Thursday 28 July 2022

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 28/7/22; $6000 to see Springsteen; Net-zero 2050 Deloitte's privatised cost estimate; Surveillance of us all is scary; 2X Hateful and scary people; One Nation & MAGA;


 May be a cartoon of text

The cost of a ticket to see the Boss has rocketed due to dynamic pricing strategies.The cost of a ticket to see the Boss has rocketed due to dynamic pricing strategies.The cost of a ticket to see the Boss has rocketed due to dynamic pricing strategies.The cost of a ticket to see the Boss has rocketed due to dynamic pricing strategies.

Working Class Man

 If you want to see Bruce Springsteen play in the US, it may cost you. Some of the tickets for the Boss’s forthcoming tour are going for over $4,000 (£3,300) on Ticketmaster AUD $6000

Source: Springsteen tickets are going for a whopping $4,000 – what else are we paying dynamic prices for? | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian

A “great reallocation” of spending is needed to achieve a net-zero economy by 2050, modelling by Deloitte Access Economics shows.Some $20 trillion in forecast investments by Australian governments and industry by 2050 needs to be spent differently to get to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, according to a report released on Thursday.But it is a transformation that Australia can afford, the research commissioned by the National Australia Bank shows.

Climate for ‘great reallocation’: Deloitte – Michael West

With facial recognition becoming increasingly sophisticated, it will soon be possible to monitor an entire population with minimal effort, discouraging people from participating in political protests and social movements, writes Manal al-Sharif.

Sleepwalkers, wake: Australians must face up to our surveillance state – Michael West


 Pauline Hanson

 All Style No Meaning Wasted Space

Pauline Hanson surprised exactly nobody on Wednesday when she flounced out of the Senate when respects were being paid to Indigenous Australians.

It might have been the least surprising political intervention since Malcolm Turnbull assured us that independent candidates in Liberal-held seats were good for democracy.

The new Senate president, Labor’s Sue Lines, acknowledged the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people as traditional custodians of the Canberra area and paid respect to elders past and present at the opening of the session. Hanson interjected, yelling “No, I won’t and never will”, before exiting the chamber.

Hanson’s grandstanding brought a sour note to the occasion that is traditionally suffused with goodwill.


“We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian nationalists," Greene blustered.

“When Republicans learn to represent most of the people that vote for them, then we will be the party that continues to grow without having to chase down certain identities or chase down certain segments of people," she continued.

This is Steve Bannon's dream come true. Fascism at its core, backed up by wayward evangelicals.

 A Christian version of ISIS is coming your way and they have the guns and will fight like ISIS did. There is no other cheek as far as they are concerned. 

Andrew Bolt once wrote Christian youth were "gutless" and need to fight with the commitment of Islamists. When one did in Christchurch Bolt immediately went to ground disavowing he encouraged violence. What was he encouraging back then when he said he admired the commitment shown by the Barcelona bombers and he wished Christians showed as much?

MAGA Tells Americans To Ditch The Consitution For The Bible

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