Sunday, 15 January 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 15/1/23 France's Legislated Food Welfare, The Murdoch difference, Pell is another example, Cost of Education, Coastal Complaint,



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Spot the Murdoch difference 

Above is only a small part of the evidence against George Pell and any true believer in God and his teachings should acknowledge that Pell has gone to Hell. That raises the question of why do people including Pope Francis continue to support Pell.

Source: God says Cardinal George Pell will go to hell. Unless of course, God’s teachings in the Bible are a lie.Kangaroo Court of Australia

 Chorus against George Pell louder than the media singing his praises

 Its Sunday and not just pass the plate

 Mainstream media in Australia has been high-pitched about how great Catholic figure George Pell was. However, the public chorus against him is much louder.


Council for American Private Education

Getting a degree in Switzerland will save you money

4.5 mill Americans are privately educated. The Swiss are complaining about their fees rising to $750 per semester. Australian private schooling is $45,000 pa. Plus “living costs”

Some recent U.S. figures to consider in relation to Swiss costs although not always in the same category: The cost of private nursery school in New York City has been reported to be at around $40,000. Private schools, non-boarding, are in the $50,000 range, and private universities at $75,000. To calculate: A child starting nursery school at age two would cost 3x$40,000=$120,00; 13x$50,000=$650,000; 4x$75,000=$300,000; a total over one million dollars including a bachelor’s degree for a child’s education

Source: Swiss Scandal: A Canton Tries to Raise University Fees –

Barriers built in the attempt to stop coastal erosion at Loch Sport, Victoria.

The government’s approach to planning for the impact of climate change on the coast is based on a 15-year-old document which has been long superseded.

Coastal communities cry out for state government action as sea levels rise

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