Sunday 3 September 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 3/9/23, Cash and Mundine, Jason Clare Knows, The SHOT, YES!!, Another Truth, When EGO is DIRTY WORD, Sady the Cleaning Lady,


Ain't that the truth

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 Before we begin I’d like to acknowledge how painfully Australian it is that the Prime Minister announced the date of the referendum – ostensibly about whether we should listen to Indigenous people – almost immediately after photo-oping in a personalised Rio Tinto shirt, a mining company that was recently urged not to blow up a 46,000-year-old Indigenous heritage site but did so anyway because this is Australia and we don’t listen to Indigenous people.

Source: The ‘No’ campaign’s argument isn’t based on fear – it IS fear – The Shot

May be an illustration of text that says 'DON'T CLOSE THEDOOR THE DYSON'

The federal legislative and administrative history regarding the treatment of First Nations in Australia has still been unsatisfactory since 1967. That is why we have an average life expectancy for non-First Nations exceeding the life expectancy of First Nations in the case of males by 8.6 years and females by 7.8 years. #TheVoice is a positive step forward to cure the CC and socioeconomic disadvantages First Nations face. A legislative voice alone can be easily torn down by the vicissitudes of either opportunistic or knee jerk politics. The former Howard Government Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone has admitted it was a mistake to have abolished the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (‘ATSIC’) in its entirety (source The Australian). Notwithstanding any internal administrative problems with ATSIC, it was delivering regional solutions for First Nations disadvantage. The tearing down of ATSIC sufficiently illustrates the inadequacy of there being only a legislative voice.

When I read the data about life expectancy alone, I know there is a federal legislative and administrative problem

#TheVoice is a positive step forward for Australia, and #TheVoice unifies us a nation. #TheVoice is a small step for non-First Nations Australians, but it is a major step for the hearts of First Nations.

8.6. That is why I am voting #Yes.


Source: Why I am voting ‘Yes’ – » The Australian Independent Media Network


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Here's another Grifter crying for attention


Trump: Letitia James Is Defaming Me. I'm Worth Billions. I Swear!

Trump tries to make out he has billions squirreled away at the expense of America

Former President Donald Trump unleashed a rant on Truth Social after New York Attorney General Letitia James revealed that the one-term clown fraudulently overvalued his assets. Further, Trump and some people working for him (allegedly!) fraudulently inflated his net worth by $812 million to $2.2 billion yearly since 2011.

Source: Trump: Letitia James Is Defaming Me. I’m Worth Billions. I Swear! | Crooks and Liars

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