Queensland best, WA worst: mine exports soar to $100 billion yet royalties static
Mining exports rose $100 billion in a decade, yet they now contribute proportionally less to government coffers. And if WA had the same royalty rate as Queensland, WA citizens would have gained an extra $47 billion over the decade. Callum Foote reports.

Protection Racket: Digital Media Code a farce as Google and Facebook not “designated”
Google and Facebook are yet to be “designated” under the Digital Media Bargaining Code, leaving the Code a farce rather than the touted “world-first reform”. Pressure on the platforms meant a small transfer of money from them to the old media allies of the Government such as News Corp and Nine but the essential challenge of reforms to the “surveillance capitalism” giants remains unaddressed. Kim Wingerei reports.
Gaming the System is what Morrison's been doing since being elected
Trump does not do well in debates against Democrats, so the RNC is pushing a change to the rules, in other words, gaming the syste
Government spins and fiddles with ideology as the pandemic crisis worsens
When does the crisis over the spread of deadly and highly infectious disease, quarantine and vaccinations get recognised as a scandal?
Coronavirus pandemic
Enough loose lockdown talk
Waleed Aly
The system failure here is in fact South Australia’s, whose hotel quarantine system became a source of transmission. The most germane policy failure is probably the federal government’s abject sluggishness in improving our quarantine arrangements by building new, better specialised facilities – something they still won’t commit to doing. Westacott went on to place the ultimate responsibility at the feet of the national cabinet. But the unacknowledged irony of the Victorian outbreak is that of the three governments involved, the Victorian government’s role seems the smallest.
But it’s far less likely to be true that even if the rollout was meeting its original targets we’d be at a level of vaccination that would have cut transmission significantly enough to have kept the state open. We’ve seen this in other countries, like Singapore, with much higher levels of vaccination than us, and who have nonetheless been forced into lockdown.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg boasted of “more direct federal economic support per capita going to Victoria than to any other state”, as though that dealt with the matter. Frydenberg’s statement is true. But then you think about the numbers: some $6760 for every Victorian, compared with $6409 per person in NSW.
The Victorian Government has used despicable scaremongering to frighten Victoria into accepting a longer shutdown caused by its incompetence. There is actually no evidence that this is a "beast" of a virus strain that's infecting people like never before.
What madness is this? The country’s worst government is keeping Melbourne shut down for another week because of what seems a fake scare about a new virus strain.
The hype from the Victorian government has been astonishing, reckless and self-serving.
Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton insists this strain of the Indian variant is “an absolute beast” no other state has had to face.
“It has moved faster than any other strain we’ve dealt with, and we’re seeing transmission in settings and circumstances we’ve never seen before.”
Already your bull detector should be flashing red.
It certainly is and it's coming from the mouth of Andrew Bolt who disregards what has been said and we have been warned of by epidemiologists and virologists in India, the UK, the US and the rest of the world that have experienced the spread of these new variants. The majority of these experts have clearly indicated that the rate of spread of these new variants is faster than that experienced a year ago. Bolt is recklessly protecting the Morrison conservative government's failure to establish fit for purpose quarantine facilities and their inability to vaccinate us as was promised back in March. Currently we are lagging at 120th on the planet in the rate of vaccinations delivered which has exacerbated the current problem. We are 9 million people short of the jabs promised. Yet what we hear from Hunt is we are breaking records and from Morrison "it's not a race " and from Bolt there is only a manufactured and false concern.
Frontline workers in aged care remain and were never prioritized. They were offered the "dregs" or left overs of vaccinations not given or refused by those in aged care. Only 2% of Australians have been fully vaccinated when as many as 70% of adults have been fully covered already in some 10 American states and 57% of Americans have had the dose across a country of 330 Million despite vaccinations not being mandated.
