Fake Facts and misinformation exposed
Sky News commentator Andrew Bolt has supported the opinion of Education Minister Alan Tudge that the Australian history curriculum is ‘hateful’, writes A L Jones. “NEO-MARXIST RUBBISH”, says a NSW Cabinet minister of the new draft national curriculum. And the Federal Education Minister Alan Tudge agrees with Andrew Bolt that the history section is biased against our Western heritage and should include, for example, “what bad things Aborigines did to Aborigines”. Mr Tudge said in a Sky News interview with Bolt:
“I do get concerned that students don’t have a firm understanding of how we did become this rich, egalitarian, free, Western-liberal democracy… If you don’t understand that, then you’re less likely to value it and defend it.”
What a load of crap from two
hypocrites judging no protecting their history of mythical facts from
critical eyes and wanting to turn it into dogma. The 500 years of
colonial western history is writ large in a crippled African continent,
the shredded Americas run by serial dictators, a middle east left in
tatters that today needs total suppression because of the hate caused,
and an Australia walked over by jackboots that today remain in place. If
any nation or culture were to be regarded as having done more to lift
billions to a better state of being in the fastest possible time then
China is light years ahead of us. Even India accelerated when casting off the shackles of Western Colonialism. Not as fast as China but nevertheless fast enough to see just how far the West had held them back.
What Aborigines did they did it to each other not globally and not to the rest of the world. The torture chambers of the West are now "pay to see" tourist opportunities to see what we did to each other and others without a second thought. Things we did to "lesser humans" that these two bastards pretend today never existed. Our museums are filled with the trophies of the rape, pillage, slavery and slaughter done, but not to be emphasized or taught in their history of the world.
The LNP and Murdoch media hand in hand are found here preaching cancel culture or any form or critical theory or search for truth. That is dangerous because the next generation just might want to change things for the better when realizing the worst of our past. Hitler believed in the their principles of education too.
The one thing that strikes me is these ultra conservatives always combine the notion of Western Culture with Christianity and consequently an inferred god given right to historic truth very much in common with the notion of the 'elect'. In line with the preaching of other religious extreme cults like neo-Nazis, Trumpsters, Moonies, ISIS, and other anti- democratic, authoritarians do. https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-cult-of-trump/id1551582052?i=1000523783469 The Cult of Trump
Source: Right-wing media backs Alan Tudge on ‘leftist’ history curriculum
" That's not my Job"
Like his actions on so many other issues, Morrison is sniffing the breeze and working out which way he should jump (after all he has to win an election in the next 12 months to retain power). It seems fence sitting and blaming others is far easier than accepting responsibility or making a decision. And it seems he is convinced that blowing the racist dog whistle regularly doesn’t seem to hurt.
Source: Bring out the dog whistle – » The Australian Independent Media Network
A Senate hearing has descended into a fiery stand-off after Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck admitted the federal government still doesn’t know exactly how many staff in Victoria have had COVID doses. It’s now 100 days into the federal vaccination rollout, and federal health officials have admitted that 21 aged-care homes across Australia are yet to receive even a single dose of vaccine – while the number of vaccinated staff may be as low as 8 per cent. Health department officials could only confirm that around 32,000 aged care workers, out of 366,000 nationally, had gotten their first doses – but stressed this was a “minimum”, and that many more workers would be vaccinated, but they weren’t sure how many exactly.
Source: ‘Extraordinary’: Less than 10 per cent of

Morrison and Hunt emphasize how good they are doing, breaking records. The opposite the truth.
Govt is losing race against fast-mutating pandemic
We want to be careful not to reveal this person’s identity, but a senior government minister has massively fucked up his own defamation case
‘Systemic bias’: Coalition MPs round on ABC after Porter case
Queensland Nationals MP George Christensen called on the government to take action against the ABC, saying it should start with its chairwoman, Ita Buttrose.
When self service takes the opportunity to attack public service by smoke screening the reality of what just occurred. George Christensen lives in in a world of alternative fact.
Politicians spent decades dismantling almost the only solution to the pandemic
Ross Gittins
Economics Editor
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