Friday 4 August 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL,4/8/2023, Read the Effen Constitution, The ABC, Australia that American State, Essential Poll, ATO, Trump's Official Statement,

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Trumping Australia

The constitution v the Voice

The constitution is a profoundly racist document, an expression of White Australia, of settler history, with the concepts of Australia having been “discovered” by Europeans under the fiction of terra nullius. Implicit in it is “the passing of the Aborigines”.
The one issue on which all parties in the Australian colonies agreed in 1901 was White Australia. The Australian Labor Party was zealous on this. The Australian way of dealing with racism was to deny it existed.
Failure to recognize the suffering and marginalization of First Nations people was the core of what anthropologist W. E. H. Stanner, in his important Boyer Lectures for the ABC in 1968, called “the great Australian silence”.
Indian soldiers were invited to the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia in Sydney at 10am on January 1, 1901, but no Aboriginal Australians. The omission may not have been deliberate – perhaps it never occurred to the organisers to ask any.
It is egregious cynicism to argue in 2023 that a positive reference to First Nations people would bring a divisive racist element into the constitution.

The constitution v the Voice

Source: “The… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook


The current hate-filled campaign by Far-Right conservative forces to derail the Voice Referendum is a shameful attempt to create division in order to ensure First Nations Australians remain voiceless.

Source: How the ABC platforming Sheridan & the IPA is derailing The Voice & subverting democracy

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A Client State ( Mary Kostakidis on Twitter)
Our leadership has handed over stewardship of Australia to a war machine. The US now decides how our budget is to be spent, what we will manufacture and what equipment we will purchase and in whose interests Australian lives and Australian national security will be risked.
We are to become a financial sponsor of the American hegemony’s forever wars and producer of weapons that will be aimed at our own destruction - we are to be used much like Ukraine and Europe.
The cherry on top was to be lectured, on Australian soil, of the primacy of US interests over the wishes of Australians to save the life of an Australian citizen. While no one has been punished for the lies and crimes, evidently he has not been punished enough for publishing the truth.
Can you think of anything that matters to our leadership more than ensuring nothing stands in the way of their being walked all over? Among other things, they are a disgraceful example for Australia’s children - whose safety should be at the fore of their minds. That, would be national security.
Why is Australia so intimidated by the American war hawks.
 May be an image of 5 people and text that says 'Van Badham @vanbadham "The Greens-demanded rent freeze is unconstitutional as per the Constitution's Section 51 Even in the remote scenario where Greens won government they themselves would be unable to legislate it. So why advocate for it? Because they take voters for mugs." VELOPEN Tmer් actori'May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'BF CT Labor's Tony Û and Australian Industry Innes Willox, who warns higher wages with no productivity trade-offs 'will only increase all our pain' Photograph: Mick Tsikas/AAP'
Change workplace laws to better protect workers from wage theft (70%).
Increase the minimum wage (65%).
Change workplace laws to close labour hire loopholes that allow employers to keep wages low through outsourcing (56%).
However, support was lower for regulating the gig economy (51%) and changing workplace laws to “enable unions to negotiate higher wages” (47%).
Some 30% of respondents said unions had “too much power”, while 38% said they had “about the right amount”, 19% “not enough power” and 13% were unsure.
But respondents were much more wary of big business, with 59% saying they had “too much power”, 27% “about the right amount”, 6% not enough and 8% unsure.
Asked if people “working in the same role, doing the same job as a co-worker … should expect to be paid the same wage, regardless of if you are a full-time employee or a labour hire worker”, 26% agreed strongly, with a further 29% agreeing.
Just 14% somewhat disagreed and 8% strongly disagreed with the statement, which is a core component of Labor’s loopholes bill to be introduced in the second half of the year. About a quarter (24%) neither agreed nor disagreed.

Essential Poll


ATO-PwC arrangement confirms special deals must be dragged into daylight

Under Tony Abbott some 3000+ ATO tax experts were given the sack many of who went on to be employed by the big four along with many other corporations prepared to pay for their skills and knowledge in tax evasion.
An ATO  arrangement to collect back taxes allowed the biggest corporations in the country to self-declare the terms of their own settlement arrangements as the Department had lost it’s most skilled investigators. This LNP sanctioned arrangement exceptional arrangement was and has never been available to all Australians . Why was that privileged arrangement allowed by the LNP one might well ask?
He revealed that the Australian Tax Office (ATO) reached a settlement with PwC in March — long after the firm’s involvement in the tax leak scandal was publicly known — over PwC’s false claims of legal professional privilege that gave the big rour firm a 50% discount on applicable penalties. As part of the deal with the ATO, PwC didn’t have to admit any liability.

ATO-PwC arrangement confirms special deals must be dragged into daylight

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