In typical form Bolt who like a QAnon dipstick and religious fanatic is going out of his way to throw doubt on the issue to complicate our efforts by bellowing out his disbelief about what has been openly agreed on by the world of medical experts. It's an echo of what he does when declaring Climate Change still remains in doubt. We have seen who he supports and its not the Victorian government. The LNP gets Bolt's backing when it comes to climate change a swell in fact he believes Morrison is doing to much. Well just a short while ago Mathias Corman our Minister for finance was supporting this media idiot in creating doubt today he's done 180 degree turn and is now declaring climate change and carbon emissions a the worlds greatest problem and has joined the world of science he once opposed. What it goes to show is these blowhards simply can't be trusted.
Lets face it Morrison would actually love Victoria not to be locked down his job is of primary importance to him more than workers or businesses in that Labour State he knows he can't win. A state taking it's advice from Public Health experts who Andrew Bolt gives the finger. Besides we know Morrison's mantra is "it's not my job" "I'm not holding the dose" and "I don't want to encourage lock downs" unless of course the news focuses too closely on him then he folds.
"We don't have to fear this virus" Morrison's words having been first to be vaccinated sounding like Trump. He's been to NZ and is now copying Jacinda but with far far more bureaucracy involved.
government agency says it's found another 10,000 members of the "Stolen
Generations". Or has it found 70,000 fewer? More reason to ask just who
was stolen.
A quiz, to test how you’ve been misled.
Guess how many Aboriginal children were of the “stolen generations” – stolen by racist whites.
Is it “up to 100,000” as claimed in 1997 by the Human Rights Commission and by the ABC? Up to 25,000, as claimed in 2006 by Professor Robert Manne, citing an Australian Bureau of Statistics survey?
At least 33,600, as claimed in 2019 by the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey?
At least 13,800 (counting only survivors aged over 50), according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare in 2018.
No, wait, at least 27,200 people aged over 50, said this same institute on Wednesday?
What is the point that Bolt is making that he's "right" and everyone else is wrong? That there is some confusion on the historic record and Bolt is right for declaring "stop the research", "stop the inquiry" there were no "stolen children"? What is he actually offering?
The Dutch post WW2 declared they were heroes in their protection of their Dutch Jews. For 40 odd years that was the story told and taught until in the 80's studies and research carried out by Jews themselves proved that the Dutch were in fact Europe's most active and enthusiastic country in assisting the Germans in transporting their own Dutch Jews to the concentration camps and gas chambers even more so than the Germans. So much so only 20% survived. Well without that critical examination of the historic facts being posited by the Dutch at the time that history would never have been rewritten.
There were no doubt Andrew Bolt's about in those days too denying those findings and criticizing any critical investigation taking place and protesting that these new facts revealed be taught in the classrooms of Dutch schools. That if done, it would have enormously negative effects on the new post war generation of Dutch kids, being taught "self-hate". What a load of bullshit Bolt is trying on to come up with and to insist, along with the Minister for Education Tudge, that any reexamination of our history shouldn't take place because we will begin hate ourselves for being white and a new racism be established. The German kids don't hate themselves today and they certainly aren't fucked in the head because of the atrocities their forefathers committed. There are neo-Nazis but they are in step with Bolt or shoul I say he is in step with them?
The numbers don't matter but children were "stolen" the practice was systemic and an industry was imported and developed because of that attitude. Our white christian colonial system simply saw aboriginal Australians as lesser people. Bolt still does hold that view today. That attitude didn't originate here. It came with the first white person to step on the shores of this continent .It was Imperialistic Christian White and Colonial and it already had over 200 years head start in it's making before hand. It came with an arrogance and an ability to kill at a distance with a gun and do to people of a different color and culture whatever they wanted. Laying down a history that, with critical examination today, is fast proving to be as false as the one the Dutch created post WW2.
Is it a coincidence that Andrew Bolt is a dual citizen of both countries and is applying the same arguments they did of their beneficence? For Christ sake don't teach the kids the truth it will fuck them right up if they are christian or white. They might stop believing in their god given right to rule and tread privileged and heavily over this land
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