Thursday, 19 January 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL 19/1/23, The Shovel, AUKUS, Jim Molan, The Butcher, It's back a call for Abbott,

 May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Liberal's Senate push for Abbott to return ose tter re Cho A Astro stro Choo Abe A be fut Choos A stron Austra By DENNIS SHANAHAN Michael Kroger is calling for Tony Abbott to return to parliament through the new NSW senate vacancy, saying there is no better candidate to replace Jim Molan.' 

Should anyone be surprised at the direction of the Liberal change?



Troubled waters Junk today isn't just Chinese by any part of the imagination


 "Our first priority is the safety of Joyce’s paycheque"

Qantas provides reassurance after emergency landing, saying Joyce will receive increased bonus 

 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Mark Ogge @MarkOgge Who'd have thought that if we handed control of our entire gas resource to a bunch of global resource giants, they'd evade tax, mercilessly price gouge us for our own resources, then withhold supply when we tried to stop them!?! Not our governments, clearly #auspol'

The policymaking apparatus behind the AUKUS security pact was shoddy from the start. It has raised questions about the extent US power will subordinate Australia further in future conflicts; it has brought into question Australia’s own sovereignty; and it has also raised the spectre of regional nuclear proliferation via the use of otherwise closely guarded propulsion technology.

Source: Nuclear Submarine Doubts: US Lawmakers and AUKUS – » The Australian Independent Media Network

November 2004; Soliders with the Iraqi Special Forces attached with the Marines with 2nd Squad, 3rd Platoon, L Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, A city street in Fallujah heavily damaged by the fighting, November 2004

The late Jim Molan will be remembered for many things. Few will remember him for the widespread violence by Coalition troops under Molan’s command during the brutal assault on Fallujah and other Sunni cities during the illegal occupation of Iraq in late 2004.

Source: The Iraq war, Fallujah and Jim Molan – Pearls and Irritations

A poorly kept secret reveals our ludicrous laws around identifying alleged rapists
"The news broke early on January 11. Twitter was afire with reports that a “very prominent person” was going to appear before the Magistrates Court in Toowoomba, Queensland, that morning charged with two counts of rape in October 2021.
You didn’t have to look too hard to find out who he was, because the court had published his name in its daily court list. However, nobody could lawfully make the link, and the court soon removed his name from the published list — both cauteri…

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