Wednesday 2 August 2023

Fighting Fake News with Real, 2/8/23, Media, The Voice, Retired Judges, Morrison, Dutton, Fact Check,

 May be a doodle of text that says 'Sit! I told you no reading or thinking for yourself!' 

Sponsored by News Corp, Spoken like Rowan Dean for the IPA and LNP

 May be an image of text 

The LNP proved it was Australia's Opposition Party and did it for most of this century. An Opposition to the progress and good management of this country. Now they continue their form of the Nope Nope Nope Party should any sign of progress no matter how small be suggested. However it's certainly a loud  Yep Yep Yep to going backwards.

May be an image of floor plan, blueprint, ticket stub and text

This morning, a group of retired judges have published an open letter in newspapers across the country, in support of a ‘Yes’ vote in the upcoming referendum on the Voice.
They write: "The call for the Voice was made in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which is the product of the widest survey of the views of First Nations peoples ever undertaken and which is a deeply respectful call “from all points of the Southern Sky”. It includes an invitation to all Australians to create a better future. We think that that invitation should be accepted."

 “It’s time to take responsibility. And Jenny is now willing to do that”. 

"I'm Brian Houston"

Jenny to Blame for Robodebt, Morrison Says

May be an image of text that says 'Media Analyst @MediaAnalystOz Dutton today: As Minister for Home Affairs I didn't know what my department was doing Dutton on election day: Here are the secret details of an active boat interception happening right now 9:40 am. 01 Aug 23 1,494 Views' 
“The prime minister (is) out there name-calling people and others suggesting that people are racist because they don’t support the voice. It’s completely and utterly unacceptable,” Mr Dutton told reporters.

 AAP Fact Check

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said in a speech that anyone who votes no in the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum is racist.
False. There's no record of the prime minister ever saying that no voters are racist.

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