Thursday 3 August 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 3/8/2023, The Victims, The Constitution Described, AI v Andrew Bolt, Trump Indicted,

 May be pop art of aircraft and text

 “It’s overwhelming when you realise it’s just you, forty News Corp columnists, the Department of Human Services and the Federal Government, up against the might of Australia’s unemployed”

Victim of Robodebt Scheme Finally Heard

 May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Why isn't NewsCrop or SKY- TV News hounding Peter Dutton to expel Scott Morrison from The Liberal Party because we can rest assured that if it were Labor Politican NewsCorp would be hounding Albanese relentlessly to take action. a MeneTor Fimes Meme The ational' 


Liberal Senator for WA Dean Smith says former PM Scroto Moronson should take personal responsibility over Robodebt and is doing the Liberal Party brand damage by not being accountable.

May be an image of 3 people and text that says 'LNP faithful rally to support the martyrdom of Scott Morrison. 730 8:41 AM Aug 1, 2023 35.2K Views'

Review ordered into offshore detention contracts scandal

 Dutton gets what he asked for- Ablo says YES

Mr Albanese announced the review in Question Time on Monday. It came after Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said he was happy for the National Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the claims, while blasting the whole allegations as “a stunt”.

Source: (1) “A review… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook


The constitution v the Voice

The constitution is a profoundly racist document, an expression of White Australia, of settler history, with the concepts of Australia having been “discovered” by Europeans under the fiction of terra nullius. Implicit in it is “the passing of the Aborigines”.
The one issue on which all parties in the Australian colonies agreed in 1901 was White Australia. The Australian Labor Party was zealous on this. The Australian way of dealing with racism was to deny it existed.
Failure to recognise the suffering and marginalisation of First Nations people was the core of what anthropologist W. E. H. Stanner, in his important Boyer Lectures for the ABC in 1968, called “the great Australian silence”.
Indian soldiers were invited to the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia in Sydney at 10am on January 1, 1901, but no Aboriginal Australians. The omission may not have been deliberate – perhaps it never occurred to the organisers to ask any.
It is egregious cynicism to argue in 2023 that a positive reference to First Nations people would bring a divisive racist element into the constitution.

The constitution v the Voice

Source: “The… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

AI and Andrew Bolt. Murdoch would have to sack AI in order to maintain his quid pro quo contract with the IPA and LNP

So there we have it. AI could take the place of Andrew Bolt tomorrow but it would probably be sacked due to its ability to consider a counter argument.

Source: Of Course You Already Know What I’m Going To Write But I Have A Surprise Or Two Yet… – » The Australian Independent Media Network


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