Friday, 11 June 2021

Fighting Fake News, 11/6/21; Biloela and Australia's opinion; Humour; Coal Capitalists call for Socialist help; Monkton the Milo of Climate change



“Letting Biloela family stay will lead to influx of people wanting to spend 3 years locked on an island while their child contracts a rare blood infection”

“We let one family in and next thing we have thousands of families arriving at our doorstep saying, ‘lock me up in a cage’" 

Deliberate cruelty to punish parents: Former High Court chief justice slams Tamil treatment

A former High Court chief justice has slammed the “deliberate cruelty” inflicted on the children of a Tamil family detained on Christmas Island.


Scott Morrison Running 20 Years Late For G7 Climate Meeting 
Alinta owns Victoria’s Loy Yang B coal-fired power station.

Coal plant owner Alinta calls for Canberra to step in as banks retreat

Capitalism calls for Socialist help who gets helped the share holders of course.


Liberals’ Dan Andrews questions are a perfect case study in how to manufacture fake news

 Viscount Christopher Monckton: Lord of the lies on climate change


Viscount Christopher Monckton, who describes climate science as a monstrous hoax and a bandwagon of lies, has taken his own bandwagon of lies around the world on lecture tours.

He has appeared before Congress committees as a climate change expert and his speeches have been watched hundreds of thousands of times on YouTube. But a close examination of some of his statements reveals him to be lord of the lies.

Independent Australia provides a “peer review” of 20 of his statements which demonstrates one of the world’s champion climate change deniers is a champion fabricator.

Sounds like a certainty to be boosted by Newscorp and Sky. Mockton was once a favorite of Andrew Bolts until even he became too obvious and extreme for Bolt to quote and invite on his show. But if he were in Australia he'd be Bolt's Milo on climate change denial.

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