Sunday 30 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 30/7/2023, Peter Dutton, Who is John Howard? Fact or Fiction 2GB Abbott and Ben Fordham = FICTION, Scott Morrison Truth in Humor, Grumpy Geezer, The Real Sinead O'Connor overlooked, News Corp's Greg Sheridan and Fascist Politics, Star Spangled Kangaroo,,

 The Leaders of the LNP set the Standard

Peter Dutton

Peter Dutton will be forced to address corruption allegations next week when parliament resumes because 2 whistleblowers, which includes an acting AFP Commissioner, have shined a light on corruption during Peter Dutton’s time as Home Affairs Minister and the suspect $billions paid to dodgy contractors.

Source: Peter Dutton’s corruption allegations that will almost certainly end his political careerKangaroo Court of Au

A team of prominent historians claim that Australia was desperately unlucky to have come into contact with a John Howard Prime Ministership at such a crucial moment in its history.

“There were any number of other potential eventualities, and I think in hindsight it’s fair to say we got lumped with the shittest one possible,” professor Christopher Samuelson said.

John Howard ‘The Unluckiest Thing To Happen to Australia’, Historians Claim


Ben Fordham assists in promoting FACT or FICTION

In this case Tony Abbott hasn’t changed his spots it’s all FICTION

During a radio interview with 2GB’s Ben Fordham this week, former prime minister Tony Abbott also name-checked the NIAA, citing the “hundreds of people” working for the agency in Canberra as among the reasons a Voice was not needed.

He then claimed that the agency “disburses something like $30 billion a year on various Indigenous programs”.

Mr Abbott’s comments echo similar claims on social media that “dedicated Indigenous bodies” such as the NIAA were collectively “funded to the tune of 30 BILLION PLUS dollars”.

However, in a statement to CheckMate, a spokesman for the NIAA said it “has never administered funding of $30 billion per annum”.

Source: National Times – No, the NIAA doesn’t spend $30b a year on… | Facebook

His shamelessness has survived his ostracism to the opposition backbenches where his unemployability stands out like a hi-vizzed walrus at a choir practice – the guy whose smarm included “if you’re good at a job you’ll get a job“, the guy who initiated the dob-in-a-bludger hotline. This is schadenfreude tied in a big, pink bow.

The denigration from his Tory cohort was shrugged off:

He fucked us and his fingerprints are absolutely fuckin’ everywhere on that. The bloke thinks he is a master strategist. He is a fuckwit.” (Anonymous federal Lib MP).

Everyone wants him to piss off. But people don’t want a by-election,’’ a senior Liberal source told (Julia Banks, ex Lib MP – “menacing controlling wallpaper”).

Catherine Cusack ex Lib MP – “… it’s just all come a bit late for the Liberal party. The party I joined 40 years ago and loved. The party he has ruined.

Concetta Fierravanti-Wells – an autocrat [and] a bully who has no moral compass,He has used his so-called faith as a marketing advantage.”

Gladys Berejiklian – “a complete psycho”.


Source: From national embarrassment to personal humiliation – » The Australian Independent Media Network


Many Mainstream media outlets are overlooking or erasing Sinead - or Shahuda’s — Muslim identity 

 The Other Sinead O'Connor, Pro-Palestinian Critic of Violent Israeli Extremist Ben-Gvir, and Muslim Convert


Victor Orban

 News Corp The Australian's Political Editor Greg Sheridan actively participates in Fascist politics. He doesn’t just report. Imagine if anyone at the ABC was as active as Sheridan the front page news he'd get.

Senior Australian “conservative” figures continue to attend conferences backed by illiberal Hungarian leader Viktor Orban. The Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) hosted its 2023 London Summit in late June, featuring Alexander Downer and Greg Sheridan as two of the five speakers. Australians must focus on connections between our Right and Hungarian fascistic politics.

Source: Greg Sheridan, Australian conservatives flirt with Orban’s fascistic politics – Pearls and Irritations


A U.S. warship has been ushered into service in Sydney. The ship is called the U.S.S. Canberra to honor the military union of the United States and Australia, and, if that’s still too subtle for you, it has a literal star-spangled kangaroo affixed to its side.

Source: Caitlin Johnstone: The Star-Spangled Kangaroo

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