chauvin’s trial would even “dare consider” whether the former police officer is innocent given they have seen the “race mobs burn their city in protest” of George Floyd's death. “The politics of race – identity politics generally – is threatening the idea of justice in the West,” Mr Bolt said. “With people identifying so fiercely with race, the pressure is on to simply punish people of one race to placate another. “Right now in Minneapolis in the US, a jury is deciding its verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin … they must be very scared.” Sky News Washington Correspondent Annelise Nielsen said “these were all considerations made during the jury selection process". “The idea that there could be a threat to their security was prefaced by the judge in that he’s actually not had any of the jurors shown in the live feed and there is a suppression on their identities," she said. 

What Andrew Bolt says is of little or no concern to the American jury. His belief in reverse racism and replacement theory has been repeated time and again on Fox News. He's simply an echo of head office. Fear it seems has been taken out of the equation here. It wasn't however the same on July 6th  when Trump called for his supporters to take the Hill while he watched and pleasured himself like Nero. That was a day when fear broke out in America. Not in this trial. 


Chauvin was pronounced guilty and not out of "fear" or any conspiracy Bolt can think of but the law and a jury of his peers. No doubt it's not over and it will be appealed.

Ability to ‘freely exchange controversial ideas’ an important part of any democracy

 Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton says "the ability to freely exchange ideas", even if those ideas are "somewhat controversial or offensive" is an important part of any democratic institution or country. Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan is pushing for Islamic nations to band together to put pressure on western nations to boycott trade if it did not criminalise blasphemy of the Prophet Muhammad. "It's such an important western ideal and to have a world leader want to corrode that is extremely dangerous. What's been concerning to me is in the media, there hasn't been this widespread outrage," Mr Houghton said. 

This coming from a man that demands "manners" be the judgement on which we judge men seems somewhat hypocritical. There was a tradition not that long ago that sex politics and religion weren't spoken of in the company of others. Bolt's traditionalist but feels free to say what ever he wants in public. There was a time that people went to speakers corner to do just that without fear or favour. Andrew Bolt wouldn't do that today but with megaphone in hand he demands the freedom to incite extremists to fight.

 Muslims don't mock Christ as he is regarded a prophet of Islam. Muslims are expected to welcome all men into their homes yet we are free to mock Mohamed and slam the door in their face and Bolt demands that as his civilised right and freedom. Is it any wonder he's "shy and has no friends" his excuse for hating to even attend PTA meetings. Imran Khan seems to be simply asking  for the West to be mannered and civilised and think what we really want. Say what you want at home privately but act with manners and respect in front of your neighbours. It strikes me that's what Bolt says are his as his standards but doesn't practice them and denies he should answer for his hypocrisy. He's called for Muslims to be banned from public forums because he disagreed with their ideas. He's called for them to be deported and locked out.

Bolt should have been charged for incitement long ago and held as a recruiter of extremists. A divider calling for Christian youth to fight back with the same conviction as Islamic terrorists did in Barcelona. He admired their "conviction". He's called young Christians cowards. gutless but when an Australian did kill 50+ Muslims in Christchurch NZ. Bolt went into hiding for 4 days. He came out declaring himself a man of peace doing a Trump and saying there was confusion on both sides and denying he'd done anything wrong. When he entertained the shooters heroes on his Bolt Report 

 Blog Post


Fans beat rich club owners. How could those owners get this so wrong that their plans collapse in just 48 hours?: "Manchester City has withdrawn from proposals for a European Super League and Chelsea is set to do the same after a furious backlash against the controversial plan." UPDATE: All six British clubs pull out.

Did Bolt complain when India's billionaires took control of cricket? Or that a Greedy Amazon took over global retailing. Is Netflix a Greedy corporation? It certainly captured the market with 205 million subscribers and growing and even producing content in every country. Greed is the nature of Capitalism and the not so "free market". The so called 'free market' Bolt so much admires is a myth an illusion. Seemingly a supporter of a  free market and Democracy Bolt is the very opposite and a supporter of the Corporate State. 

If a Super League had formed Murdoch's Foxtel would have to queue and line up to negotiate a new deal or simply loose all rights to say Netflix or the Super Leagues own channels. Foxtel without sport would be dead as it's already struggling getting subscriptions. Yes, Capitalism is greedy. Only 10 corporations control most of the business in the world. The Morrison LNP is about to boost the  ability of corporations here to do more harm than they already have by deregulating the market and their costs by half a billion dollars. Doing it at a time when we have seen more wage fraud, tax evasion, and subsidies given our biggest industry players than ever before in our history. Bolt's certainly isn't seriously complaing about "greed" because on any other day he celebrates Capitalism deregulation and small government. He's personally one of a few millionaires working for a billionaire whose very nature is to be greedy.

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